The Doubt

1066 Words

The DoubtAmelia said, “What does it mean?” The strike of the typewriter’s keys had pressed through, making raised marks on the other side. And the card had just the slightest curve to it. “I have no idea.” Who would do this? Who had cause to take Jonathan Diamond from the Courthouse? Who had cause to do anything to Jon? People liked him. Jon was steady, thoughtful, kind. Everyone loved him ... Everyone except Joseph Kerr. Or I might say, the two hated each other. Jonathan believed Joe to be a cad, an utter scoundrel who’d cheated on me with dozens of women. Joe named Jonathan an untrustworthy liar, a man who planned me and Tony harm, only by my side to spy on us. In all the years I’d known him, Jonathan had rarely lied to me, and the few times he had it was only to protect his fa

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