Chapter 1

712 Words
Pov Matthew "Wake up or we are going to be late " "I'm coming I'm coming jee relax will you " I hop off my bed and enter my bathroom to take a quick shower. After a while, I exit the shower and made my way to the closet I grab a pair of black jeans and a white plain t-shirt. I take a moment to stare at my reflection in the mirror, my green eyes staring right back at me, my short curly jet black hair splatter in all directions, I use my hand to fix it a little. My muscles are protruding over my t-shirt showing just how much I work out. If I may say so myself I do consider myself to be a handsome man. After all, every girl and quite a few guys can't stop themselves from drooling when they are in my presence, now as tempting as this may sound, sometimes it may become very tedious and annoying. "Move it pretty boy I don't want to be late for my first day of school as a senior". My sister announced pulling me out of my thoughts. I took one last glance at myself in the mirror and head straight towards my car where my enthusiastic sister was already waiting for me. My sister, Sabrina, was very much like me, with curly jet black hair that reaches almost to her hips, green eyes covered by her long curled-up lashes. She was the female version of myself, if it wasn't for the fact of me being five years older than her I would have said that we Were tweens the only thing that will give us out will be our height difference. she was a Pettit girl measuring around 5'2 and on the other hand, I measure 6'2. "Sab will you please chill out, your smile is hurting my eyeballs" "I can't I am too excited. I can't believe that I am going to be graduating this year " "Yea and remember that once you are done with school you will start your beta training " "Ugh" she scoffed "Do I have to?" She asked puking her lower lip and putting her hands as if she was pleading "Not the puppy face." I say in a sarcastic tone "Please big bro I am begging you" " I am sorry Sabrina but is not my fault that the moon goddess paired you up with my beta" "This is so not fear " "Hahaha" I laughed as I see her pouting in the front passenger seat. Once we arrived at her school she hops off the car and started waving to her group of friends that bow their heads as they notice me, I waved back in response. My sister trotted her way to them and I finally was able to return to the packhouse. A few minutes later I finally arrive. I parked my car and started to unbuckle my seat belt when suddenly my best friend and beta, Declan popped out of nowhere, he seemed a little tense. I got off the car and faced him. "Alpha we have a problem," He said I saw him with confusion clear on my face. "Since when do you call me by my title?" I ask. He didn't answer. but his eyes drifted their gaze towards something behind me or should I say, someone. I turned around and was greeted by a familiar face. A frown crawled its way on my face. It was one of the elders. The elders were the most ancient werewolves that have ever exist they are also the most powerful of them all, and as the legend says they are the direct descendants of the moon goddess herself. The thing with them is that they are always bringing trouble when they step foot under someone's pack. Must be just my lucky day to have one of them standings right in front of my doorway. "What may I help you with Mr. Barrosh ?" I asked with a fake smile splatter on my face. "Well hello Alpha Anderson " The way he said my name made chills run through my spine. I just knew that whatever he was here for will not be much of my liking.
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