The Suggestion

879 Words

The SuggestionAfter a bit, the housekeeper brought in a tea-tray. Josie took up her cup and drank a bit. I had no idea what to say or do: I’d just accused Joe of the most horrible thing. And now I didn’t think he’d done it. Josie set her cup down. “I’m sure Joe’s not angry at you. We want to help, if we can.” I put my face in my hands. Josie was going through a terrible trial, and I’d come in and made things worse. “Talk with me, Jacqui. What can we do?” “I don’t know. And now I’m sorry that I came here.” Josie took one of my hands off my face, and when I peeked at her, she gave me a warm smile. “Don’t be. We all make mistakes.” She rested an arm around my shoulders. “We’re sisters, remember? Or as close as we might ever be to it. You’re having a difficult time, and we want to be her

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