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Chapter 5 Leigh's POV I sat down opposite mom in her private room with her maids serving. She had called me in to discuss something. I didn't think she knew yet. “ I and His Majesty were discussing your marriage,” mom spoke as she sipped her tea cup elegantly. “ What marriage? And to who?” I questioned. “ Well, we haven't quite discussed that far. I mean, do you have someone in mind? Though, of course we would love you to get married to a noble,” she didn't even give me the chance to respond. “ I know what you're about to say that you want to be free for now and not get married but honey, you're of marriageable age and I think now is the right time for you to get married. Besides, the earlier you have children, the better,” she kept on talking. I pretty much was fulfilling mom's wish right now just not how anyone would want it. I was pregnant and for my brother at that, mom wouldn't forgive me if she finds out. “ So His Majesty had proposed a few families we could marry you into. I also as the protective mom I am did some background check and their men are rather nice so even if it's an arranged marriage, you will enjoy it,” she seemed a lot more excited than I was. “ Are you listening to me?” She questioned making me snap out of my thoughts. “ Yes, I am,” I replied, readjusting my sitting position. “ Good, so back to what I was saying...,” I could barely concentrate on what mom had to say. My pregnancy was growing and soon enough I won't be able to hide it. Marriage could be a way to mask my pregnancy but then again, if I suddenly said I was pregnant a few weeks after getting married and then giving birth in less than six months after announcing, everyone would know that the child wasn't his in the first place. Worst of is if the child turned out to be the exact copy of Atlas, I wouldn't be able to explain that. Maybe I should tell Mom? But if I told her the truth, I could ruin her relationship with the Lycan King. As much as I wanted to protect myself, I can't bear to see mom in pain. She had long being in pain and depression for years after dad died and now that she's finally found love again, I would be cruel to ruin it. “ Leigh? Leigh?!” Mom called my attention again. I had spaced out once more. “ Have you even been listening to anything I've been saying?” She folded her arms. “ No, I'm sorry,” I let out a sigh. I picked up the cup of tea I was yet to drink and took a gulp, I didn't care if it looked unsightly. “ Is there something bugging you? You can tell me you know,” she placed her hand over mine comfortingly. “ It's nothing major,” I forced a smile. “ I don't know what's going on with you but you've been acting strangely for a while now. From your mood swings to your appetite, I've been taking note,” she let out a frustrated smile. “ I-I...,” I panicked but that was the least of my problems. My stomach hurt, it was like they were tying a knot with it. I bent over in pain, nearly curling up as I bent. “ Leigh? Are you alright?” Mom got to her feet to properly see what was going on. “ I-I’m fine,” I said forcing myself to my feet. “ Maybe I need to use the convenience,” e said taking slow steps away from the table where we sat and mom herself but before I knew it, my legs could no longer support my weight and my body went crumbling down as darkness enveloped me. “ Leigh! Someone get a doctor!” Were the last words I heard. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• “ Is she alright?” I heard a voice similar to that of mom's as I tried to fight the drowsiness I was now feeling. My head hurt which could be due to the impact of the fall. “ You have to tell us what exactly is going on,” my stepdad, His Majesty questioned who I presumed was the doctor. “ She was fine when I was talking to her and the next thing I knew was she fainted,” mom explained like she had been questioned - her voice teary. I didn't like seeing her like that. “ It's okay, honey. She's going to be fine,” he comforted mom. Thinking of how the news could affect their relationship hurt me, I had been stupid to think that Atlas really loved me. It's no wonder Archer looked at me like an i***t. “ We need to calm down a bit,” the doctor tried to make the atmosphere less dense. My eyes popped open after much struggling. “ Baby? Are you alright?” Mom immediately ran to my side and hugged me. Her tears fell on my dress, I had gotten her worried. “ I'm sorry. I'm really sorry,” I apologized in a low voice, crying silently as she hugged me. “ Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong,” she let go of the embrace and caressed my cheeks. “ So doctor, you're yet to tell us what's wrong with her,” His Majesty was determined to know what had happened. “ The young lady fainted due to the tea she took. The tea is normally harmless to others but it's not the case when the person is pregnant,” the doctor said. “ And how does this relate to her fainting?” The Lycan King questioned and it was like a sudden realization hit everyone. The thing I had been trying so hard to conceal had finally come to light. “ T-that’s not possible,” mom stuttered. “ Why would my daughter be pregnant?” Her tone was accusatory. “ Are you sure of what you're saying, doctor?” She questioned his diagnosis. “ I don't know what else to say, Your Highness but the princess is indeed pregnant,” he quickly clarified. “ Leigh, tell me it's not true,” mom looked me in the eye as she shook me slightly. “ You're not pregnant, are you?” “ I'm really sorry, mom,” I muttered in tears. I had disappointed her, I knew and I wish I had listened to Archer, my life wouldn't be a mess now. “ I can't believe...,” mum clutched her chest in disbelief and fear gripped me. I didn't want her to have health issues because of me. “ This is somehow your fault for not training her enough. How could you not monitor her?” Stepdad pointed fingers at mom. This was not good. “ So now it's somehow my fault that she's pregnant? And I very well trained my daughter, if I didn't I wouldn't be this shocked and heartbroken,” mom defended. “ Do you know the shame this is going to bring to the family? How can a member of the royal family be pregnant out of wedlock?” He went on. “ Is your status the only thing you care about? Aren't you even bothered by how I'm feeling right now?” Mom cried. “ Of course I care about my status but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. My reputation and this family’s reputation is on the line because of your daughter's carelessness,” he pointed at me. ” Leigh, who's responsible?” Mom chose not to bicker with father. “ Yes, we want to know. Who's responsible?” Father and mom were on the same page now and my heart trembled. I could see Atlas and Artemis giving me death glares from behind our parents. How could I tell them that I was carrying my stepbrother's child? It's a lot worse than finding out that I'm pregnant. “ Leigh, you better spill it,” mom threatened. She had never been so cold to me before. “ It's me. I did it,” I heard a quiet, distinct yet familiar voice. It was Archer standing by the door which was wide open. Everyone turned to look at him in disbelief even I was confused as to what was going on. “ I'm the one who did it,” he repeated again. Did he just save me? Tears flowed down my cheeks at the thought that the very person I had detested and avoided had willingly come to rescue me. * * * *

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