Chapter 7

1014 Words

“You have a choice. Join this pack, or you'll die,” he says, not bothering with the fact that he sounds like he's telling someone the weather is alright outside. “Anyone willing to die?” he asks and I look around, hoping someone will move forward. I just want to see if he's actually telling the truth. “Thought so-” he mumbles to himself but I can hear it, “Now, you're not worth Alpha Damon’s time, so you'll be listening to me like usual,” he explains and we all nod. Alpha Damon. We've always been told to never make eye contact with him. To never talk to him. To stop when he's walking by. He's known to kill anyone who misbehaves, anyone who talks to him when he's not talking to them. Basically anyone who's has attributes of a human. “In order to find out which rank you should be placed

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