Chapter 4: He's Dangerous

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Ch4 Third Person POV “How is it-“ Hannah huffed pulling weeds out from the garden. “-that we both have detention but I’m the one doing all the work?” she turned to glare at Joseph who was leaning against a tree watching Hannah huff and puff her way through the plants. “I don’t do peasant work.” Smirked Joseph. Hannah simply scowled before bending back down to get back to weeding. “You know, I can see why they call you Red.” Joseph snickered his gaze lingering a tad too longer than necessary on Hannah’s backside. Hannah started a little bit ,unaware of his gaze,  surprised that Joseph knew this nickname of hers.   “That tank top isn’t really hiding the fact that it’s not just your face that gets red when you’re angry. In fact, you look like a big bright red tomato!” guffawed Joseph. She grit her teeth, pretending to ignore his remark. She ended up pulling at the weeds a little too viciously and fell back on her butt. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she felt rather than heard a sudden swish of powers rush up from behind her, her neck prickled slightly from the surge of wind. Her mouth formed a small O as she saw the weeds start being pulled out on their own accord. She turned back to Joseph to see him making intricate signs with his hands. “They’ll know you used magic.” Hannah commented. “They never said we couldn’t.” retorted Joseph smugly. His grey eyes finally landed on Hannah. “See Red, you don’t always need to complicate things.” With that, he turned on his heel to leave her gawking at him. She turned back to the weeded garden. This was a simple task but the amount of magic required to do something like this was quite vast. “Wait!” Hannah yelled after him suddenly realizing something. “Who’s going to gather the weeds in the wheel barrow?” Joseph simply kept walking her, ignoring her completely. “Great so that means I’m stuck doing this alone.” Hannah muttered. She bent down to gather all the weeds. It wasn’t until she was walking back after finishing her task that her eyes caught a shiny piece of metal on the ground. Bending down it pick it up, she saw that it was a pure silver pocket watch. The name Danielles was engraved on the back. Obviously this must be some sort of family heirloom dropped by Joseph.  Pocketing it, Hannah went on her way. She maliciously toyed with the idea of pawning it off because it would serve the self-entitled jerk right to never see it again. She suddenly found Rafe’ and her brother waiting for her at the entrance of the school. “Thought you could use some company.” Rafe’ commented. The boys fell into step with her as she walked inside the school. “I’m hot, sticky and sweaty.” Hannah replied dryly. “I don’t think I need much company when I’m about to take a shower.” Rafe’ looked away, clearing his throat uncomfortably while Griffin let out an exasperated sigh. “Hannah we were just worried about you.” Griffin burst out. “You had detention with joseph, we just wanted to make sure you were okay.” “Griffin, how many times do I have to tell you, I can take care of myself.” Hannah snapped. “I’m not a baby. I don’t need you fighting my fights for me!” “I’m just trying to take care of you Han-Han.” Griffin ground out. “Is that such a bad thing?” “It is when I don’t need you to. When I need your help brother, I’ll ask for it.” “When have you ever asked any of us for help? Ever? You’re too stubborn to ask anyone for help. ” Griffin retorted, running an agitated hand through his own copper colored hair. Hannah didn’t know how the tables had all of a sudden turned. But apparently they had. Before, she was always the annoying tagalong that the boys were trying to run away from. They would even run and hide just to avoid her. Now it was like everywhere she turned, Griffin or Rafe’ were there. Breathing down her neck and watching her every move. It was getting suffocating. She couldn’t turn around without seeing one or the other. What was going on with them? Just because she got into a small spat with Joseph, they were worried for her safety now. “You guys are paranoid.” Hannah finally commented. “Just because Joseph and I butted heads a few times, you guys think he’s out to get me or something.” Griffin looked at Hannah with a tense gaze. “Han, it’s not just about Joseph—“ “We don’t want you to get into trouble.” Rafe’ cut him off. Hannah missed the quick head shake Rafe’ gave Griffin. Rafe’ knew that Griffin had been close to spilling the beans. They weren’t allowed to tell her anything for now, no matter how much gGriffin wanted to confess everything to his sister. Hannah chose to roll her eyes at his response.   Rafe’s POV Shit.Shit.Shit. Here I was, waiting for Griffins’ sister to get out of the shower and all I could picture was her in the shower. What was wrong with me? I’d never ever thought of her that way before. Before she’d always been the annoying kid sister trailing us. Now… now… it didn’t even have anything to do with guarding her and Abigail. Now I just always wanted to be close to her. What was wrong with me? I think I need a good lay. It’s been way too long since— “Rafe’!” Abigail’s exclamation dragged me out from my musings. I looked at her sitting across from me also waiting for Hannah to come out into the witches common room. I stared at her blankly. Had she been talking to me? “I’m only going to ask you one more time, do you want to go to the party with us?” Abigail repeated slowly. “What? Oh…uh…sure.” I finally said. Abigail nodded with a small gleam in her eye. “You know…” she started slowly. “…I think it’s really sweet how you’re following her around and making sure she’s okay.” “Yeah…well… you know she’s my best friends kid sister and all.” I commented offhandedly. “Mmmmhhmmmm.” Abigail stared at me with a small gleam in her eye. “Hey guys what’s up? Ready to go Abigail?” I looked up to see Hannah standing there. My mouth went a little dry as my eyes lingered on her body. She was wearing a white halter top that showed off extensive amounts of cleavage. Her matching white skirt was the shortest it could possibly go. In fact, it was just a scrap of fabric if you asked me. “Down boy.” Abigail commented at me. I realized I’d been staring at Hannah a little too much, my eyes lingering on her curves. “H-Hannah.” I managed to croak out. “You can’t—can’t—“ “Can’t what?” Hannah challenged me. “I’m not a baby anymore Rafe’. I can do what I want, when I want. If I want to go to a secret party organized by a bunch of rowdy vampires, I can. I’m 16. I’m a woman now.” I see that. I shook my head trying to clear it of those dirty thoughts. I don’t know what kind of rebellious phase she was going through. Maybe we were suffocating her a little too much, always lingering around her? Was this a cry for help? As far back as I could remember, Hannah never wore anything quite like this nor did she ever attend crazy vampire raves. “Let’s go Abby.” Hannah said crisply. “Oh Rafe’ said he was going to come with us.” Abigail said gleefully. She was having way too much fun watching me become flustered over Hannah. Hannah looked at me skeptically before shrugging and linking her arms with Abigail. “Well let’s go then!” She finally said, looping a bare arm around my arm as well. 
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