
800 Words
Justin POV Jolted awake by the sudden presence of two guards, I groggily muttered, "This better be important." The weight of my responsibilities as the new pack Alpha had left me exhausted from the daily demands thrust upon me. "We discovered a rogue she-wolf, in a terrible state, just outside our territory," my guards blurted out. The news hit me like a disturbing shockwave, as rogues rarely dared to venture into our domain. Dealing with this was the last thing I wanted to handle at this moment. The constant pressures of managing pack affairs had already taken a toll on me, leaving no time to deal with a rogue she-wolf. Reluctantly, I rose from my bed and informed my guards that I would meet them at the doctor's quarters. Swiftly, I burst through the entrance of the doctor's office, greeted by the symphony of beeping machines. Suddenly, the scent of Amber, overwhelmed me, sending my senses into a frenzy. With a steady gaze, I observed the girl lying in the bed, causing my heart to skip a beat. Startled by a cough, I snapped out of my daze as the doctor entered the room. Immediately, I demanded a clear and concise account of what had transpired. It became apparent that Amber had ingested poison and was on the brink of death when she was found. The gravity of the situation left me speechless. The last time I saw Amber was the day before her fifteenth birthday, and since then, she had vanished from my life. My wolf, once so connected to me, fell silent when she went missing, and I had never been the same. The doctor briefed me on the situation. They had successfully flushed the poison from her system, giving hope for her recovery. However, they also discovered an unknown ailment that was causing her health to deteriorate. My heart ached as I witnessed her suffering. The love I had for Amber had blossomed since our childhood, and throughout the years, it had never waned. I remained mateless, always believing that she could be the one. Now, I am determined to do everything I can to keep her safe. I won’t let anything come between us. I was going to save Amber. Amber’s eyes blinked open, the bright fluorescent lights of the hospital room reflecting in her hazel orbs. However, chaos erupted as machines beeped and the doctor urgently rushed to her side, his footsteps echoing loudly in the sterile room. She was having a seizure. Amber’s eyes suddenly flew open, momentarily shimmering with a silver hue, before reverting back to their captivating hazel shade. The color faded within a minute, replaced by the harsh silver once more. It was as if she was battling for control, but I could not sense her wolf. This was something else. With caution, I proceeded to walk towards her side and gently took hold of her small hand with mine. When her fingers touched mine, I experienced a warm and welcoming sensation caused by a foreign current of sparks. Amber calmed instantly, and the eerie and possessed look in her eyes gradually transformed back to their normal color, returning to their usual state before she eventually fell unconscious again. Amber’s delicate heart pulsed beneath my touch, its rhythm vibrating through my fingertips. Her shallow breaths hinted at vulnerability, the sound of each inhale and exhale filling the room. The doctor coughed once again, the sound breaking the tense silence. “Alpha, your touch will provide this wolf with some strength. If you want her to survive, I suggest you stay by her side. Skin-on-skin contact was one of the best healing methods for a wolf. It was strongest when mates, but an alpha’s touch would help heal her faster,” he suggested. I excused the doctor from the room, took his advice, and proceeded to remove my shirt before settling down to sleep next to Amber. With her dressed only in her undergarments, I pulled her close to me. The touch of our skin created an intense flame that burned within me, the heat radiating between us. Arty purred, “I think she is mine,” he claimed, his voice a low rumble in the quiet room. Amber’s body found immediate solace against mine, her warmth seeping into my skin. As time went by, her heart and breathing settled into a calm rhythm, the steady beat and gentle rise and fall soothing to my senses. Gradually, a sense of drowsiness overcame me, the weight of exhaustion pulling me towards sleep. In no time at all, I found myself falling into a deep slumber, with her held tightly in my arms. The scent of antiseptic and the soft sound of beeping machines faded away, replaced by the comfort and scent of Amber.
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