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Chapter 2 Leigh's POV A few months later I arranged a line of gowns on my bed as w stood in front of the full body mirror placing each in front of me to find the best suited one. I felt more than excited today, even though I was a bit nervous. It was going to be the first time I would go for wild party organized by nobles and the best part of it was Atlas wanted me to be there. ” You seem rather excited for today, if you ask me,” the maid in charge of me gave me an eager look. “ I'm nervous and excited at the same time,” I inhaled and exhaled slowly to steady my breathing. “ I don't know if it's okay for you to be attending a party by this time. I mean, it's already past eight,” she worried. “ There's no need to bother, Nanny,” I reassured. “ Besides, Atlas and Artemis are going to be there,” “ They're not exactly the reliable types,” I heard her mumble. I knew how everyone saw Atlas and Artemis as irresponsible but I didn't think so, I just think they are a little bit too outgoing and fun but it will probably die down as they get older. On the contrary, the triplet I didn't like was Archer who was the one all the maids and workers seemed to like. He was quietly rude, if I can put it that way. He obviously looks down on me. “ Erm... What do you think about this blue dress? I think it goes well with my blue necklace,” I showed her. “ Oh my gosh, the necklace is really pretty and expensive. Is it His Majesty that got it for you?” She inquired. “ Well, something of that sort,” I scratched my head as I lied. I had remembered that Atlas wanted me wearing it whenever I was around him. I had a feeling he liked me too and that he knew I liked him. My cheeks turned red as I thought of him. “ I asked you about a necklace, so why are you blushing?” She twisted her brows in confusion. “ I-I wasn't. Why would I be blushing?” I stuttered as her question caught me off guard. “ Anyway, I'm going to get changed,” I said taking the blue dress and drawing the curtains. That was close. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I walked through the hallways checking for any sign of Atlas or Artemis but they were nowhere to be found. I headed to one of the living rooms hoping to find them. The moment I walked in, I could feel my mate bond in action. It had to be Atlas. “ Atlas?” I said as I walked in further. He was seated with his back facing me. I felt the need to re-arrange my hair, I was sort of hoping for a compliment from him but my heart immediately sank when ‘ he ’ turned and a frown came across my face. “ Shouldn't you be able to recognize him by now? Even if you have to confuse anyone with him, it should be Artemis,” Archer said looking at me in that sort of distasteful manner making me clench my fist. I had no idea why I was feeling a mate bond with him when it could just have ended at just Atlas and Artemis. “ Sorry, sometimes I still get confused,” I half-heartedly apologized. I wasn't even in the least way sorry! It's my fault that I felt a mate bond with all triplets, if I could cut him off, I would have done that a while back. He quickly moved his eyes from me and continued to do whatever he was doing with some documents on the center table. Was he ignoring me? I turned round and stood in front of him. “ Excuse me??” I waved my hand in front of his face. He raised his head hesitantly without saying a word. “ I thought you would be courteous enough to at least compliment my looks?” I didn't know why that just came out of my mouth. “ Hmmm... Shouldn't that be Atlas and Artemis job? After all, I'm not the one who follows you around,” he replied with a shrug. “ You have to be the most annoying person ever,” I muttered and I think he heard but what did it matter? “ Where are they?” I questioned. ” I'm not obliged to answer someone as rude as you are,” he snapped. “So I'm the rude one here?” I exclaimed. “ You've been bloody rude to me since the moment I got here. You even act like I don't exist, what did even do to you that you hate me this much?” I vented. ” If I answer your question on their whereabouts would you give me some quiet?” He just told me to shut up. “ They're already at the party, you can take a driver or whatever,” he shrugged. “ Fine, I'm going,” I humphed and turned to leave but he didn't even flinch. “ Aren't you going to like try to stop me from going anywhere since it's late?” I questioned. “ It's your business, not mine,” he shrugged without looking at me. I really was wasting my time with him. “ Just be careful when you're out with my brothers. They're not as you think,” he said in a low voice just as I was about leaving. “ More like you're jealous that no one wants to associate with you. If there's anyone to be careful about, it's you,” I retorted before leaving. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The music was booming the moment I was led to the underground section of the house for the party. I had never known that a basement could be this big. The colorful dim lights flashed over everyone as people danced and grooved. It wasn't rigid and decent like regular social parties I had attended before, everyone was just going crazy. As I walked through the crowd in search of Atlas, I noticed I was the only girl dressed like I had come to a ball - this was awkward. Girls wore skimpy dresses with others on transparent silk gowns with long slits. No one would believe they were all noble children. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be here anymore. “ Hey, blondy!” A boy whistled at me making me flinch. The only thing I kept repeating in my head was ignore and I did but maybe that wasn't such a good idea. “ Pretty lady, didn't you hear us calling you?” He and his group of friends surrounded me and I began to panic. Maybe I really should be at home sleeping. “ Why are you so covered up?” One said giving me a confused look. Now, I was a misfit. I closed my eyes thinking of what to say next and how to escape them. “ What are you guys doing with my sister?” I heard a familiar voice and my heart immediately relaxed. It was Artemis. “ She's your sister? I really didn't know,” he and his lecherous friends backed off. Artemis had saved me. “ My goodness, you saved me. I didn't think I would be able to come out of it,” I clutched on to my chest. “ Haha, I'm glad you're alright. And why in the world are you so heavily dressed?” His brows twisted as he asked. ” I-I... No one told me to dress otherwise so well...,” I couldn't think of anything else to say. “ Okay, just forget about that. You're looking for Atlas right? Come on,” he took me by the wrist and pulled me away. In a more secluded part of the underground room, Atlas sat with some people who were obviously his friends, girls flocking around him, some sitting on his thighs as he drank. Jealousy instantly filled me even though I had absolutely no right to. * * * *
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