Slowly fading

1124 Words
Amber’s POV As my body continued to weaken, each breath became increasingly difficult. The realization of my impending demise settled within me, and strangely, a sense of peace washed over me. The horizon seemed to hold tranquility and acceptance, as if it were welcoming me with open arms. As I surrendered to the darkness, a gentle calmness washed over me, soothing my racing heart. I could feel the weight of the world slipping away, replaced by a sense of serenity that enveloped my entire being. It was as if a soft, ethereal blanket had wrapped itself around me, shielding me from any worries or fears. In the depths of that darkness, my mind began to replay fragments of my past, like fragments of a forgotten dream. And amidst the void, a vivid image materialized - a snapshot of pure joy and contentment. It was a memory that radiated with warmth and laughter, an encapsulation of a moment where everything felt right. I watched as the scene unfolded before me, each detail crystal clear. The sun's golden rays painted the landscape with a soft glow, casting a warm embrace upon my face. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, their vibrant colors dancing in the gentle breeze. Laughter echoed in the distance, mingling with the melodious chirping of birds. I felt myself being transported back to that moment, reliving the joy and happiness that permeated the air. It was a moment of pure bliss, where worries were forgotten, and the weight of the world felt nonexistent. The warmth of that memory seeped into every fiber of my being, filling me with a sense of comfort and solace. "Thank you, Moon Goddess,” I whispered as I watched the scene peacefully play out in my mind. I imagined myself running in a field filled with colorful flowers. The soft and soothing breeze effortlessly moved my hair, creating a sense of tranquility. It was the day right before my 15th birthday. I would soon meet my wolf. I hid behind a log in the field, giggling as I heard my best friend Justin calling my name. “Amber,” his sweet, low voice called out. I had such a massive crush on Justin; he was the alpha’s son and four years older than me. Despite being a weaker pack member, Justin and his friend Erik always supported me. Erik wasn’t my favorite. Despite his creepy stares, I tolerated him for Justin’s sake. “Amber,” I heard Justin call my name again, now very close to my location. I couldn’t hide my excitement and laughed, giving my hiding spot away. Justin came up behind me, causing me to squeak and then giggle before tickling me to the ground. I was out of breath from laughing so hard. A huge smile adorned my face. Justin fell to the ground beside me, showing off his handsome smile. Boy, did he smell good! Tomorrow, I secretly hoped I would recognize Justin as my mate. Despite being just a day away from 15, I was in love with him. Erik stood a distance away, laughing at the scene unfolding. Justin grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes with a loving expression. “I can’t wait to meet your wolf tomorrow Amber,” he stated. Justin then leaned in closer, whispering in my ear, “I’ll love you even if we aren’t mates. “ I was shocked, but my heart was full of fluttering butterflies. Justin helped me to my feet so we could head back to the pack house; I had to prepare for my shifting ceremony tomorrow. The memory vanished, only to be replaced by the next day, the most dreadful day of my existence. My mom was fretting over my hair as I already felt my wolf coming forward. I was nervous and excited to meet her. In a few hours, the pack would all shift with me, and I might smell my mate. My mother sniffed me after helping me in a beautiful golden dress. I looked at my mom, only to be greeted with a weird expression. “ What’s wrong? “ I asked in confusion, but she simply replied, “nothing,” as she left the room fast. A few moments later, I could hear her fighting with my father. I could not make out the words. I just knew something was wrong. The doorbell soon rang as I listened to my parents rushing to the door. I exited my room as well to see who it was. Alpha Jacob, Justin’s father, stood at the door. The Alpha desired to come and wish me an early birthday, while also informing me about the commencement of the shifting ceremony in a few hours. Upon the Alpha’s request to see me, my mother swiftly declared that I was not yet ready. But it was too late since I was almost at the door. “Amber,” the Alpha cheerfully greeted me “ Happy Birth....” he said and then cut off as he held his nose in the air and sniffed in my direction. The Alpha suddenly closed the distance with a few quick steps and was down to sniff my neck. “Something is not right about Amber’s wolf,” the Alpha finally stated in a tone full of authority. “I would like her to be seen by the pack doctor immediately before her shifting ceremony.” My mother and father both bowed their heads, accepting the Alpha’s orders as he left. “Mom, Dad, what’s going on I asked nervously” my mom whispered, “go out the back door, get in the car, and don’t say a word.” I did not know what was going on, but I obeyed. I waited several minutes and my parents soon entered the car with a few bags. Without saying a word, my father started the car and drove. My father drove for hours, leaving the pack territory. I did not know what was going on. “Mom, my ceremony,” I cried, realizing we were now late. My mother looked at me with red eyes. “Honey, your father and I will explain soon. We will never return to the pack and are now rogue. I promise, this is all to protect you.” I sat in the car, stunned, as tears streamed down my face. The memory faded again; darkness once again consumed me. I could hear my heart very faint and slowing by the minute. I suddenly experienced a new sensation, as if I were being lifted off the ground. I then heard voices. “NO... leave me,” I panicked. Someone was trying to save me. I CAN’T LIVE.
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