Chapter 8

985 Words

I could have easily sidestepped him, and elbowed him in the back. I turn around as Adam charges at me again, and lands a kick on my left leg. I pretend to fall down. “That's enough. There's no point. Congratulations Adam, you're not weakest anymore,” Blondie mutters to him, and Adam jumps up in the air, happy with himself. “You'll be an Omega,” Blondie says shaking his head at me, like he's disappointed. I'll be leaving soon anyway. I just need to find Hank’s family. “Listen up guys!-” Blondie calls out to get everyone attention. “Now the groups you're in, will show you exactly where you'll be living. Everyone has their own headquarters, okay? Now get going. I've got places to be. The Alpha is back,” He says and his pack nods quickly, and takes everyone else away. I follow behind them

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