
214 Words
"Ahhhh!!!" My cries were the only sound heard in the entire building. The pain is too much to withstand yet it is the only thing that seems familiar to me. "Ahhh" I scream again as I feel the electricity coursing through my whole body. It goes on for another 15 minutes until I feel myself being consumed by immense darkness. My body goes limp but before I lose my conscience I hear some steps getting closer by, the feeling of hands surrounding my body probably dragging me in the direction of my cell and I finally succumb to the wishes of my body and fall into the abyss of my subconsciousness. Once I woke up the realization of my surroundings hit me, once more I was back in my chamber, the only decoration being the cold metal walls and an old mattress in real bad shape. I could hardly move a single muscle, my body was all sore from the constant abuse that is daily receiving. Fury clouded my entire mind and I could only think of one single thing. I wanted to kill them all. My thirst for blood increases with each day that passes by, it scares me a little to think this way but it also motivates me to keep bearing.
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