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Months later The rays of sunlight penetrate the colored glass windows and incident on her face, illuminate her porcelain white skin. The chirping of birds in the garden and around the skylight creates a beautiful melody that saturates the room, causing her to open her pearly blue eyes. Leigh's POV~ "Urrghh" I groaned as an orange hue stained the pleasant comfort of the eigengrau saturating my sleepy vision. Sitting up slowly and still barely opening my eyes, I take a look around. Observing myself, I realized that I was in a freaking dinner gown! How? "How did I end up here?" I thought as I stared around. This isn't my room. This isn't the palace at all! Getting off the bed, I took a look around. I neither knew where I was or how in the world I even got here! Looking at the bed, I saw a red cloak on the soft white sheets. "Wait a minute" I paused as I picked it up. The scent was familiar. Sniffing it a little more closely, I quickly realized what the missing detail was. "It's Atlas" I blurted on realizing it. How couldn't I have known earlier? "This must be a hotel of some sort" I was thinking while still glancing around at the intricate interior decor when suddenly, the creaky sound of the wooden door permeated the air, interjecting my thoughts. Looking at the door, Atlas suddenly appears in the doorway, with a 'Tada' expression on his face as he walks in with a tray containing breakfast. "Thank goodness you finally showed up" I said in relief, "You almost drove me crazy. Where in the world is this?" I asked in a reprimanding tone. "Relax babe. I thought you needed a break from all the boring palace activities" he said as he sat down on the bed, placing the tray on it. Tapping on the bed, he signalled for me to come take a seat. I sulkily walked over and sat down beside him. He was cuttung the bread into smaller pieces with the bread knife on the tray, when he suddenly noticed me glaring sulkily. "What's with the long face?" He suddenly asked as he noticed me. "You drugged me again, didn't you?" "Uhhmm noooo" he tried to deny in a very unconvincing way. "Give it up. You're a terrible actor" I said with a roll of my eyeballs. "Okay okay, I did" he admitted "Why would you when I told you not to?" I asked in annoyance. "I'm sorry. It's just a lot more pleasurable when you're, y'know? Not sober" he said with a shy apologetic shrug. "Hmph!" I sighed, shaking my head in frustration, "Okay fine, but at least ask me first next time, okay?" I said. His face suddenly lit up in happiness as he nodded frantically in agreement. Picking up a piece of bread, he looked mischievously at me. "Say ahhhh" he said as he slowly brought the bread close to my mouth. Resisting, I retracted my head slightly backward. "Now don't be stubborn. You know I like my ladies submissive" he said with a cheeky smirk on his face. I kept a straight face, trying to hold myself from laughing. "Oh, looks like someone's trying to give me the silent treatment" he said, "You're being a naughty girl" he added in a feigned threatening voice. I still didn't respond. Then he quietly placed the bread back and put the tray on the floor. I could tell he was about to do something silly. I braced myself for the worst. "Come here!" He said as he pounced on me, tickling me till I almost passed out. "Stop it!" I yelled while laughing uncontrollably, but he didn't budge. This surely was one hell of a morning. ______________________________________________________ Later at the palace. Leigh is in her room getting ready to take a shower before she hears a knock on the door. Leigh's POV~ "Knock! Knock! Knock!" I turned around and stared in the direction of the door. "Who is it?" I asked as I wrapped my body up with my towel. The door swung open and Atlas walked in. "What the hell dude?" I said as I instinctively folded my hands around my chest region. "You haven't taken a shower yet?" He asked, "You're gonna make us late for the party" he said. "I'm going already. Just gimme a sec" I said and was about to turn around when he held me by the wrist. I turned around and looked him in the eye. "What is it?" I asked. A dirty smirk etched up on his face as he stared lustfully at me. "Oh man, not again" I thought "You already know what I want" he said. "Not now Atlas, maybe when we get back" I said as I wriggled my hand from his grip and walked towards the bathroom. I could tell he was a bit disappointed. "I promise we'll do it when we get back, okay?" I said which prompted him to smile cheekily exposing the dimple on his face. "Alright then, I'll see you at the party. Gotta go catch up with Artemis" he said before he left the room, shutting the door behind him. ____________________________________________________ Leigh arrives at the ball venue in a chariot pulled by two white horses. She gets off the chariot and the charioteer bows while she walks into the high-fashion ball. She's new to such parties and tries to find her brothers quickly. Leigh's POV~ "Where are they?" I muttered in thought as I glanced around more. I had been here for over half an hour and still hadn't seen them. I was getting really tired already. Everything, the music, the lights, the chattering, everything! Everything got to me, as if each one of them was adding an ounce of stress more to me. I had realized just a few hours ago that I was pregnant. There could be no other explanation. My period hadn't appeared and it's almost two weeks late! Not to mention the unnecessary tiredness I was facing. "I need to let him Kno.." "Hello fair damsel" a male voice said from behind me, interjecting my thoughts. I quickly turned around only to see a gorgeous blonde guy behind me. He was neatly groomed and had honey brown eyes. "Are you looking for someone?" He asked. "Uhmmm, yeah. I'm looking for my brothers actually" I responded, "They arrived a bit earlier than me" "Hmmm, I doubt you've got any brothers here" he said. "Huh?" "I've been here for a while and I haven't seen any guy that looks half as handsome as you do" he said cheekily. That would have been funny if I was still my normal self, but at this point, I neither had the urge to laugh nor to even talk to him altogether. "I'm sorry, I'm kinda in a hurry. If you've seen any two guys, identical looking, green eyes, sorta brown hair......" "Wait, are you talking about the princes?" He asked in surprise. "Yes exactly. Have you seen them?" I asked. He looked at me with incredulity written all over his face. He probably knew that the prince's don't have any other siblings but I certainly didn't have any time or will to explain. "Hello?" I waved my palm over his face. "Uhmm sorry, they went upstairs, first room on the right" he said. "Thanks" I responded as I dashed upstairs. Getting to the door, I barged in only to meet a most horrendous sight. Atlas and Artemis in bed with a girl! The three quickly looked at me as the door opened. "What the hell is going on here?" I asked in shock. "b***h, haven't you heard of knocking before" Artemis said as he got off the bed and put on his pants, followed by Atlas. The girl picked up her stuff and ran out. "Atlas, what is this?" I asked, hoping deep down that he had a good explanation. "What does it look like to you?" He asked without remorse. "But you have me, why would you..." "Can you guys please take this drama outside?" Artemis interjected with impatience on his face. Artemis too? What in the world was going on? "Why are you even bothered? I never said there was anything between us" Atlas said as he buttoned up his shirt. With my fist clenched and teeth gritted, I tried my best to hold in my anger. "You don't have anything to say, do you?" "I'm pregnant damnit!" I yelled in anger. There was silence as they both tried to grasp what I had just said. I too was quiet, panting hard when all of a sudden, they both burst out in laughter. "You're hilarious!" Artemis said nearly falling over in laughter. "I mean, what do expect me to do? Take responsibility?" Atlas laughed, "How do I know you've not been sleeping with other guys?" He added as Artemis fell over on the bed in laughter. They were me.....after everything. I thought we had something special. "But...." "But what? You wanna tell your mom that you've been sleeping with us?" Atlas asked, "I'd like to see her reaction to that" he said as they both continued laughing. As I watched them laugh, I realized just how stupid I was, falling for them. They were playboys afterall and I knew it. Why did I even think they could have feelings? "I'm so doomed" I thought as I watched them go delirious with laughter. 'I was a fool'
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