She's Ezekiel Alexander's Wife

1516 Words
Ariel fell backward and covered her face in fear. "Miss, are you alright?" She heard him ask, but this time, she realized his voice sounded different. She slowly raised her head again and looked up to see the man holding a mask in his hand while he looked down at her worriedly. She stared at the mask which was that of Ezekiel's face and gulped nervously, "Where did you get that mask?" "Oh, someone came to me and asked if I'd like to wear his face for an advert." Replied the man, glancing at the mask in his hand with an embarrassed smile. "Then what about the cologne?" Ariel asked again. She knew it wasn't a coincidence. She knew the cologne very well because there was only one of it being produced every two months. And that piece was meant for Ezekiel. The fragrance used in making it was also unknown which made it even more mysterious. "Oh, that. He just asked me to wear it. Told me he was into cologne production and asked for my opinion." Replied the man. He suddenly stopped talking when he realized Ariel had a frightful look on her face. "Are you sure you're okay, miss?" "Yes...yes, I'm fine." Ariel stuttered as she struggled to get up. She walked towards the elevator hastily leaving the man perplexed. There was no need to run again; Ezekiel had finally caught her. As she walked out of the hotel, she glanced around her, but saw nothing unusual. However, she knew he was watching her every move. Well, she walked a little further before flagging down a taxi. Since he wasn't in a haste to come get her, she could at least spend the rest of her free day drinking away her freedom. She chose the most notorious bar she had ever heard of and walked into it. "Give me your strongest drink." She told the barman who looked at her in surprise. The question in his eyes was obvious, but according to protocol, he was to make sales. So he said nothing and merely gave her what she wanted; a mixture of vodka and everclear. Without hesitation, Ariel took hold of the glass and gulped it down in one take. This was her second time drinking in public. The first was when she had a sip from her father's drink. Over the course of her six years of running, she had tried her utmost best to remain sober in case Ezekiel appeared out of nowhere. "More!" She yelled to the bartender who immediately poured more for her. A man whose eyes were filled with l**t had been watching her get drunk from a corner. When he realized she could no longer differentiate right from wrong, he got up and walked towards her. Wordlessly, he pulled back the chair beside hers and sat on it. Then he spoke to the barman, "A shot of vodka, please." The barman obliged and poured it for him. The man took hold of his shot glass and turned to Ariel who now had an empty cup. "Please, fill it up for her. Her bill's on me." He told the barman who immediately did as told. Ariel scoffed silently, but she accepted the drink. She took it up to her lips then turned her eyes towards the man, "Thank you." "Sure." He replied, slanting his body a little to face her, "So, what's a goddess like you doing here, getting yourself drunk?" "My life is a mess. It has always been a mess, but it's about to become messier. So I'm drinking to my misery." Ariel slurred with a smile. Her drunken eyes were so sexy that they called out to him. Moving closer to her, he drew his lips into a thin line and asked, "Whatever that is, I'm sure it's not something that can't be solved." Ariel laughed. "You talk like you have people protecting you. Do you?" The man nodded and glanced behind her. "In case you haven't noticed, this is Paul's turf and I'm the only reason preventing those men from coming here." Ariel raised a brow in surprise and glanced around as well. She noticed a handful of the men had their eyes pinned on her. "I see." She concurred, turning back to look at him, "So, I take it you're the king around here?" "I can proudly say I'm the king of New York." Paul boasted, his eyebrows perking up in embarrassment. Ariel chuckled as she took the bottle which the bartender had dropped in front of her and filled her glass again, "If we're talking about titles in ancient times, do I need to remind you an emperor was seen as the ruler of the whole world?" Paul wasn't about to be defeated in such a way, hence, he dared to say, "Even the emperor fears me!" Ariel pretended to be surprised. Thinking he had accomplished his goal, he slipped one of his hands away from his drink and dropped it on her thigh. She was wearing a knee-length gown which barely covered her knee when she stood straight. Now that she was seated, it had gone up and a little part of her thighs was in plain view. A crazy thought filtered into her head as she thought of something. She turned to look at his face for a long time until she nodded; if she slept with him, her children wouldn't be so ugly. She let go of the vodka bottle and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Care to do something more fun?" Paul's lips curled into a smile of approval. And here he was thinking it'd take a lot of time to get her to bed him. "Of course, miss." He replied with a small smile. Ariel nodded and got up with him. She was so drunk she couldn't even stand on her own. He helped her to the restroom. He took her to a cubicle, but before he could close it, a male leather shoe appeared in it. Paul looked up at the owner of the shoe in annoyance. When he noticed how buoyantly the other man dressed, Paul felt he was also interested in Ariel. "Look, man. I'm just going to have a quick one with her and then she'll be all yours. So let's not make this hard for ourselves." Paul told him. Anger flashed in Ezekiel's eyes as he looked down at this man. However, he didn't stare at him too much as his eyes settled on the petite figure who had shamelessly fallen asleep unaware of the danger she put herself in. "Go back to the bar and find some other sl.ut to sleep with. Now, move aside." Ezekiel spat out, impatience clearly written all over his face. Paul snapped as well. However, before he could utter a word, a figure flashed by and the next thing he felt was a cold sensation on the side of his face. He shivered when he realized it was a g*n. Now that Paul was out of the way, Ezekiel moved into the cubicle and took Ariel into his arms. He stared down at her for several minutes with a stoic expression before he turned and walked out of the restroom. Paul gritted his teeth in anger. Where was Ezekiel when he entertained Ariel to the point of her making such a request? He so badly wanted to curse Ezekiel, but bit down on his tongue because he still felt the cold sensation on his skin. "Ah, look at him. Ugly, short, weak, and stupid. What are you supposed to do with him, Tyler?" Someone asked from the door and the man holding down Paul loosened his grip a little. "Cut off both of his arms because he used them to touch Ariel." Tyler replied and Paul stiffened. He scoffed the very next second. In Paul's mind, he still had his boys who'd fight for him. Hence, he fearlessly threatened, "Are you out of your freaking mind? You do that and I assure you you won't get to leave this bar alive!" Tyler said nothing. Instead, he held tightly onto Paul's hand which he had in his grip and led him towards the bar. The sight that met them made Paul's knees weak. The bar was now devoid of any single soul. His men all had a pool of blood over their heads and a bullet hole in between their eyebrows. "I don't see anyone. Do you see anyone?" Tyler whispered into Paul's ear. A grown man like Paul who for a long time was used to causing fear in the hearts of people, now realized he had messed with the wrong person. But he still didn't realize what he did wrong. All he did was try to sleep with...that lady. Yes, that lady. He instantly knew she held a high position in the heart of their boss. "It's because of her, isn't it?" Paul stuttered. "That's what happens when you dare to think of having the wife of Ezekiel Alexander." Tyler nodded, confirming Paul's fear.
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