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Alpha Theo “You’re right,” I mumble as I look at Tyler. Dear goddess, I was so preoccupied with Ada’s condition that I did not register the true impact. “How long will our wolves be dormant?” I ask Roman brusquely. How the f*ck am I supposed to lead a pack without a wolf? What’s worse, all the ranks are now wolfless. If a rebellion breaks out now, we are screwed. “I don’t know, Alpha,” Roman replies. “My best guess is that it depends on the number of chemicals a person inhaled.” “Not a word of this to anybody, you hear me?” I threaten Roman and he takes a step back. “I will kill whoever says a word.” “Ye … yes, Alpha,” he stutters wide-eyed with fear and it pleases me that I can still install it without my wolf. “Who else knows about this?” I ask brusquely. “Dad, hold on,” Tyler interrupts and I give him an irritated look. “If I may, the pack should know what happened. By now most of them already figured out their wolves aren’t responding. Keeping them in the dark will only create havoc and panic. But nobody knows that you have been affected. We make a statement that you were with our guests in your office, which is partially true. They don’t need to know that you were exposed.” “I agree with Tyler,” Blake steps forward. “With that, the four of us are also protected. I don’t even want to think of the chaos if we return home wolfless.” “Good point,” I nod as I overthink his words. “I will address the pack with that and inform them that we’re doing everything to get to the responsible party. I will also ask for privacy since Ada has been injured.” “And we can go home and pretend nothing is wrong,” Reese says but he does not look happy at all. “There’s honestly not much we can do.” “No, we can’t,” Blake says sternly. “We have to investigate the bigger picture here. That bomb is not necessarily directed at Moon Shadow. Everybody knew about tonight’s event; it was no secret that all ranks from all packs will attend. This bomb could be directed towards any of the packs if not all of them.” “Besides Opal Moon, they never arrived,” I grunt as I ball my fists. “They were invited and were the only ones that didn’t come. I bet this is that dreadful Killian’s work.” “That would be foolish on his part,” Reese grunts. “He should know that he would be our number one suspect.” “He’s arrogant enough to think that he’d get away with it,” I snort. “Then it’s settled, you’ll stay here until we apprehend the bomber.” “Hm, also,” Tyler takes a deep breath before he continues. “One of you is Ada’s mate.” “Bullsh*t,” Blake explodes. “We would’ve sensed it.” “Not necessarily,” Tyler smirks. “The air conditioning was on, and it blew our way. She smelled you, but you did not get her scent. You would’ve when you reached us.” “Or made eye contact with her,” I whisper and look at the guests with renewed interest. I desperately pray that what Tyler is saying, is true. I do not want her to marry that tw*t from Opal Moon. “Well, it isn’t me,” Parker shrugs. “I already found my mate.” “I wouldn’t mind if she’s mine,” Reese looks longingly at Ada, and I grind my teeth not to reprimand him. For f*ck’s sake, he could at least have the decency to wait until I am not around before he undresses her with his eyes. “We shouldn’t worry about that now,” Blake shrugs. “Let’s first wait and see if she survives.” “Motherf*cker,” I jump forward and grab him by the throat. “That is my only daughter you’re talking about. Wolf or no wolf, I will skin you alive, boy. Watch yourself.” “I’m sorry,” Blake’s words are soft and steady. “I didn’t mean to be insensitive, and I apologize. I sincerely hope she makes a full recovery.” “I need a drink,” I release Blake. “Roman,” I bark as I storm out of Ada’s room. “I need an incident report on damages and casualties now.” Tyler If looks could kill, Blake would have been dead by now. I hope he is not Ada’s mate. He is a heartless pr*ck and I hope he suffocates on his arrogance. “I take it you don’t have loved ones?” I sneer at him. “Why would you say that?” Blake frowns. “If you did, you would’ve said such a f*cked up thing,” I hiss angrily. “Man, I’m really sorry,” Blake sighs. “It came out completely wrong. I meant to say that the mate thing isn’t pressing right now. I’m more concerned about the bomb.” “I’m sorry, Tyler,” Cooper steps forward and gives Blake a scolding look. “My brother always manages to say the most inappropriate stuff.” “And yet, he’s the alpha,” I snort. “What can I say,” Blake shrugs. “We can’t all be perfect. But my calculated way of thinking has paid off well as an alpha. It’s easier to make harsh decisions without emotions.” “You don’t have many friends, do you?” I grunt as I fold my arms in front of me. “Nope,” Reese laughs heartedly. “But women flock to him.” “Can we get back to business?” Cooper steps in and gives Reese a warning look. “We can discuss my brother’s shortcomings at a later stage.” “Roman,” I ignore our guests as I turn to him. “Before you get on that incident report. Please escort these gentlemen to their rooms and assign Omegas to tend to their needs.” I turn my back on them and go sit next to Ada’s bed and take her frail hand in mine. “And gentlemen,” I say as they are about to leave. “Please don’t molest the Omegas against their will.” “Well, that’s uncalled for,” Blake growls at me. “Is it?” I glare at him. “I hope Ada recovers quickly,” Cooper smiles as he shoves Blake out of the room. With a heavy sigh, I rest my lips on Ada’s hand. Please goddess, I pray, let her be okay.
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