Chapter 5: Rule #1

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CHAPTER 5. Hannah's POV When we got to the party, which had been arranged by a group of vampires in their senior year, it seemed pretty intense. People were walking around with alcohol and blood in their cups. Vampires were feeding on witches and warlocks in hidden corners of the greenhouse. I’d never really been to the famed wild vampire parties before. The only reason I asked Abigail to go is because I wanted to piss off Rafe’ and Griffin. Rafe’ told me Griffin decided to back off because he thought he was annoying me. I couldn’t help but wonder why Rafe’ was still stuck to my side. I knew he’d been to these parties a couple of times but he never went anywhere without Griffin. Unlinking myself from Abigail and Rafe’, I began to walk towards the dance floor. Rafe’ grabbed my arm in a vice-like grip. “Hannah…” he said warningly. I knew he wanted me to stay within his sights. I gave him the meanest glare I could muster before wrenching my arm away and walking swiftly into the crowd of dancing bodies. Someone had managed to arrange a wooden dance floor in the middle of the greenhouse. People were grinding against one another and their inhibitions were completely lowered. I saw a female vampire positioned intimately against a warlock, his hands holding her skirt in such a way that it draped against the sides of their thighs so that nothing was too visible but it was quite clear that the skirt was hiked up, exposing the most intimate part of her to his manhood. Her mouth was attached to his neck, his face was buried against her neck as well. He was grinding against her way to enthusiastically for it not to be real. I looked away embarrassed to have spotted what looked like a couple having s** on the dance floor. Suddenly, someone pulled me into their embrace from behind and began grinding against my backside. He reeked of alcohol, sweat and a little bit of blood. Completely taken aback, I froze at the strangers advances as he moaned into the back of my neck. Proof of his arousal poked me from behind. My throat went dry as my hands became clammy.  “Damn girl, you’re going to walk in here looking like that and not even dance with me?” he whispered into my ear. “I’m here with someone.” I lied, trying to struggle out of his grasp. He only pulled me in tighter, his grinding becoming even more urgent. I’m not exactly into the party scene and I don’t know if guys usually come on this strong at raves. I was uncomfortable but I didn’t want to create a scene and be labelled a prude loser. Simply going rigid, I hoped he’d let me go. “Don’t lie to me sugar.” He moaned into my hair. “You smell like strawberries…” his lips grazed my earlobe and went down to the side of my neck. A cold ball formed in the pit of my stomach as I tried to pull away. I really wanted to pull away without making a scene. I could feel my face turning red.   “Let me have a small taste.”  Yea, he was definitely a vampire. He licked the area of my neck his lips rested on and I could feel his needle-like teeth ready to puncture the fragile skin at the base of my neck. I decided then and there to give him one last chance to let me go before switching to trying to beat the crap out of him. Screw looking like a loser. This dude was way too forward for any girl to like.  Rule #1 of the supernatural world: You don’t bite a witch that doesn’t want to be bitten. That’s just assault. “NO.” I said forcefully, pulling against his grip. I don’t know if this unknown vampire would have let me go or if he would have tried to bite me without my consent. This is because no sooner had the words left my mouth that the vampire was suddenly knocked away and I was pulled against someone’s side. “Pathetic vampire, trying to feed on the weak and innocent.” He sneered, gripping me closely to him. One arm was extended towards my assaulter while the other gripped me to his side in a painful clamp. I stared up in shock at my savior. Was this actually happening? “I didn’t know she came with you Joseph.” The vampire said holding his arms up. Joseph simply glared at him, small red sparks sizzled at his fingertips as if to warn him. The sparks crackled furiously until the vampire turned and left with a defeated slump to his shoulders. His walk wasn’t steady which gave me the idea that he was probably drunk or high. It took a lot to get vampires and werewolves drunk due to the way their bodies were built but it was possible. Newly turned vampires were the most susceptible to the high that could be acquired from consumption of drugs, alcohol and blood. Without so much as asking me if I was OK, Joseph pulled me off the dance floor and outside of the greenhouse into the cool night air. The air helped to cool down my flaming face. “You shouldn’t be here.” He said, taking his sweater off and handing it to me. “I’m not cold.” I deadpanned. Joseph gave me an appraising look from head to toe which made my stomach do a small flip flop for unknown reasons. He  looked at me as if I had done something to disappoint him. “Go home kid.” He finally said, still holding his sweater out to me. “This isn’t a party you should be at.” “I’m not weak or innocent.” I stubbornly replied, refusing to take his sweater. “Fine,“ Joseph huffed. “Then maybe I should call Vigo back here so you two can finish what he started? Because from where I was standing, it looked like he was forcing himself on you and you were too weak, too innocent to make him back off.” He ran a shaking hand through his hair. “You know that the vampires that attend this institute are newly turned. They have the least amount of control when it comes to feeding. They are also the most volatile due to their newly heightened senses.” He was lecturing me like I was a freshman!  “I know that!” I retorted, crossing my arms. “Then why did you come here when you clearly aren’t looking to get a high from some lusty vampire’s bite?” He snapped back. “Is that what you’re here for?” I challenged him, in my bid to prove that that’s not the only reason people came to these parties. “I’m here because Laura’s here.” Was his snappy reply. His lips twisted into a sardonic grin. “She likes the high induced after a bite. I came-“ he continued pointedly. “-to keep an eye on her and make sure no one took advantage of her inebriated state. Even she’s not dumb enough to come to these things alone.” As if to embarrass me further he also quipped. “She wouldn’t have let that asshole grab her forcefully the way he grabbed you, even if she was alone.” “I wasn’t alone.” I ground out stubbornly.  I stared at the ground, refusing to meet his gaze. With an exasperated sigh, he settled the sweater over my shoulders. “Go back to your dorm.” He repeated. “These parties are too hot and heavy for you. Stick to your school organized bonfires.” He turned and began to walk away. “See you in detention tomorrow, Red.” His voice made it clear that he better not see me back inside. I kept staring at the floor as angry hot tears began to form in my eyes. Everyone kept thinking that I needed protecting. Even Joseph thought I needed protecting. I was so sick and tired of being babied! “Just once, I’d like to see someone let me fight my own fights.” I finally said to his retreating back. He stopped as if what I was saying actually mattered to him. “I’m not a kid.” I said a little louder. He turned back at me, letting his eyes roam over my body. I blushed under his heated gaze. I could swear he gave a small smile in my direction. “No, you’re not.” He agreed softly before turning to go back. I finally noticed that my cellphone was ringing in my bag. I looked to see that I had a bunch of missed calls from Abigail and Rafe’. Great. Time to face the music. Deciding to keep all of this a secret to prevent any ' I told you so's', I answered my phone to inform Abigail that I was heading back to the dorms. She and Rafe' could stay at the party if they wanted.  Abigail seemed a little perplexed that I wanted to leave so soon and Rafe' took the phone from her to confirm that I was alright. Assuring them I just didn't think this was my kind of party, I shut my phone and began to walk back to the Institute. Clutching Joseph's soft cream sweater around my shoulders whilst inhaling his scent of pine trees,  I kept telling myself the real reason I was going back was because these parties were just not my cup of tea. No way was I going back to placate that jerk of a warlock with piercing grey eyes that had looked at me as if I had somehow let him down by merely showing up. 
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