The Alley

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The AlleyWhen I got inside, Blitz stood waiting, a letter in hand. “This came a few minutes ago,” he said. The letter was on Diamond stationery, white edged in silver: Our mutual friend did not pass the Diamond bridge. I’ve had men to the Families for permission to investigate the other two. Please advise. Cesare, Diamond Heir The manner of his signature amused me. Using letters was dangerous, but went to my study at once to write a letter in reply: Sir, The Spadros bridge is clear. Yet smugglers rarely keep a prize in view. The Court has been informed. No struggle was given. I fear deception. Others fear villainy. Silence may not be the best course of action. We await word on how we may assist you. — JS Blitz stood there, peering at me. “What’s happened?” I stood, putting the

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