6_Opal Moon

2083 Words
Ada “I said, take it off,” I hiss at Seth as I give him a glaring stare. “It’s not negotiable.” “As your doctor, I cannot in any good conscience …” “As your patient, I command you,” I cut him short. “And if you had a good conscience you would’ve put a moon boot on and not a cast.” “You were unconscious,” he argues. “It was the best option.” “Now I’m awake and alert and I’m telling you to take it off,” I huff. “I have work to do.” Seth mutters under his breath as he gives me a dirty look before he starts taking off the cast. Impatience brew inside of me as he works. It is getting late and I still need to beautify myself before we can leave for Opal Moon. And if I have a choice, I want to be back home before dark. Now that I know I have a mate, I have no desire to spend more time with Killian than necessary. “Done,” Seth sighs and stands up. “I’ll leave a moon boot here just in case you come to your senses. And you’re not allowed to complain to me. I wash my hands of this.” “Thanks,” I give him a bright smile, but he only nods and leaves my room. Cautiously I slide off the bed and put the tiniest weight on my ankle. “Holy mother,” I groan as pain radiates up my leg. It does not matter how brave I think I am, there is no way in hell I will be able to wobble on this ankle without support. “Come in,” I shout irritated over my shoulder when there’s a knock on my door as I reach for the hideous boot. “Hi,” Zoe, my best friend and fellow warrior, greets me as she walks into my room. “Thought you could do with some help.” “Can you miraculously heal a broken ankle?” I sigh. “No,” she laughs softly as she opens my cupboard. “But I can pick out the perfect outfit.” “Damn, Zoe,” I whistle when I look at her. “You’ll catch a cold with that short skirt.” “Along with a disease or two,” she sighs as she pulls out a maxi skirt with a floral design. “As effective as these missions can be, I hate being half-dressed. Not to mention these ridiculous heels.” “That’s the only good thing from this injury,” I grin as I pick up the long skirt. “I’m forced to dress normally.” “Oh, really,” Zoe gives me a mischievous grin as she pulls out a piece of cloth and tosses it to me. “There’s your blouse.” “Are you insane?” I gape at her when I pick it up. “I already have broken bones, now you want me to get double pneumonia.” “Stop whining,” Zoe rolls her eyes as she places her hands on her hips. “The socialites were your idea. Now, play along.” “But my bo*bs will never stay inside,” I protest. The so-called blouse is nothing more than a too-low-cut bra with winged sleeves. “We’ll tape them into position,” Zoe smiles as she pulls the duct tape out of her purse. “Are you on drugs?” I squint my eyes at her. “That will rip my nippl*s off. How am I supposed to breastfeed my children one day without nippl*s?” “You’re just being difficult,” Zoe rolls her eyes at me. “Now, get dressed. Violet and Willow are waiting. And that perv*rt, Clyde, is drooling again.” “Fine,” I snort and start dressing. I like Violet and Willow and it is not fair to leave them at the mercy of that creep. Zoe helps me with my hair and makeup, and I take a deep breath when we are done. “Let’s get this over with,” I mumble as I hop to the door. “I mind-linked Violet and Willow,” Zoe says as she follows me. “They will meet us at the front door.” “I miss mind-linking,” I sigh theatrically. “And my healing abilities.” Dad and our guests step out of the office just as the socialites and I walk out. The admiration on our guests’ faces is comical when they see us. Even Parker – that claims he has a mate – looks at us with blatant desire. Men, I sigh inwardly. “See,” I fold my arms when they are standing in front of us. “It works. We could practically see your IQs drop.” “Ada,” Dad gives me a warning growl. “Not you, Daddy,” I laugh at him, and I notice that he is fighting the urge to laugh. “I have a mate,” Parker mumbles and walks away hastily. “We should go search for our intelligence,” Cooper winks at me as he takes Blake by the arm and drags him away. “And Ada’s manners,” Blake grunts as he gives me a poisonous look. “Wait for me,” Reese follows them in a hurry. “Ada,” Dad sighs as he shakes his head. “You shouldn’t taunt people like that. Your brothers can take it, but it’s impolite.” “Sorry, Father,” I say sincerely, and he nods. “Be safe, girls,” he kisses me quickly on my cheek before we leave. ** “It’s hard to imagine a brute like Killian can maintain such a pretty place,” Willow sighs as we drive through Opal Moon’s gates. “It is beautiful here,” I agree as I admire the lush green vegetation and pristine white houses. “These shorts keep riding up my a*s,” Violet complains and pulls at them. “What’s the plan again?” “I’m going to see Killian and ask why they missed the party,” I reply. “You do the same with whoever is willing to talk to you. Hopefully, one of them will tell the truth.” “Easy enough,” Zoe sighs as she parks the car. “Good luck to us,” I mumble as I open my door and climb out. “We’ll help,” Zoe comes to stand at my left and Willow to my right. “Take our arms and put your weight on us instead of your foot.” “Thanks,” I groan as they practically carry me to the front door. “I still need to produce an excuse for why I’m wearing this. No way in hell am I admitting my wolf’s dormant.” “Wish I had a broken ankle,” Violet mumbles. “Then I too can wear a long shirt.” “Oh, hush,” Zoe snaps at her. “We’ve done this before.” “I also complained then,” Violet grunts. “Okay, okay,” I whisper urgently. “The sooner we get it done, the sooner you’ll be home and you can wear whatever you’re comfortable in.” Curious glances follow us the entire way from the car to the door, but nobody stops us. “Ladies,” Milo, Killian’s Beta, greets us with a big smile and lustful eyes. “What a delightful surprise.” “Hello, Milo,” I smile. “Is it possible to see Killian?” “How can I possibly refuse such a beautiful lady?” Milo makes a ridiculous bow and waves with his arm towards the inside. “Thank you,” I must fight to keep my smile and not growl at him. “He’s reading in his study,” Milo says as he leads the way. “Reading?” Violet giggles flirty. “That’s so grownup.” “Are all of you here to see Killian?” Milo asks as he lustrous stares at Violet’s breasts. “Just me and Zoe,” I say politely. “So, can I interest you two to join me in the recreational area?” Milo looks hopeful at Violet and Willow. “There’s a pool table and the barman is on duty.” “Yes, please,” Violet shrieks and claps her hands enthusiastically together. Milo opens the study’s door and Zoe and I step inside. “Ada,” Killian smiles as he closes his book and puts it down. “What a pleasant surprise.” “Is it?” I raise my eyebrows as I sit down on the closest sofa without being invited. The pain in my ankle is becoming unbearable. Zoe moves to the back and out of Killian’s sight. “Why would you ask that?” He frowns slightly. “It’s always lovely to see you.” “Then explain to me why you missed my birthday party?” I pout and cross my arms in front of me, giving my bo*bs a lift and Killian’s eyes instantly settle on them. “You … you don’t know,” he pulls himself together as he walks over and sits down on the sofa next to me. “We were attacked on the way.” “You’re kidding,” I gape at him. My surprise is genuine. What are the chances that his excuse is the same as our guests? “Unfortunately, not,” he shakes his head. “I phoned and left a message with your cousin. Didn’t you get it?” “That nincompoop,” I grunt in frustration. Because of Clyde’s incompetence to deliver a basic message, I look like a disgruntled girlfriend demanding answers. “I’m truly sorry, I thought you knew,” Killian looks directly at me. “My Delta was killed. His funeral is this weekend.” “That’s horrifying,” I exclaim. “The rogues are really getting out of control. We must do something.” “And we will,” he smiles. “But after the funeral out of respect for Leon’s family.” “Of course,” I say sympathetically and place my hand on his. “And please say if there’s anything we can do to help.” “When the funeral is behind us,” his voice is sultry as he leans over to me. “Maybe we can discuss more … uhm … pleasurable business.” He strokes my ring finger slowly and unpleasant shivers run up my arm. This is the first time he touches me with intimate intentions and I do not like it one bit. I make a mental note for the future that a man should touch me first before I agree to an arranged marriage. “Ada,” Zoe interrupts us and steps forward. “We must leave.” “But why?” Killian gives Zoe a deathly look before he turns to me. “You just arrived.” “It’s Willow,” Zoe says urgently, and I get the message. They got information and things either got out of hand or are about to. “She’s not feeling well.” “I’m sorry, Killian,” I smile as I stand up. “We shall continue this conversation after the funeral.” “What happened to your foot?” He asks concerningly. “Oh, nothing,” I giggle nervously as I wave it off as not important. “A miss calculation during training. It’s most likely healed already but Father said I’m not allowed to leave the house without it. He doesn’t take chances with my health.” “And do you always do what Daddy says?” Killian licks his lips as his eyes drop to my bosom. “But of course,” I lie smoothly. “Hmm,” his eyes darken as he looks at me. “I love submissive women.” “I’m sorry, but we really must go now,” Zoe takes hold of my hand. “It will be so embarrassing for Willow if she gets sick in front of everyone.” “Yes,” Killian nods but he does not take his eyes off me. “I'll escort you.” "No need," I smile as Zoe drags me to the door. "Please, finish your book, we'll see ourselves out."
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