Chapter Eight

1297 Words
“The Lockharts disowned her because of your child, Keiran?” Rosalyn said in disbelief. Her heart wrenched, she couldn’t imagine someone trying to force her children from her side. To think that Roxanna endured her punishment in silence, raised that girl on her own and turned a few million dollars into billions… Even without knowing her, it was a lot to admire. Rosalyn thought about the situation, and when she looked at that little girl, she knew what needed to be done to protect Amelia. “Cancel the engagement. I will support you in this. However, you better get that girl to marry you. She’s the mother of your child, and I won’t have you out here galavanting around with anyone else. You, a wife, and biological children Keiran.” “Mommy said she didn’t want to marry daddy because evil auntie and bad granny!” “Well, I apologize for that, I’m afraid I didn’t know how despicable they really were. Can you forgive grandma?” Amelia thought about it and nodded. “You’re a nice grandma, so okay! But I’m watching you.” Amelia said widening one of her eyes. Keiran and Rosalyn laughed. This girl was way too cute. “How would you like a room to stay at when you’re here? You can decorate any way you want to. Keiran you should invite Miss Lockhart to dinner tomorrow night, so that we can meet properly. Your father will be discharged tomorrow morning. Call Aaron and have that woman thrown out of the Broderick Estate. I’ll not have her causing trouble for Amelia.” “Nice Granny.” Amelia commented her approval. Keiran tried not to laugh at the statement. He indeed called up his brother and informed him of the situation. Afterward, he called his father at the hospital as well. Eve and Lorraine were visiting Maxwell, and when he heard the situation, he was sure to keep things somewhat quiet to save face. “Is Keiran coming to visit?” Eve asked, hopeful. They had been engaged for six months, and yet Keiran made a point to avoid her when at all possible. She thought that visiting Maxwell, would gain her some favors with him. Maxwell chuckled, and looked shocked over something that was said, but the old man didn’t look like he was privy to sharing anything that was said over the phone. When the phone call ended, he finally addressed the two women. “Eve, Miss Lockhart. There has been a situation brought to my attention. Keiran has decided to cancel his engagements with miss Eve, effectively immediately. I will invite her to pack her things and remove herself from the estate as well. It seems we will not be collaborating together in this matter any further.” Eve immediately broke into ugly wrenching sobs. Lorraine on the other hand, was furious. “We demand an explanation Mr.Ross! This was to be an arranged match, who is better suited for Keiran?!” Maxwell Ross was no fool. They wanted to know who to blame, but he wasn’t going to release any information for the time being. “Just know that Keiran has chosen someone else. I’m sorry that it didn’t work out, I suggest finding another suitable bachelor for your daughter Mrs. Lockhart.” Lorraine and Eve left the hospital in a foul mood, both seething with murderous rage and no one to blame. Lorraine called and informed Corbin, and would have it looked into, but other than that, they had little option, but to accept their fate. Amelia was having a good time with her new daddy, and her grandma. She took a tour of the estate, played with Keiran and finally set down to have dinner. “No shellfish, she’s allergic.” Keiran reminded his mother, as Rosalyn piled food on to Amelia’s plate cautiously. Amelia was delighted with the chef prepared meal and dug in happily. “So, Amelia? What are some things you like to do?” Rosalyn asked, eager to learn more about her new grandchild. Keiran listened eagerly as well, hopeful to get to know more about his daughter. “Maddie usually cares for me when mommy is busy at work, but we do lots of fun things when mommy can’t play. I like books, painting, I like your music room Granny. Mommy has one with lots of string instruments.” That got Keiran’s attention. His evasive little Roxanna was a musician was she? “What instruments does mommy play?” Keiran asked, he was quite curious. “Violin, Cello, Guitar, and she started practicing a harp? Last week.” Rosalyn was also very interested in this subject. “What does mommy play most?” “Cello, I think it’s beautiful, but the songs sound very sad and lonesome.” Rosalyn nodded in understanding. Sometimes a musician’s deepest emotions come out in the songs they play. “Do you play any instruments, Amelia?” “Mhm! I am learning the Violin!” “If you’re interested, maybe I can teach you some piano lessons when you’re here.” Amelia nodded excitedly and stuffed another spoonful of food in her mouth. She was very happy to meet her dad and her grandmother. She was nice, unlike the bad lady that her mom talked about. After dinner Rosalyn took Amelia upstairs to wash up and change into a pair of pajamas. They were covered in little princess crowns and Amelia liked them a lot. “I had the housekeeper but you some clothes for your stay, I hope you like them.” “I like them a lot!” Amelia agreed. She let Rosalyn brush out her hair and then she ran to her Daddy’s room. He was sitting down on the chair reading a book, when Amelia crawled into his lap. He was surprised, but his heart instantly melted. “Read me a story too!” Keiran laughed. “Only if you tell me more about mommy.” Keiran said thoughtfully. “Okay, what do you want to know?” Keiran thought about it for a moment, before replying. “Is mommy seeing anyone?” “Nuh-uh. Do you like mommy?” “I do.” “Then you should be with mommy.” Amelia said and yawned. “Okay, I’ll try. How about a story about princesses?” “Those are my favorite!” “Okay, I’ll tell you the story of Cinderella.” Keiran plucked a book off of the bookshelf and opened the first page and began reading. He was only about four pages in, before Amelia fell asleep. Keidan scooped her up, put the book down and tucked her into bed. He let Amelia sprawl out across the bed and lounged across the couch. The next morning, Rosalyn got up early, and helped Amelia get ready for school. She was dressed in a frilly black and white dress with a large red bow in the back, matching tights and shoes to match. She took the time to clip Amelia’s long hair back with a decorative red butterfly clip so that her hair looked elegant as well. “Ready for school?” Keiran asked as he made it down the stairs. “Yep!” Keiran collected Amelia, helped her into the backseat of the black Maybach, and dropped her off at the preschool. She waved her goodbyes and ran off to the teacher. Amelia’s teacher stood in shock when she got a glimpse of the man dropping Amelia off. “Who’s that sweetie?” Amelia giggled happily. “That’s my daddy!” “Your father is Keiran Ross?” The teacher said with a gasp. “Yes!” Amelia said and ran off to join the other students in the classroom.
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