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"She's a witch!...A witch!...A little pathetic witch!" "How.did.I.get.a.witch.for.a.mate?!" Krishun let's out a very ferocious growl towards the heavens. His amethyst eyes are glowing so dangerously and he feels like he can burn holes in the moon goddess right from where he is standing. He has come deep into the forest just to have enough distance between him and his pack. Otherwise they would not be able to withstand his aura that is pulsating with his raw emotions. "Tell me...explain that to me!" He lunges for another tree ripping it apart and its pieces fall on either side of him. He is not even in his wolf form but the strength he is giving off is so massive the entire forest will be bare by the time he is done. He has even stopped counting how many trees he has brought down just to get rid of some of the rage and tension he is feeling. He clenches his fists so hard he digs his nails into his flesh and waves them towards the heavens as if he was showcasing the red liquid oozing out of them. 500 years! 500 long years that I have waited to give my people a chance. I have fought and laboured, protected and sacrificed for my people and for what?" "Six dead mates and my worst enemy to taint my blood line? ..My blood line!" His chest is heaving as he spews venom from his mouth. He feels like all his life has just been one huge joke. And the dead silence of an answer he is getting frustrates him even more. Another massive growl escapes him and with it he lets out all the emotions and breaks out in a sprint. He runs as fast as he can dodging everything in his way at an incredible speed. But as much as he does that he can't shake his reality and neither can he change it. That realisation makes him slow down as he comes to a clearing that leads to the only waterfall in his territory. It's one of his favourite places where he would spend unlimited amounts of time just thinking when he needed to. That is exactly what he needs now, some clear uninterrupted deep thinking before he gets back to his pack that he is sure will be waiting for answers. When he gets to the falls he walks to his favourite spot and sits down. The moment he does that and is about to relax, his mind link starts getting urgent messages and the loudest coming from his beta. Its like one call with different voices coming from all directions. They all want to know where he is, what happened, what's next and more importantly why they carried off a girl as prisoner when they were not meant to leave anyone alive. He sighs loudly before he decides to shut it off even though he knows that action will eventually give him a headache. These are some of the things his luna is supposed to help him with. He has carried this burden alone for too long and as much as he wants to be strong it's weighing heavily on him with each passing day. The sound of water falling from the falls helps him block out some of the tension he is being subjected to in his mind link as everyone keeps fighting to get through to him. With it shut down he just remains with a feeling of uneasiness that he is sure everyone of his wolf is feeling. This is one of the downside of being alpha to the Nightsky pack, the mind link is not the only connection he has with his pack. Because they are linked by blood he gets to feel some of the general emotions of his pack members so he would know if the pack is doing well or not. It's something he hasn't been able to learn to shut off or he never really wanted to learn. He always worried that if he ever shut it off and he ended up losing a pack member because of it he would never forgive himself. It's his burden to bear which he sometimes is glad to. Especially when his entire pack is strong and happy, it's when he feels the strongest. But in times like these he feels like a failure. Ever since he called off the attack his whole army of warriors have been restless. They didn't understand why he made that decision and to some extent neither did he. Everything was falling into place until she happened. That is one thing he didn't expect at all. To finally find his mate in the worst of places. He jumps into the water at the thought of her. He is still not ready to face that reality even though his wolf is on cloud nine. For the first time in his life he and his wolf are not on the same page. At the moment they are like different sides of the same coin. While he wants to stay so far away from her, his wolf prefers remaining at her side. Even back at the spring coven he barely held on to his control when his wolf wanted out the moment he turned to walk away from her. It was a bitter sweet moment for him too. If she wasn't his last chance mate he would have rejected her on the spot. His wolf stirs in his head when the word rejection comes up. "Down boy! On that one even I agree with you." He feels his wolf calm down after those thoughts making him relax too. When he comes back up for air he realizes once again that he can't run away from her either. Because even if she is his worst enemy he can't deny that she is the most beautiful creature he has ever seen and might possibly be the only chance his pack has. And not that he is comparing but she is truly the most beautiful of all his mates. Even when she was covered in all that blood her beauty was still shining like the sun and blinded him for a moment. The moon goddess has surely outdone herself on this one except her being a witch is a major flaw he can't stand. He is not even sure time will ever change his mind over that one little detail. Hopefully he will figure out what the moon goddess is playing at because as far as he can tell no part of her is a wolf. Or maybe it's a mistake on her part which he highly doubts because she of all people should know the relationship between his pack and the spring coven. He closes his eyes trying to block out thoughts of her that are reminding him of his failure, but her strikingly beautiful warm golden eyes stare right back at him piercing him to his very soul making him weak and his wolf takes the chance to take over but he quickly regains his control. Ever since he found her he has made sure to keep his wolf on a leash knowing very well that any single mistake of letting it have control will land himself right in her arms which he doesn't want to happen, at least not just yet. There are things to do before any of that happens. Which reminds him. ....It's time he paid his little witch a visit...
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