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Krishun's wolf vision kicks in the moment they enter the small dark square room at the end of the tunnel, thanks to his wolf who is eager to see his mate. They are met with the damp air that surrounds this little room that never sees the light of day. A place were they usually lock up their worst enemies, those that they have no intentions of ever letting go. His eyes fall on the figure that is lying motionless on the floor and he clenches his teeth. How could this weak woman be his mate? He gives a pointed look towards the moon goddess. Even for a witch, she is pathetic. She couldn't even try to defend herself during the attack. He is sure if it weren't for his wolf she would have ended up dead. He looks at her face and he sees fresh bruises on her and his amethyst eyes turn it's darkest shade. His wolf is raging and clawing at him wanting to come out. He can't blame his wolf though because even he is furious and burning with rage making him grab the nearest wolf next to him and he lets out his massive deep growl. "You touched her?" His heavy aura is coming off in waves and all his men are getting chocked up but he doesn't care. No one was supposed to lay a single hand on his mate and seeing blood on her speaks otherwise. "How dare you!" His deep growls follow his menacing tone. "Damn it Krishun, cool down. You are going to kill us all." His beta's voice forces him to look around and he finds everyone down on their knees with their hands on their throats. They are chocking and the sight of all the men surrounding him at the brink of death forces him to take a deep breath and relax. He throws the wolf he grabbed earlier down and opts for the wall instead. The entire walls for the cell shakes when his massive fist lands on them and he curses loudly. Before her, he was usually in better control of his temper but now that she is here he is like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode any moment. Damn his mate bond for making him this unreasonable alpha all of the sudden. He turns back to the cell and his eyes focus on the girl again. She is out cold and his heart aches but this needs to be done. He can not just be thinking about himself now, he needs to think about his people something he failed when he called the attack off. His wolf is annoyed with him too for what he is about to do but he needs to be sure that she is truly his mate. With their power to control nature, he wouldn't put it past that wretched coven to play such a cruel joke on him. So mate or not he needs to do this. "Get me Dylan." He demands and a few wolves quickly walk out without being told twice. No doubt they are escaping his presence too. "Wait, wait, wait! Krishun?" There is panic in his betas voice and he knows why. He never calls for Dylan just for anything or anyone. His name only comes up when the situation is serious and by serious he means a serious threat to his pack. "What is going on here?" A demanding voice makes him turn to his beta. Caesar is the only person he can allow to question him like this. As his beta, he is not only his second in command but his very good friend too. They grew up together and thanks to him he was finally able to fill up his father's alpha shoes that he despised growing up. While everyone was doting on him and admiring him for being the alpha's son all he wanted was to be a regular normal person. And being the only heir made him hate his position even more because his father made sure he was watched every second of everyday giving him no chance to breathe. That kind of pressure also came with his father's impatience for him to shift so that he could find his mate just so he could ensure his bloodline would not end with his death. But Caesar was different from him. Back then he took his position as his beta very serious even before he shifted. The young version of him was only to happy to serve the pack even before his turn to be beta came. In the end it was Caesar's persuasion and dedication to his own duties that made even Krishun to rethink his position. And now it's a wonder their temperaments have flipped between them now that they are older with Krishun being the more serious of the two. Caesar makes a perfect beta because he is the complete opposite of himself and every time he is being unreasonable Caesar is there to get him back to his senses. But right now he is in no mood for Caesar being Caesar. "Firstly what was that?" Caesar sounds upset and with good reason. "What was what?" Krishun answers feigning innocence. "Don't answer me with another question damn it." Caesar's growl almost matches his own. "Why did you call off the attack that took us years to plan? We were this close, this close to winning and being rid of that wretched coven. But! What did you just do?" His beta is furious and he just looks on "And instead of addressing the pack you took off to God knows where and why is there a damn witch within our borders?" Krishun's chest rumbles and his eyes glow with murderous intent when Caesar disrespects his mate and future Luna. "Watch your tone!" He takes menacing steps towards his beta ready to bite his head off if need be. "Since when did you defend a wretched witch from your own?" Caesar stands up to him defiantly making Krishun snap and he lets out a ferocious growl. "That wretched witch is my mate and your future luna. I will not have you insult her." Krishun is beyond being upset. On any other day Caesar's comment would not have ticked him in any way. It's no secret in his pack that he hates witches with a passion but this girl is not just his despised enemy anymore. She is the future of his entire pack. Caesar's eyes widen before his heavy punch lands on Krishun. "And you want her to go through Dylan? Are you mad?" Caesar is exasperated and looks like he wants to bite Krishun's head off this time. "I need to be sure." He turns away from his beta with teeth clenched but Caesar pulls him back. "I didn't know you were stupid too. What are you going to do? Torture the fake bond out of her?" "If that is what it takes." He goes round his friend and sits on the only chair in the cell. "Assign her to me then." Caesar begs him. "No!" His voice is stern as he turns his beta's suggestion down. Caesar may be good but he can't let him do what he wants Dylan to do right now. Hell there is a reason Dylan exists in his pack. "Don't do this.." Ceasar is now begging him and he clenches his teeth. "I have to, I need to." He rubs his hair as frustration builds up within him. He hates having someone asking him to rethink his decision. "I know you need to but even then, you can't risk it Krishun. We can't risk her resenting you, you know that." "It doesn't matter." He walks towards the cell and looks at the figure that is still lying motionless on the floor. His wolf still wants out but he has locked it in and keeping it from taking over. He has made his decision and he is going to risk her resenting him for the sake of his pack because this is his last shot and nothing not even his own heart or wolf is going to stop him. "Well it does to me." "What are you going to do, stop me?" He smirks at Caesar knowing very well that Ceasar's hands are tied when it comes to challenging his alpha. "No, I know I can't but I bet the pack and one special person can." "Don't you d...." A loud chorus sounds in his head before he can even finish his sentence and he glares at Ceasar who just grins at him. 
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