
1976 Words
Blake I watch with irritation as Cooper carries Ada into the dining room. I am reluctant to admit that Ada is a lovely young woman. I do not like pretty girls. They are self-absorbed and selfish. Everything is always about them and their needs. They crave attention and if you do not play by their rules, they will find someone that will. I should know because that is exactly what that b*tch, June, did. And Ada is pretty. No, she is exquisite. Her long and curly hair is a light brown and her big green eyes sparkle with mischief. Any wolf will be more than happy to have her as a mate. Including my brother. Cooper is completely smitten with the beauty in his arms. But he might not be her mate. He could end up with a broken heart and I do not wish that upon him. I do not wish that upon anyone. It sucks. Cooper is sweet and kind. Young and old love him because he treats everyone with the same level of respect. I do not even know Ada and I can already tell she likes him. I am fascinated by her blushing when Reese kisses her hand. Really? Does she honestly think that kind of false modesty will pass me? It is clear to me that Ada has her father wrapped around her finger and I did not expect anything less. I was right about her; she is nothing more than a vain pretty face that wants everything to go her way. I know I am not her mate. I already found mine and she broke my heart. But that piece of information I will keep to myself. I want her to think I am an option. I want to see how she operates. Because if she is Cooper’s mate, I will destroy her before she breaks his heart. Nobody says a word as we eat but Clyde’s dissatisfaction does not go by unnoticed. I bet he would have left Moon Shadow if it were not for his mother. “Father,” Ada’s voice is sweet and melodious. “Something about Killian bombing us doesn’t make sense to me.” “Ada, please,” Margo snaps at her and I ball my fist in irritation. I might not be taken with Ada like Cooper and Reese, but Margo is a snake. Her beady little black eyes tell me so. “No pack business in front of the guests.” “Aunt Margo, they are hardly just guests,” Ada gives Margo a cold look and for a moment I respect her for it. “They are very much part of this mess and should not be excluded.” “It’s still inappropriate to discuss it over lunch,” the old hag says with a stretched-out neck. “I think it’s very appropriate,” Ada insists and I can tell she is now at the point to argue with Margo just because she can. “It’s too early to discuss it over drinks and it’s hardly a discussion for afternoon tea.” “Maybe Irish coffee?” Tyler suggests and I hide my smile behind my fist as I rest my elbows on the table. Brother and sister enjoy teaming up against Margo. “Brilliant, brother,” Ada smiles brightly at him. “Shall we call a meeting after lunch, Father?” “Definitely,” Theo nods. “We have a lot to figure out.” “I’ll arrange the coffee,” Zayne offers and stands up. “Eight cups with double whiskey.” “Son, you read my mind,” Theo grins and Margo indignantly gasps for air. Eight cups – the message is clear. Margo and Clyde are not invited to the meeting. Why does Margo still stay here? I frown. I have been here for less than three days and I can already tell that she and Clyde are unwanted. “Is it a good idea for Ada to mix her pain medication with alcohol?” Clyde scoffs and Margo smiles at him. “We’ll soon know, won’t we,” Ada wiggles her eyebrows at him as she stands up. Cooper is instantly by her side and I sigh inwardly. He is too caring for his own good. “I’ll help you,” he smiles at her. “No need,” she refuses politely with a smile. “There are no stairs to the office, and I must learn to get by on my own.” “Ada,” Tyler steps in. “You’re supposed to be still in bed. You must take it slow.” “I’ll be fine,” she glares at him. “Ada,” Theo’s voice is thick with authority. “Let your brother carry you or you’re not coming.” “Fine,” she rolls her eyes before she looks at Tyler. “Come on, Uber.” “You better give me five stars,” Tyler snorts as he picks her up. “Or I’ll bump your head against the wall accidentally.” “Try it,” she snorts unladylike. “I double dare you.” I follow them to the office. Ada and Tyler bicker back and forth the entire time. The playfulness and mutual respect between Ada and her family are obvious and that says a lot about the way Theo and his wife raised them. The stories I have heard about Theo are not so flattering, but his children are strong and confident individuals. And above all, they seem happy. “Right,” Theo says after we all took a seat. “The obvious conclusion is that Opal Moon sent the bomb. They were the only ones that didn’t arrive for the party. The question is why.” “Exactly,” Ada says eagerly. “Killian knows that I agreed to marry him and …” “You did what?” I explode before I can stop myself. What insanity is this? “That’s before she knew one of you was her mate,” Tyler steps in. “Killian approached Father and asked to marry Ada. As you know, we have a growing problem with rogues. Ada agreed to marry him. Opal Moon are our neighbours and it will strengthen both packs should the rogues get out of control.” “Naturally things have changed,” Theo says. “But Opal Moon doesn’t know that yet.” “And as I was saying,” Ada gives me a dirty look for interrupting her. “The wedding was Killian’s idea to strengthen our packs. It doesn’t make sense to bomb us and be the obvious guilty party. He’s not an idi*t, he knows I will change my mind if they do such a thing. Why risk the agreement by attacking us? He could just back out.” “She has a point,” I nod. “Even if they are responsible for the explosion, it might not be directed at Moon Shadow. It could be a tactic to gain an advantage against another pack. Leaving the ranks wolfless is the easiest way to attack and take over. Somebody else might be planning to attack another and Ada’s party was the convenient solution.” “We did think of that,” Zayne steps in. “But there has been no attack on any pack and the first wolves have returned. There’s no way for the bombers to tell how everyone was affected and how long the effects will last.” “That’s it,” Ada sits up and her green eyes sparkle like emeralds. “What if this was not the real attack? What if this was a test run?” “A test to see the results before the real attack,” Theo murmurs. “Which means all packs should be notified and remain on high alert for a future attack,” Reese says seriously. “It could still mean Opal Moon is responsible,” Tyler says. “They could still be the ones making the observation and taking notes.” “If this is Killian’s work, I think it would be safe to say that Moon Shadow is not the target,” Theo sighs. “He stands to lose more than gain by attacking us. Especially with the pending wedding agreement.” “Which is no longer happening,” Ada says adamantly. “I don’t think you should tell Killian that,” I look at her directly. “Think about it, if he’s responsible and you break the agreement, your pack will be on top of the target list.” “But …” “Blake is right,” Theo cuts off Ada’s protest. “I’m sorry, daughter, but you must keep to the agreement until we figure out who is behind the bomb and why.” “If I didn’t have a broken ankle, I would’ve stormed off right now,” she huffs as she sits back and crosses her arms. “And come right back,” Tyler teases her, and she rolls her eyes. “Before we jump to conclusions, we should find out why Opal Moon didn’t arrive,” Cooper speaks for the first time. “There could be a very logical explanation why they didn’t come and could be innocent.” “Have you met the man?” Zayne snorts. “Killian is always guilty of something – we just don’t know what.” “And yet, you’re willing to allow your sister to marry him?” I raise my eyebrows at him. “I chose to accept the agreement,” Ada looks at me with blazing eyes. “It’s not a matter if they allow me or not. We discussed it at length as a family and I concluded that it would serve everyone best if I accept.” “And we hated it from the start,” Tyler smiles at Ada. “But nobody tells Ada what to do.” “And you agreed?” I look at Theo. “You weren’t afraid for your daughter’s safety?” “Alpha Blake,” Theo leans forward on his desk and intertwines his fingers. “I’m going to let you in on a secret. Ada is the best warrior Moon Shadow has to offer. We keep that fact hidden because she’s my bodyguard and protection when I travel. To the outside world, it’s a father and his daughter travelling, but in reality, it’s the alpha and his guard. I love all of my children dearly and equally, but Ada is the one that doesn’t need protection. So, no, I’m not afraid for her safety. I reserve that for every fool that thinks he can take on Ada.” “Thanks, Dad,” Ada smiles at him and stands up. “Then it’s settled. I will visit Opal Moon and get answers before we explore other options.” “You can’t go alone,” Cooper jumps up and looks at her concerningly. “It’s too dangerous. You might be a mighty warrior, but you’re wounded and wolfless.” “I’m also not an idi*t,” she smiles gently at him. “I’ll take my socialites.” “Your what?” I frown. “The girls,” Tyler laughs. “We have a couple of excellent warrior she-wolves. They dress up and pretend to be mindless bimbos looking for fun. No man has ever expected anything from them other than a good time. People talk in front of them and share secrets as if they don’t exist.” “The beauty of stereotypes,” Ada grins as she hops to the door. “I’ll gather the girls for a visit to Opal Moon.” “That’s my girl,” Theo says proudly as Ada closes the door behind her. “Nobody puts my baby in a corner.”
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