
1864 Words
Ada It is a struggle to get my eyes open and focus on my surroundings. Memories of what happened surface and I want to sit up, but everything hurts, and I lay back with a moan. “Ada,” Tyler’s voice is urgent. “Are you awake?” “No,” I croak. “Too much pain. I think I’m dead. Am I dead?” “If you were dead, you wouldn’t have felt pain,” he chuckles next to me. “Then I choose death,” I sigh. “Or morphine, whichever is closest.” “I’ll call the doctor,” Tyler says concerned. “Just hang on.” Something is not right, I realize. I have been training since a child and playing with two brothers. I have suffered more than one broken bone and I have never been in so much pain. Slowly, I open my eyes and sit up. The room spins for a moment, but I close my eyes and grind on my teeth until the pain subsides. I am more successful with my second attempt. The curtains are drawn but I can see sunshine peek through at the top. Why do I have a drip? I frown when I look at the needle in my hand that is attached to the bag. And why is my foot in a cast? “Ada!” Dad exclaims as he rushes into my room and comes sits on my bed next to me. “I was worried sick. Thank goddess you’re awake.” “Geez, Dad,” I look at him in confusion. “How long was I out?” “Two days,” he answers solemnly and I stare at him stupefied. Two days? How bad are my injuries that it took my wolf two days to heal? “Taima?” I call her but she does not respond. Are they keeping her sedated with this drip? “Dad, what’s going on here?” I ask cautiously and my stomach dives when I see his facial expression. “A lot,” he grunts before he tells me about the bomb. “It was delivered as a gift and was set on a timer. There was too little explosive to do damage, but it contained enough chemicals to affect everyone at the party. Fortunately, there were no casualties and only mild injuries. You were hurt the worst.” “Has anyone’s wolf come back?” my voice is a mere whisper. “Yes,” he smiles. “The people furthest away from the explosion. Their wolves are slowly emerging.” “But we were in the hallway with the table of gifts and it’s going to take longer for us,” I nod in understanding. “Yes,” he nods. “We got the worst of it.” “Did any of my gifts survive?” I ask with trembling lips. Call me selfish, I do not care. My fairy-tale party was ruined, d*mmit. At the very least, I deserve some gifts. “The wrapping is destroyed but some gifts are still intact,” he chuckles as he ruffles my hair. “Twenty-five but you’re still my little girl.” “Am I interrupting?” The doctor asks as he peeks around the door. “Not at all,” Father smiles and stands up. “She’s all yours.” I smile at Dad as he leaves and Seth comes in to examine me. What happened was terrible, but why would Opal Moon do such a thing? According to Father, they’re our only suspect. Nobody just bombs somebody for no reason. “You’ll be sore and stiff, but you’re fine,” Seth smiles at me when he is done with his examination and gave me more painkillers. “You were extremely lucky. The chandelier caught you only partially. We did a CT scan and an MRI yesterday just to be sure, but as expected you’re in the clear. Your broken ribs will give you hell, but that’s about it. Oh, and your ankle is broken. With efficient bedrest, you should be yourself in about three to six weeks. Even sooner if your wolf returns.” “Thank you,” I smile at Seth as he leaves even though I do not want to smile at all. I want to kill. Specifically alpha Killian. It is with great effort that I get out of bed and hop towards my cupboard. Screw the doctor and his bed rest. I need answers. This does not make sense at all. After an excessive use of the word f*ck and moaning, I manage to put on a sundress. I can kiss my jeans goodbye as long as I am punished with the cast. I am exhausted by the time I have brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a ponytail. There is no energy left in me to apply makeup – I still need to climb down the stairs to get to Dad’s office. I am out of breath and in a world of pain by the time I reach the stairwell and I cling to the railing to catch my breath. “Let me help,” a strange voice says behind me and before I can move or reply, I am picked up and pulled close to a chiselled chest. “What are you doing?” I yelp and I stop struggling when I stare into blue eyes. This is one of the men I saw with Dad. Or better yet, my possible mate. “I’m Cooper,” he smiles down at me as he starts making his way down the stairs with me in his arms like I weigh nothing more than dust. “And I’m helping you down because if we had to wait for you to get downstairs by yourself, lunch will be cold and I’m starving.” “Aww,” I pout at him. “Such a gentleman and selfless.” “Hungry like a wolf has merit,” he chuckles, and his dimples do not go by unnoticed. “Even when my wolf is sleeping.” “Regardless of your intentions, I’m grateful,” I laugh but instantly stop when pain crushes my chest. “I’m not going to pretend that it’s easy healing without your wolf. Who knew humans can withstand such pain.” “Why didn’t you order your food to your room?” He looks at me. “Or ask for help to get downstairs if you’re so desperate to get out?” “I thought I could do it,” I shrug. “No, wait, correction,” I say. “I can do it. It will hurt and take an eternity, but I can.” “Do you always feel the need to prove yourself?” He grins. “No,” I frown. “But I’m not a helpless damsel in distress.” “Then why am I carrying you?” He gives me a wicked grin and my heart skips a beat. When he looks at me like that, I am willing to agree to anything he should ask. “Because of your need to be the knight in shining armour,” I tease him back. “I see myself more of a problem solver,” he rolls his eyes. “And I am the problem you had to solve?” I squint my eyes at him. “Not you, but your situation,” he laughs heartedly. “Are you always picking on one’s words?” “More or less, yes,” I nod. “It’s entertaining.” “You’re going to drive my brother insane,” he sighs and shakes his head. “Why are we discussing your brother?” I frown. Did Cooper recognise me as his mate and wants to take me back to his pack? “Because you’re about to meet him,” he whispers as we enter the dining room. I can instantly tell who Cooper’s brother is. He seems older and his eyes are breathtakingly blue, but his mouth is pulled into a thin line of disapproval. Well then, I sigh inwardly, as drop-dead gorgeous as he is, I hope he is not my mate. As laid-back as Cooper is, so dark and tense he seems. “Ada,” Dad jumps up and storms towards us as everyone stares at us in surprise. “Why are you out of bed?” “Because I’m not sick,” I smile as Cooper sets me down gently. “You’re being irresponsible with your health,” Margo tuts and I grind my teeth not to tell her to mind her own business. I know she cannot care less if I am alive or dead. This is all a charade for Father’s sake. “Leaving me alone with my thoughts in my room is irresponsible,” I mutter as I hop towards my chair. Dad and Tyler instantly come closer to help me, but I shoo them. The faster they learn I am capable of getting by on my own, the faster they can stop worrying and leave me alone. “I’m Ada,” I say as I look at the three remaining guests to whom I have not been introduced. “But I guess you already know that.” “I’m Parker,” he smiles at me. “I’m Reese,” he stands up and walks over to me. He picks up my hand and places a soft kiss on the back of my hand. “And the pleasure is all mine.” I swallow hard at the romantic gesture and cannot contain the blush that is creeping up my neck. “Blake,” Cooper’s brother looks at me mockingly. “Can we eat now?” Clyde scoffs and I give my cousin a dirty look. “Manners, Clyde,” Margo reprimands him softly. If it were me or one of my brothers, she would have lost it. But her precious little boy only gets one word. “What?” Clyde shrugs. “Must we all go hungry because she decided to grace us with her presence?” “I can always make you wait longer and asked to be excused,” I flip my eyebrow at Clyde. “Clyde,” Dad bellows and Clyde jumps in his chair. “We should be grateful that Ada is strong enough to join us.” I pout to hide my smile. Clyde should have known better by now. I am Daddy’s little girl. You do not disrespect me in front of him and live to tell. I take care of myself and never run crying to Father, but the knowledge to know that I can, makes me happy. “I’m sorry,” Clyde mumbles but refuses to look my way. “It’s fine,” I chirp and smile at Father so that he could calm down. “And I’m sorry for keeping you.” “Then it’s settled,” Dad nods. “Now, let us enjoy this meal as family and friends.” I look at Cooper and he winks at me. I would not mind if he were my mate. Not at all.
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