
1115 Words
Leigh's POV “ I think you're making it a little too tight,” I complained as my maid secured my corset around my waist. We were to attend a meeting with His Majesty and mother and of course, we had to look our best. “ I'm sorry, my lady,” she apologized and loosened the grip. I still had to breathe after all. “ How are you feeling going for your first official outing?” My chief maid questioned. “ Nervous,” I admitted. “ I just don't want to mess up anything. I don't want to embarrass mom,” I let out a sigh trying to calm myself. “ Don't think too much about it. After all, you have been going for your classes and have been doing excellently well,” she complimented. “ I hope so,” I let out a sigh as I straightened out my gown, taking a deep breath. I could do this. “ How do I look in this?” I questioned as I spun around. I wasn't exactly a fan of the colour red, softer colours were more in line with my taste. “ You look gorgeous as always,” a masculine voice came from the door. A familiar one at that. “ Artemis?” I turned to look back at one of the triplets who stood by my door with a smirk on his face. “ Atlas, actually,” he corrected. The triplets were identical and I was still yet to get used to who was who. The only one I could easily tell was Archer, he was quiet and introverted, not to mention snubbish. The thought of Archer made me frown, I didn't like him one bit. “ Oh, I'm sorry. I'm still getting used to all of you,” I said in a low, timid voice as I smiled sheepishly. How do I put this? I sort of had feelings for the triplets excluding Archer that is and I knew it was so wrong to like my stepbrother but they were just so hot, how could I ever resist their charms? “ It's not a problem. You'll be able to identify soon enough and that's because I'm unique,” he whispered the last part as he tucked a strand or two behind my ear making my cheeks turn a bright red, he knew how he affected me and he liked it. “ I need everyone here to excuse the both of us, I need to talk to my sister in private,” he commanded and all my maids filed out. For some reason or the other, my heart began to beat faster like I knew something was going to happen. “ W-why do you want to speak to me in private? I mean, there was no need to drive the maids out,” I tried my best to steady my voice as I spoke. “ Are you scared of me?” He placed his muscular arm on the wall, barricading me as he drew closer to me. I moved back to whatever space was left until my back was hard against the full-body mirror, my chest rising and falling in both anticipation and fear though I wasn't sure what I wanted to happen next. “ Do you think I'm going to eat you?” He leaned forward, over face about an inch apart. I felt his minty fresh breath hit against my face, sending shivers down my spine. “ Snap out of it,” I said in my head as I shook my head. I shouldn't be reacting to my brother like this. This wasn't right and the earlier I get used to us being siblings even if we weren't related by blood, the better. “ O-of course not,” I stuttered as I turned my head to the side trying to avoid peering into those lustful eyes of his. “ I think Mom and Father would be looking for us, we better get going. We don't want to keep them waiting,” I tried to dispell his attention but instead, he laughed. “ There's no need to be wary of me, I'm not the Archer that can come out as scary,” he joked. “ I simply came to give you something,” he said releasing me from his barricade and taking some steps backwards so I could feel safer. “ Really?” I said nearly too excited. “ I mean, that was so thoughtful of you,” I quickly corrected myself. “ Aren't you gonna ask what I brought you?” He looked at me with raised brows like he didn't understand my behaviour. Well, maybe that was due to the fact that I didn't want to end up acting too casually in a manner that would be offensive in the royal palace. “ I'm sorry. What did you get me?” I finally asked. Reaching out for his trouser pocket, he pulled out a blue velvet box and popped it open, revealing the biggest, most alluring blue stone necklace I had ever seen. “ I picked the color blue because it reminds me of you. You know, it's the same color as your eyes,” he said as I gasped. “ And by the way you really look gorgeous,” he said softly making my heart skip a beat. Everything about him enticed me, from his green eyes to his handsomeness to his dimpled cheeks whenever he smiled. “ I don't know what to say,” I was loss for words. “ Then don't say anything. Maybe we can hangout sometimes, outside social gatherings and dinner,” he rolled his eyes at the last part and I laughed, my face looking flushed. “ I wouldn't mind that at all,” I didn't know when slipped from my mouth causing him to smirk. “ Erm... I can't wear the necklace today as it wouldn't match my dress,” I tried to divert the attention. “ You can wear it any other day then, especially when you're with me,” he winked and I could feel my heart flutter. “ Do you mind?” He flexed his elbow and held it up to me so that I could take hold of it. “ I remember a certain miss being rather time conscious,” he joked and I laughed as I took his hand. We felt like a couple as we walked out my room door with hands linked, even though I knew no one else saw it that way except me. Yes, I was delusional when I was with him. Who wouldn't be when she's surrounded with the hottest triplets? * * * *
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