Chapter 3: Detention

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Chapter 3:  Hannah's POV The supernatural society regarded my brother and I as some sort of aberration. No one really viewed my parents story as the great love story I saw it as. Which is why it was no surprise that the next day when I made my way over to Joseph’s group of friends, people began jeering at me. “Here comes the freak.” “Oh hey look what the dog dragged in.” “She may be a witch, but she smells like a dog!” Joseph stared at me as if I had grown two heads. My braid whipped in the wind as I strode over to them with a purpose, strands falling to frame my roundish face. Stopping just a few feet away, I beckoned for Joseph to come closer. Untangling himself from Laura’s arms, he walked over to me his brows furrowed. “You doing okay kid?” he asked staring at my arm. I scoffed. “Don’t pretend you care.” He ran his hands through his mahogany head of hair. “I don’t care.” He smirked. “But I wasn’t exactly trying to hurt you.” He stated truthfully. “Yea well, I was.” I snapped and before he could even think of reacting, my grandfather’s training kicked in and thanks to my quick reflexes, I landed a right hook square on his jaw. His head snapped in the opposite direction. Man that felt good! I triumphantly shook out my hand. “Hannah!” Mrs. Miller screeched. Joseph was looking at me as if I he couldn't believe what happened. “You’re psychotic!” he exclaimed. “That’s for my  arm from yesterday!” I retorted as Mrs. Miller neared us screaming about unruly heathen half-witches and how we don’t use violence to solve our problems. Ignoring her, Joseph shot a stream of water from his hands towards me. I couldn’t block it in time and became completely drenched. Mrs. Miller yelled some more, at the both of us now. “Kid, you’re not even in my league.” He muttered.  “If I had wanted, I could have burned you with fire just now.” “And risk getting expelled?” I said back. “STOP TALKING AS IF A TEACHER IS NOT STANDING INFRONT OF YOU.” Mrs. Miller boomed. “Both of you, detention. Detention for the next three days!” Now she had our attention. “Mrs. Milleeerrrr.” I groaned pleading for some relief. “She punched me! I should sue!” exclaimed Joseph. “How is it fair that I get the same punishment as the person who started it?” Mrs. Miller's lips thinned into a straight line. “Don’t think I don’t know what happened last night.” She glared at the both of us. “Baby-“ purred a voice from behind Joseph. It was Laura. “-let’s go get your jaw looked at.” “As if I need it looked at.” He stared at me. “She couldn’t hurt me even if she shoved all her power into it.” I looked at him, ready to pounce towards him again. From out of nowhere, Rafe’ appeared grabbing me from behind. He was appearing around me a lot since yesterday. He hung around for breakfast, he walked me back to my dorm… what was up with him trying to babysit me all of a sudden? “Whoa. Let’s calm down now.” Rafe’ said, pulling me away. “You’ve really gotta check that temper of yours, Red. I know you get it from your werewolf side but you’re a loose cannon like this.” We were walking away from Joseph now but I could swear he was trying his best to overhear our conversation. I stared at Rafe’ wondering where he was going with this. “Listen-“ he continued. “-I know you don’t train regularly like the rest of us werewolves since you’re a witch but I really think regular training practices would help you blow off some steam. You’ve got a lot of pent up rage for someone so small.” He said the last part with a teasing smile. When his dimples appeared, my heart fluttered a little.  Currently, I was enjoying having Rafe’s arm slung around my shoulders. I knew he was mainly doing it to prevent me from going back and landing myself in even more trouble with Mrs. Miller but still… he smelled nice, his teasing smile was turning me to mush and it took a minute for my suspicions to kick in. “Why are you acting as if spending time with me is a good thing?” I finally asked. Rafe’ slanted his eyes towards me as I could feel my face turning red. I was blushing under his gaze. “What do you mean Red?” “Don’t call me Red, you know I hate that nickname just as much as I hate Han-Han. And look, I know you hate it whenever I try to follow you and Griffin around. If you could, you wouldn’t touch me with a ten foot pole so-“ I stopped walking and turned to look at him, shrugging his arm away from my shoulders. “…what gives Rafe’? Why are you all of a sudden so worried about me and the fact that I need to ‘blow off some steam?’ “ Rafe’ held his hands up defensively. “You’re Griffin’s sister and for some reason, I just feel protective Hannah. I don’t want you getting into any more trouble with Joseph. He’s not safe. “ “I know you train four days week in the mornings. Do you think you boys could stand me being there?” I queried. Rafe’ grinned at me. “We’ll see you 6 am tomorrow morning.” He started to pull me towards the cafeteria.  “It’s lunch time, let’s eat.” Wait…what?  Rafe’ was going to have lunch with me? Was he finally seeing me as something more than Griffin's baby sister? Or was my crush clouding my judgement?   Rafe’s POV Hannah wasn’t so bad once you looked past the fact that she was Griffin’s little sister. Before, she had always sought our company and thrown temper tantrums to be included. Maybe now, actively seeking her company, is what made me realize she was actually kind of cool. Although, now I totally understand why her father nicknamed her Red. She has a temper to rival an alpha’s. When she gets angry, her whole face turns red, matching that copper hair of hers that glints a rusty shade in the sun. She’s actually kind of pretty, especially when she’s angry and those lips form the cutest pout…wait wait wait. Stop Rafe’. You can’t think about Hannah like that. Currently, she was sitting across from me in the cafeteria talking about how she wanted to figure out how to incorporate magic into her combat training. That was actually a pretty smart idea. Hannah was smart, I knew that— I just hadn’t realized how smart. Shaking my head, I started asking her if she could do any spells without moving her hands because combat training required she use her hands for fighting, not magic. She turned a cute shade of red, admitting that she hadn’t thought about it like that. 
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