Chapter 5

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Chapter 5   Elliot's POV It's only been a week since I entered Bella Terra and I've seen more injustice than all the teenage movies and their bully queens Caleb had watched in his lifetime. Seriously. What is up with these rich snobs? Especially those four jerks. Okay maybe three of them. The one named Grayden seems okay. He's mostly quiet. He doesn't participate in the bullying antics of his friends. And why is he friends with those idiots anyway? Ugh! And Caleb didn't believe me when I told him his beloved Keith is a total moronic jerk just like that biggest asshole Zayne and the other bad boy Bohdi. Gosh! They make my blood boil. Today is Monday and for the first time, I am so not looking forward to going to school. Pretty soon I'm gonna have a stroke from these morons, smug faced pigheads! "You're scaring me with the way you drive, Elliot." Caleb broke my internal ranting. We're on our way to our university. The core of Satan's hell. "I drive the limit don't I?" I retorted back. "Yeah. But your stitching the road by driving from side to side." I was going to say something back when I saw the gesture of the driver ahead of me. My eyes widened when the one ahead of me flipped me off. I growled angrily and stuck my head out. "Drive the freaking limit! I'm late for school!" I heard my best friend laugh after I put my head back in. "You've lost your head, Ponpon. Is it the big four?" "What? I haven't thought about them at all." I have killed them a thousand times in my head, that's what. Caleb tried to suppress his laughter. "You can take them on. You're Elliot Ponce freaking Jatura. The king of our high school. Don't worry about me feeling sorry for P'Keith. Let him suffer, too." I smirked. He's only saying that because he saw him last Friday with a girl. And then he learned the many others P'Keith has dated, one girl every week. What an ass. "Well, they're in for a surprise if they go after me directly. Flower boys, my ass. More like, egocentric, boneheads, self centered, egomaniac, imbecile fancy pants!" "You know... I think you're ten times angrier because this whole time you stood by, shocked by what you have seen and unable to uphold justice with your own hands. I mean... Where's the Elliot who kicked the balls of the one who bullied me in elementary?" "s**t. You're freaking right. What was I thinking getting frozen on my feet whenever someone got a cake or a juice drink being slapped into their face or poured into their shirt?!" I was huffing in anger while Caleb just laughed next to me. We reached our university just in time for our respective first classes. We bid goodbye and separated our ways. *** I was eating my lunch at the student union building cafeteria when I heard the usual screaming of students whenever F4 makes an appearance. I chose to ignore it and continued eating my packed meal. I'm only here for the drinks. I can't believe how expensive a bottle of pineapple juice is. I'm bringing my own water bottle next time. Or two. My food was only half way finished when I heard a hundred footsteps approach my table. What the hell?! The lunch box I was eating at went straight into the trash bin. I must have seen red when I looked back and saw the famous arrogant bastards and their smug faces. Except for P'Grayden. His face is blank and not even looking at me. Come to think about it. Whenever these four bullies someone or more precisely, rudely respond to a student's kind gesture, P'Grayden always would look somewhere else. Enough about that. This moron in front of me is really riling me up. "What the hell was that for? I wasn't done eating!" I yelled at their leader. And look at his face full of misplaced pride. "Poor people's food doesn't belong here. You should have eaten somewhere else." Zayne said to me after staring at me up and down. And i refused to call him P'Zayne. He doesn't deserve my respect at all! I heard Bohdi and Keith snickered behind him. And so did the other students watching my misfortune. I threw Zayne a glare before picking up my lunch box. "My mother woke up very early to cook that meal and arranged it really nice for me. And you ruined it, you egotistical maniac!" I yelled at him before gathering my stuff and ran off. I heard shocked gasps and murmurs as I ran away. The adrenaline rush was high and I kept running until I reached the medical department. My father would have scolded me for running after eating a meal. But I felt like getting away as far as I could from that monster. How dare he throw my mother's cooking?! *** "I heard what happened today. I'm sorry I was held up in class. But you did well standing up for yourself. My Ponpon is back." Caleb hugged me after we left our last class. "Ugh. I've got no time to think about what happened today. I wanna go swim." I grumbled. "I'd be happy to go but I have a meeting with the-- " "Dance group. I get it." I cut him off. I understand that we both have extracurricular activities and besides we spend too much time with each other. No wonder my mother ships me with him. Brrr... That's like dating your brother. "I know that look. Wanna kiss me, Ponpon? To erase that little frown." Caleb closed his eyes, pouted his lips and offered them to me. I pressed the KitKat bar on it instead. "Oh, why thank you." He said. I shook my head and walked away. "Elliot! This was for you! You'll get hungry later." I walked back and grabbed the candy bar. "You're welcome!" I laughed after hearing my best friend. I then headed to the gym. Maybe P'Grayden will be at that nook again. *** That handsome senior P'Grayden wasn't there and here I am swimming. The swim team doesn't have a slot for a new member. Or maybe they just don't want me to join. But at least their captain let me use the gym every after my last lesson. Gosh, I need to relieve my stress. Every day is too much. And today I had to face that jerk Zayne. Man, I want to smash his head into the ground. I wonder how that would feel like. I swam a few more lapses until I felt the fatigue creeping in. From the corner of my eye I saw someone watching me. A girl? What's she doing here? "Need help?" She asked as she offered a hand while I was still in the waters. Me? Need help? It's sweet but I think I could pull her down if I took her hand. "Thanks. I can do it." I smiled at her and she handed me a clean towel. "Nice kids are hard to come by in this school." She giggled walked ahead of me. Only then I realized I'm alone with a girl in here with me on my swim trunks. Crap. I chuckled awkwardly and excused myself to the showers. When I got out and fully dressed, the girl was still there. I knew it was rude not telling her my name. "I'm Elliot. Thanks for earlier." "I'm Prae. You're welcome. Do you have any more class?" I shook my head. "Let's have ice cream, you want ice cream?" Woah. That escalated quickly. I thought for sure this wouldn't happen at a rich kid school. Because you know, I'm a poor kid here. She threw me a smile and batted her lashes on me. "Ice cream?" I grinned awkwardly. "Okay." She's pretty and I'm sure she could date other boys so it makes me wonder why she approached me. Or maybe she's just being nice to a loner like me. Have I grown distrustful of others? I should be okay with this. Caleb had made friends with his dance group buddies and veterinary classmates and I'm a freaking loner. Ah, I should be friends with this sweet girl. It's a good start. *** "Good?" She asked me while I'm having my vanilla ice cream on a cone. We're walking down the steps of the student union building. I smiled happily and nodded. Prae and I were having fun, going up and down the steps,  it almost felt like a date but no, she's a friend. All of a sudden she tripped on one of the steps as we walked back up and her cone fell. I heard someone curse. I looked behind me and at the bottom of the steps were the faces I least expected to see again. Prae ran down the steps and apologized to Zayne profusely, bowing here head repeatedly. Her ice cream had landed on Zayne's shoe. When I saw the pissed off smirk on Zayne's face, my blood started to boil again. Freaking king of freaktards!!! "Hey! She already apologized. Tell her it's fine. Forgive her." Zayne glared at me and the disgust couldn't be masked with whatever handsomeness he has. Jerk! "You're telling me what to do now? Do you know how expensive these shoes are?" He snarled at me. Asshole. "I'll...I'll wipe it off, P'Zayne." Prae said, scared and panicking. Her hand trembled as she took out a handkerchief from her pocket. She crouched down and was about to wipe the shoe where the ice cream had landed when Zayne kicked the handkerchief off. "Lick it!" He demanded. I was so angry but I tried my best to pull Prae up gently. I turned to Zayne and glared at him. "Is that how you were taught to treat a girl? You disgust me." I heard him huff in annoyance as I picked up the handkerchief. I walked back and wiped his shoe forcefully. "There. Looks the same as before. Freaking jerk." I got up and before I could walk away, Zayne grabbed me by my collar. "You dare talk back to me? Or is it you're acting heroic for our girlfriend? Tsk." That smirk he had before he let my collar go really got to my nerves. "She's not my girlfriend and I can treat her nice. Unlike someone who's been a natural born egotistical maniac. I feel sorry for you." I said before I turned to Prae and held her arm so we could walk away. ___________________________________________________  
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