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Chapter 3 I walked towards him with Artemis beside me still holding on to my hand which felt rather warm. I liked the feeling of it but I couldn't still get myself not to be crazily jealous right now as I watched girls touch Atlas seductively. “ Leigh?” He called once he noticed my presence. “ I'm glad you came,” he stood up, pushing the girls off him and hugging me. The anger and jealousy I had felt suddenly melted away like it never existed. “ You shouldn't have dressed this formally,” he said releasing me from his hug but still standing so close to me that our nose was nearly rubbing against each other. I loved it. “ I know, Artemis just told me the same thing,” I sighed. The last thing I wanted is to stand out. “ Well, it doesn't matter as long as you're here and I can see that you're wearing the necklace I got you,” he smirked and I blushed. I hope he didn't see it though. “ Let's get you something to drink,” as much as I wanted to refuse, I didn't want to disappoint him so I complied. After drinking and dancing for what seemed like hours, I felt a bit fuzzy in the head probably due to the alcohol. “ Do you want to leave here for a while? To you know, clear your head a bit?” Atlas suggested. He was so thoughtful. “ I was dying for you to say this,” I revealed. Getting to the regular part of the house, we stood in the hallway taking fresh air. At least air that wasn't filled with the mixture of alcohol and sweat. “ Did you like the experience tonight?” He finally broke the silence. “ It was different but fun. I liked it,” I answered. “ I'm glad you did,” he smiled. “ Your appearance made things a lot better,” his words were always sweet and whenever he said something like this, I couldn't keep a straight face. I toyed with my fingers, this was wrong. I shouldn't be having this sort of response. Before I knew it, I felt his hand on my cheeks caressing them softly. His eyes softened as he peered into mine - I loved him I knew. “ You're damn gorgeous,” he said softly. “ And it makes me want you sometimes,” he licked his lips as he said slowly. I pulled away, taking a few steps back even though I really didn't want to. “ This shouldn't be. I mean, we can't be,” I voiced out. “ Is it because we're siblings?” He moved closer to me. “ Yes,” I looked away. Tears were already gathering in my eyes, I wanted him so bad. Why was I so unlucky in love? And why did he have to be my brother? “ But we're not doing anything wrong, after all, we're not related by blood,” he tempted. “ Even though. Our parents are married and we are automatically siblings,” I glanced at him. “ But do you like me?” His question got to me. Pulling me close to him and pressing my back against the wall, he asked again. “ Do you have feelings for me?” “ Yes, I do. I've had for a while now but I know it's wrong,” I began to cry. “ Good, because I'm mad over you,” he said before smacking his lips on mine, clinging on to me like our lives depended on it. I didn't know when my hands wrapped themselves possessively around his neck. The fine blend of mint and alcohol entered my mouth as his tongue wiggled itself in. It weaved itself around mine as he often sucked in my lips as he twist and turned. He was good, very good. We finally but slowly let go each other's lips to catch our breaths. “ I love you, Leigh and I don't care if we can't be. Besides, no one has to know about us. We could date in secret,” he suggested and as dangerous and risky his idea was, I loved it. “ I don't mind one bit,” I said still trying to catch my breath. “ Would you permit me to be your first?” He said in a breathy voice, sending shivers down my spine. Even if I didn't want it, now he got me horny. I wanted him “ I've been waiting for the day we could do this,” I voiced out my fantasies. “ What are you both doing?” Artemis voice literally turned me stone. Had he seen anything? “ Why am I not surprised?” He said with a smirk on his face. “ Ha, disappointed that she didn't pick you?” Atlas laughed as he mocked. Did he not find what we were doing wrong? “ Probably but it doesn't matter, we can share,” he smirked. What did he mean exactly by share? “ Erm... What do you mean by share?” I questioned, giving both of them a skeptical look. “ I and Atlas literally share everything and that is not limited to girls,” he walked closer. “ I also know you have a mate bond with me as well as Atlas, let's ignore Archer,” “ What he means is he wants to join in if you wouldn't mind,” Atlas summarized. “ Don't overthink things, it's going to be the same as doing things with me,” he clarified. “ Yeah, I mean, we're identical. So it's like having two of him, do you. Don't worry, he's all yours, you can date and love only him but I want in,” he said determined. I wasn't exactly sure how to react to this as this was going to be my first time letting anyone in, talk more of having two people do it but then again, I still sort of fantasized doing erotic things with Artemis at some point. “ We'll be gentle, don't worry,” Atlas kissed me softly on the forehead. “ So what do you think?” “ We'll treat you right, I guarantee,” Artemis chirped in. “ Honestly, I'm a bit doubtful but at the same time, I sort of wanted to experience it with both of you so well, I don't mind giving it a try,” I accepted. “ We'll give you the time of your life,” Atlas kissed the back of my palm before leading me into the nearest room with Artemis behind us. I didn't know exactly how this was going to work but a threesome with these two didn't seem like something I would regret.
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