The Breakthrough

2650 Words

The BreakthroughI stayed for luncheon. Joe was quiet, Josie chatty. But all I could think of was how Jonathan and Tony would feel when they learned I’d come here. When I left, Joe said, “I’m sorry if I upset you. Please forgive me.” I nodded, feeling bleak, and went down the stone steps with Amelia, not knowing what else to do. The entire trip back, I pondered Josie’s offer. I didn’t understand why she’d think staying in Hart quadrant with her was a good option. Normally she was so skilled at understanding the correct play. Could she possibly not understand the situation? If I refused to return from Hart quadrant, my status would either become that of traitor or kidnap victim. In either case, Roy Spadros would be forced to invade Hart to retrieve me or face yet another uprising amongs

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