
835 Words
Justin POV Gradually, I awoke, my senses tingling as I felt a gentle movement in my arms. As my eyes slowly opened, I was greeted by the warm embrace of the morning sun, casting its golden rays into the room. Amber, still peacefully asleep, stirred softly in my arms. It was astonishing to witness the transformation she had undergone. I marveled at the sight of my long-lost friend; her chestnut locks cascaded in beautiful waves, and though her once frail frame remained slender, her figure now boasted a perfectly proportioned bosom. She was truly a vision of beauty. With cautious steps, I eased myself out of the bed, determined to find the doctor and fetch a cup of invigorating coffee. However, just as I approached the door, a faint voice called out my name, causing me to halt in my tracks. Slowly, I turned back to face Amber, returning to her side. Tenderly, I clasped her delicate hand in mine, gazing deeply into her eyes. “You’re home, Amber,” I whispered gently, my voice filled with reassurance. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you again.” Amber’s eyes welled up with tears as she withdrew her hand, leaving me perplexed. My heart ached for her, longing to understand her inner turmoil. Suddenly, she opened her eyes once more, her voice trembling as she spoke. “I should have died,” she murmured softly. “I need to die. Please, let me go. It has to be this way, Justin.” I had no time to respond, for in an instant, her eyes flickered with a haunting silver hue, and she fell back into unconsciousness. Just then, Erik, my best friend and Beta, entered the room. He had discovered the camp where Amber had taken refuge outside the pack’s borders and was taken aback to find her lying in the bed. His expression conveyed a mix of confusion and concern. As Amber thrashed about in the bed, I acted on pure instinct, swiftly climbing back into the bed and cradling her fragile form in my arms. I commanded Erik to fetch the doctor, knowing time was of the essence. Amber fought desperately to regain control, her struggles evident. Without hesitation, my lips met hers, pouring all of my energy into a deep, restorative kiss. Her lips felt velvety soft against mine. In my mind, Arty, my wolf, purred with contentment, merging his thoughts with mine. Amber’s eyes continued to flash, and the scent of a spring meadow and honeysuckle wafted through my senses. “Mate,” my wolf roared triumphantly. He fought for dominance, eager to explore every inch of our newfound connection and claim my mate. Yet, I battled fiercely to maintain control, determined to navigate this uncharted path with caution. Within me, an unfamiliar presence emerged, its dark tendrils coiling and struggling to claim my mate. The air grew heavy with tension, a palpable wrongness that hung in the room. I did not want to force anything upon her, but the need, the hunger, was overpowering. It consumed me, gnawing at my insides. Amber’s eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting mine, and I held her in place, my grip firm yet trembling with desperation. Control slipped through my fingers like sand, leaving me raw and vulnerable. Gently, I tilted her head back, my fingertips brushing against the soft strands of her hair, exposing the vulnerable curve of her neck. The scent of her skin, a delicate blend of warmth and innocence, filled my nostrils, heightening my senses. My mouth opened, revealing sharp canines that elongated with a menacing grace. Fear flickered in Amber’s eyes, her voice barely a whisper as she pleaded, “Please stop.” But I was beyond stopping, too far gone in this primal need. With a mix of guilt and anticipation, I sank my teeth into her tender flesh, branding her as mine. Amber’s body trembled beneath me, her once vibrant spirit now reduced to a mere shell. As I finally gained control over my frenzied impulses, Erik entered the room, his presence a grounding force. I marked Amber, claiming her in a moment of selfish desire, and in that very act, I despised myself. Leaning over her slumbering form, I noticed small droplets of crimson staining her delicate neck. A pang of pain resonated within my chest, a physical manifestation of the guilt and regret that consumed me. I could feel her emotions, her fear of me, her overwhelming loneliness. It overwhelmed me, collapsing my willpower like a crumbling dam. Desperately, I grabbed my chest, feeling the weight of my actions bearing down upon me. Erik’s voice broke through my turmoil, his words a stern command. “Alpha, leave. Go clean yourself and find solace. I will stay by Amber’s side until the doctor arrives.” He was right. I couldn’t face my mate, not in this state. Nodding in agreement, I turned and left, my heart heavy with the knowledge of what I had done.
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