Chapter 4

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Chapter 4   It's Tuesday. Second day of the semester. Elliot and Caleb's last lesson for the day ended at 2:30 in the afternoon. "So... I'm signing up with the dance group. What about you?" Caleb asked Elliot as they head out of their last classroom. "I'm going to check the swimming team. I'll go see if I could join them." Elliot replied. "Cool. Here's another chocolate bar to get you through the afternoon." Caleb handed Elliot the last KitKat bar he had and Elliot just chuckled. Caleb does such sweet act whenever they had to part for some reason. It's like him telling Elliot, "Here's a part of me. Hold on to it while I'm away." It's the reason Elliot called Caleb "Kit" sometimes back in middle school. "Okay. I'll see you at the parking lot later. I'll call you." Caleb said after a few seconds of staring at Elliot with the chocolate at hand. "Okay. I'll see you later." Elliot gave Caleb a hug before the latter skipped the hallway and left ahead of him. Both of them have talked about the extra-curricular activities they wanted to enter once they start college. Caleb is very good at dancing. Elliot loves swimming. Elliot walked the steps to get to the lobby of the building he was in. He was just about to take the last step when he heard screaming of girls coming from all directions. He was caught up with where the sound was coming when he was pushed down from the steps, making him fall on the marble floors face down. "Son of a-- " That's all he could mutter before all the screaming figures swarmed the entrance of the lobby accompanied by the sound of cameras flashing. Elliot noticed the KitKat missing and he was beyond mad. "What the f-- ???" He found it flat and squished not far from him. "My KitKat..." He desperately whispered. When Elliot looked up, he saw four handsome boys, one of them standing proud ahead of the other three.   A female student from one side sheepishly approached the leader and shyly offered him a small round Vanilla cake. Elliot's eyes widened when the said cake landed on the student's face. She looked so excited just a moment ago and now she looked like a face that has seen horror. The students made way for the four handsome boys as if nothing had happened. Elliot was beyond flabbergasted at the lack of discipline in any of them. Especially the leader of the four boys. 'No proper manners at all!!! What a bunch of arrogant jerks!' Zayne, Keith, Bohdi, and Grayden walked past Elliot who was still on the floor gathering himself. The famous members of the big four just gave Elliot a quick, non-caring look as they headed up the stairs. 'What a bunch snob heads! Grrr! They piss me off!' "Get out of the way loser." Elliot heard someone tell him before he could get up completely. 'So much for the future doctors of New Thailand. Just a group of arrogant, selfish, uncaring bastards.' Elliot thought before leaving the medical building.       Elliot headed to the very back of the campus where the gym with swimming pool is located. He had to pass by a footpath with trees alongside to get to his destination. "I thought I only had to go through here. I think I'm freaking lost." He scratched his head as he walked around the same spot to see where he was. "Yup. I'm lost." He was deliberating whether he should continue walking ahead when he heard a wonderful sound - a music piece played through a violin. Elliot noticed a little garden nook a few yards of the path. Somebody is playing the instrument, his back, facing Elliot. Elliot walked closer and accidentally stepped on a tree branch. 'Shit.' The guy playing the violin stopped and turned around to see who had disturbed his time alone. He was surprised to see it was Elliot but it didn't show in his face. 'What the-- He's one of the four snobs from earlier. What's he doing here?' Elliot thought when he recognized the student, same one at the rooftop of a school building yesterday morning. "You need something?" Grayden Thongayu asked, his voice was calm, yet almost cold. Elliot was slightly gaping at the handsomeness of the guy in front of him, his musical abilities must have influenced such thought to Elliot. "Um... I was looking for the gym where the swimming pool is." He then flashed his sweetest smile hoping he doesn't piss the guy for distracting his leisure time. 'He doesn't seem so snobbish now that he's away from those three. And speaking of one of them... He's the one Caleb likes. But he smirked at that girl earlier. Gosh, he's a jerk, too!' Grayden blinked. Elliot is making adorable little quirky expression on his face as if he was remembering something. Grayden chuckled. Never once he had seen such an adorable face. "Continue the footpath, don't turn right, no matter what." Elliot was woken up from his thoughts. "Huh? Why?" Grayden chuckled again. "It will lead you back here. Again and again. This the secret maze garden of Bella Terra." Grayden answered. Elliot smiled sheepishly as he scratched his nape and looked down on the concrete ground. "Okay. T-thank you." Grayden didn't pay more attention and went back to his violin. Elliot took it as a sign to just leave. He was smiling on the way to the gym. 'At least he didn't ignore me. He gave me directions. Isn't that nice...'       It's dinner time at the Jatura residence. Elliot was lost in his world smiling as he ate and then frowning seconds later. The two parents watched as their son change from one expression to the next. "Have you gone mad, honey?" Said Violet who was as confused as her husband was. Elliot dropped the spoon his mouth hadn't let go for minutes. "H-huh? Why do say that?" With pink tinges creeping on his face, Elliot met the sparkling eyes of his mother, and the rolling ones of his father. "You found a nice girl, didn't you?" "Not this again, sweetheart." Alex uttered. His wife is obsessed with Elliot bagging a rich wife to be. Violet shook her husband's plea to stop asking their son about girlfriend matters. He could only give up and shrug his shoulders when Elliot asked for help through his eyes. "Mother. Come on. I ain't marrying a rich girl from that school. They're all snobs!" Elliot replied irritatingly remembering the power puff girls from yesterday. Violet raised an eye brow and then stuffed her son's mouth with fried chicken wings so she could finish what she had to say without Elliot butting in. "Cal said they were nice. Is it just me or all veterinary students or graduates are nice?" She said and turned to her husband. "Must be just you, mother..." Elliot muttered while chewing. "It's probably true, son. Maybe you just happen to meet the snob population of your school. The medical department is huge, right?" Alex was agreeing with his wife. "I know how rich people can be... you know... " "-- Overbearing... Arrogant... Superficial... Snobs-- " "That's not nice." Violet cut Elliot off who responded by squinting his eyes. Alex could only shake his head. "You're the one who wanted to study in an elite school, what you're complaining about?" She added. "Mom. I went there because of their high quality education in medicine. Plus, it's free because of my scholarship." "And who granted your scholarship?" "The rich people." "See?" "Yeah. I get it. I was just getting irritated at the kids in school. They act like what they have is their own money. It's their parents!" "Okay. Wait, what about you smiling earlier what's up with that?" "N-nothing." "You're crushing on someone, aren't you? Do tell, honey." Violet insisted. Elliot tried to avoid the question over and over again. His encounters with Grayden, even Caleb doesn't know yet. 'I'll keep it to myself for now.'         Meanwhile at a certain exclusive club for young rich kids. "So? Why were we there at the medical building and didn't find your new targets?" Keith asked Zayne while trying to shoot a ball at the billiard table. Zayne groaned in annoyance while holding a cue stick across Keith. Bohdi was plotting something in his head while sitting at the other pool table. Grayden on the other hand watched from the sideline, bored to death and just wanted to sleep. He sleeps a lot. "Hey. How come you don't have a picture of them yet? It's so easy to get." Bohdi asked after hopping off the table and stood next to Zayne, one hand on the taller guy's shoulder. "It would be no fun if I knew their faces. I have to hunt them." Zayne replied with an evil smirk on his face. "You know I heard about a certain medical student, freshman. He helped Park, the one that got the red card yesterday." Keith said. He stopped playing altogether. "Helped?" Zayne asked curiously. "Hm. He picked some stuff Park dropped on the floor. He even barked at the other students." Keith added. Grayden had a little smile on his face when he remembered the freshman who was screaming on top of his lungs at the rooftop yesterday, ranting about the bullies of the school. "What's so funny?" Bohdi asked. "Nothing." Grayden answered. "I'm leaving first. I'm tired." "He's always tired." Keith said after Grayden had left. "More like bored all the time." said Bohdi. "Hm." Zayne agreed. _________________________________
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