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The moment they leave, Verena takes a deep breath and relaxes as much as her battered body can allow her. She can still taste her own blood that she drew from her lips when she bit down on them too hard. It's the only way she could keep in what was clawing at her insides wanting to be let loose the moment he walked in. Her knight in not so shining armour. The hate that was in his eyes the first time they met surfaces and she feels her heart ache.  She knows him as Krishun now from their earlier exchanges in the tiny cell, even though she couldn't hear their entire conversation. He sort of is their leader or alpha as he was being called. She had been exhausted from the uncomfortable journey to this place and being locked up in the small tiny room just made her body aches worse, but when he walked in she felt more alive than she had ever been in her entire life. It took everything in her to keep her eyes stuck on the damp ground, when what she really wanted was to gaze into his amethyst eyes one more time. And when his aura radiated in waves she found herself with the strongest desire to just get up and run into his arms. It was the most natural thing to her and it scared her out of her mind. So she shut her eyes tightly and pretended to be asleep or more like half dead. With the latter sounding closer to the description of how she was actually feeling. She didn't understand what was going on then and what is going on now. She is actually beginning to think she may be insane or something. Because how can she want to be with someone who has done nothing but hurt her. She may not know exactly what happened back at her coven, but with him being their leader he should be held responsible somehow. And not only that, he has gone on and kept her prisoner in the worst place he could find. How can she want to run to the person who most likely took her beloved mother away from her and changed her life completely?  At that, thoughts of her mother immediately flood her soul and the reality that she would never see her again hits her like a tidal wave. That familiar lump in her throat is quick to form making her choke up on her sobs that leave her mouth freely. "Mom." She croaks out trying to call out to her mother. To the only love she ever knew. Even the cold floor and damp surrounding doesn't register in her mind as she lets out the anguish that is buried deep within her soul. The fact that she didn't even get to say goodbye is making her pain so unbearable. Her mother not getting a proper burial feels like she will never get her closure.  She takes in a deep breath as she tries to get up but she winces in pain. Besides all the body aches, her bite on her shoulder is still burning. She holds on to it, once again hating the fact that her coven kept her from learning even the simplest of spells. If she had known any, it would have taken her barely a few simple words to heal or just numb the pain. All she can hope for now is that it doesn't get infected or she be let out so that she can collect some herbs for it. While the coven kept her from learning real magic she thanked mother nature for helping her discover it's secrets. For helping her learn many concoctions that worked in healing her ailments.  She decides to let go of her aching shoulder, knowing dwelling on things she can't change does nothing for her. For a long time in her life she has learnt to just bear the pain and move on. Many would call her a coward but she knows that it's where her strength lies. In being able to withstand her troubles no matter how grave, just like now.  She is in mourning, cold, hurt, angry and hungry but she won't let her suffering show. Even with a shattered soul she would rather put up a brave front than have people that she doesn't even know feel sorry for her. She however looks up and tries to search for the one her mother told her always watched over them. Only she is met with a dark roof that reminds her of her situation and she gives up searching. After all, if the moon goddess was really watching over her none of the things happening to her should have been able to happen. Her eyes instead drop to the piece of clothing that's barely covering her. What used to be a beautiful dress is now in tatters and barely protecting her from the cold and damp floor. The familiar sting in her eyes causes a warm liquid to stream down her cheeks. She is not one to cry but her situation has left her with no choice. She really is being treated like an enemy, even though up to now she doesn't know why. Maybe her crime is belonging to a people that never even wanted her in the first place. The biting sensation in her stomach also hasn't stopped reminding her that she has had nothing to eat in so long. She wonders if her captors would even bother throwing anything her way.  The place is dead silent and dark. Not even the familiar screech of mice can be heard. It's as if she is the only living thing for miles. She would not be surprised if she were forgotten or left here to die. Her own people did it to her and she doesn't expect any less from those that consider her their enemy.  "Hello.."  She tries to call out and the lack of any sound coming from her mouth has her clearing her throat. "Hello.." She calls out again and this time a tiny squeak escapes her mouth and quickly disappears just within the tiny cell's walls. The place goes dead silent again and she gives up on trying to get someone to hear her. Clearly she has no strength left in her. She would have loved to get up and stand too but she knows, after all the hours she has spent lying down her legs must be stiff by now.  She tries to look around but the darkness is too thick and no matter how much she squints her eyes, she can't form anything. The place is completely dark like it were kept away from anything living. She wonders where she is exactly. How far it is from her former home and whether she would ever get out. Just then a shuffling on her side catches her attention. Someone is here. She was too lost in her thoughts she didn't even realize someone had entered the cell. Fear grips her heart and she quickly grabs hold of her dress or what has remained of it. "P...please don't hurt me." She finds herself saying. She is not one to beg in such situations. Not that she doesn't  want to, but at her coven she knew no one would listen to her pleas but would just enjoy the sound of fear coming from her. But this is a foreign territory and maybe she is hoping to find someone with a heart. Even though it's very unlikely, looking at the type of creatures that killed her people mercilessly.  Her heart suddenly begins hammering in her chest when she thinks that person might really be here to hurt her. She figures no one would ever even know seeing that this place is nowhere near anything. "Please.." She begs when whoever is there still keeps quiet. She can however tell someone is definitely there. "Am not here to hurt you." A voice calls out to her finally and she pulls back against the wall in fear when she faces the reality of someone really being there. It's still too dark for her to see anything and her senses can't seem to pick where the stranger is actually standing. She can't tell if he is being truthful or not either. "Please Luna, you need to relax." The person begs her and she is confused for a moment. And why are they calling her luna? Did they just give her a new name? She wonders if it's one of those territories where they branded their slaves and erased their pasts.  "Please you have to calm down. I swear I won't hurt you. Here…" Their footsteps sound in the darkness and she presses herself into the wall wishing she could disappear into it. "I just thought you needed something to eat." At the mention of food her ears perk up and she seems to forget her perceived danger. And it smells good too. After inhaling nothing but the damp air in this place, the smell of food is bliss. She relaxes a little, choosing to trust the stranger blindly. "Uh...thank you." She's surprised that someone did think of her in the end and she is truly grateful. "You are welcome luna." The stranger replies and they sound like they are already leaving. "Wait...Why do you call me luna?" Her curiosity makes her forget about her food for a moment. She's surprised that not only did this person bring her food but they also sound gentle in the way they are talking to her which is very confusing. And since she can't see their face, she had to ask. "Please...just enjoy the food." The clicking of a lock is the only indication she has that the person has left, leaving her wondering what has changed from the time she was dragged in here and now.
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