
553 Words
Tobias sent everyone home except his beta kyle and his son and Talia. They gathered in his home. Celine went to the kitchen to fix Talia something to eat. Poor thing looked starved. Anger ran through her body like a wave. I will tear that bastard apart for what he did to her sister and what he is trying to force upon her son and his mate. When she returned to the living room she handed Talia the plate. She sat next to her husband. Talia finished the food sat the plate down and looked at Celine. She was my best friend. Once it came out that a dire wolf was in her family Julius rained down on your pack in search of you but your parents refused to give you up. No one but me your mom and dad knew that the gene had hit you. How did you know that I was going to be a dire wolf before I shifted? Your eyes. Gray eyes are the trademark of dire wolves. That's why I wear contacts. You should too. No. Talia refused to be scared ever again. She looked at her aunt and with a strong voice she said From now on it will be Julius who will be afraid of me. She stood up and walked away a little ways and shifted. Everyone in the room gasped. Celine stood up with a smile on her face and said she is more than just a dire wolf. She is a blood dire wolf. Ryker looked at his mom and said you mean the same blood dire wolves that are direct descendants of the moon goddess? But how? Celine looked at her son and said they aren't descendants. They are blessed by the moon goddess herself. She has powers and strength she hasn't even tapped into yet. Ryker stood up and walked over to his mate and when she saw the look of pride and love in his eyes her heart swelled. She shifted and happily went into his arms. Kyle spoke up and asked how long till Serena gets her dad to attack us for Ryker choosing his mate over her? Tobias laughed and said I can say that skank is probably already crying to daddy right now. He looked at his son amd said we need to do everything tonight son. Talia looked at Tobias and said then let's get started. Everyone looked confused. Guys I was the daughter of an alpha I know what needs to be done. Celine laughed and said Tyler would have made sure his daughter was fully prepared for her future and so would have Jade. I will call the priest and the elder. They will be married and made alpha and luna within 2 hours. Ryker and Talia stood in his room. She looked at her mate and she could see the worry radiating through him. She walked over to him and put a hand on his cheek. He looked up at her and smiled. I wish we didn't have to rush all this. You deserve a real wedding. She smiled at him and said it's ok my love. We need to do this now. Our bond needs to be strong so us as alpha and luna is strong. We need to be unbreakable.
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