Chapter Seven

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Roxanna eyed her daughter with a look of curiosity, as the blue eyes widened as she stared up at the man who had been described as her father. Amelia smiled in a charming way and simply moved from the couch and immediately hugged his leg. “Hello Daddy!” Keiran’s heart wrenched in his chest. It was a lot to swallow and he didn’t know how to react at first. He crouched down to the child’s level and gave little Amelia a proper hug. He couldn’t believe his life right now. He found his mysterious woman, but had no idea he was also a father. It was quite a lot to take in. “She is quite aware that she has a dad, and at only four, she is pretty bright. Whether you choose to believe it or not she does belong to you, and I’m unconcerned with what your family will think of Amelia. She wants for nothing, with or without you.” Roxanna said with a sigh. Keiran understood what she was getting at. The Ross family might be goaded into thinking that he wasn’t the biological father, or that Roxanna was after money, and trying to use him in some way. “What do you propose?” “Keep me out of it, until you figure out your relationship problems. However, that doesn’t mean Amelia has to miss out. I’ll have the lab run a DNA test, so you can take those to appease your family. If you’d like to take some time to get to know Amelia? I will trust her safety to you, but know this… if something happens to her, no one will save you from me.” Keiran thought it over and looked down at Amelia. He bent down and picked her up. “How would you like to meet your uncle and grandparents over dinner tonight?” Amelia thought it over. “If it’s okay with Mommy!” “Let’s ask her, mommy is it okay if Amelia accompanies me to a family dinner?” “Sure, send her back if she becomes too much trouble.” Roxanna said softly. Keiran thought she was handling the situation quite reasonably. He heard that women become increasingly more vicious after barring children. Though, he had to admit that Roxanna seemed to have a change in personality since they first met. Not that it was a bad thing, Keiran thought that perhaps hardships have made her a bit colder. Roxanna paged Garett to the office. He stepped in after knocking. “Collect a strand of hair from Mr.Ross and Amelia, send it to the lab for a paternity test, and have Wade print the results and bring them to me.” Garett nodded. Keiran plucked a strand of his own hair, and a single dark strand from Amelia. Garett collected the samples and stored them in a small envelope and exited the room. Keiran didn’t know what to think. He stared over at Roxanna. The way the dim light shined against her face, It lit up her features perfectly. She was a sight, and a beautiful sight she was. Keiran needed to think of a way to win her heart. That woman was definitely gonna be his. It took less than an hour for a knock to sound on the door. A tall dark haired man with glasses stepped in holding a Manila envelope. He came through the room and handed the envelope to Roxanna and politely excused himself. Roxanna briefly looked through the contents, before handing it over. Keiran stared down at the paper in his hands, with mixed emotions. It was definitely real now. Amelia belonged to him. “Take that with you, if anyone wants to deny that child, there’s the proof.” Roxanna said with a sigh. Keiran could tell that she put a lot of thought into it. “She attends Maddison Garden Preschool. I’ll give you my business card, if you have any problems, call me immediately.” Roxanna said with a faint smile. “Oh, no shellfish, she’s deathly allergic.” Keiran’s eyes widened in realization. He had the same allergy. “Anything else?” Roxanna shook her head. “I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.” She stood up, and walked around the desk, she kissed Amelia on The cheek. “Do I get one?” Keiran asked coyly. Roxanna flushed a little, and shook her head. She picked up a card from her desk and placed it in Amelia’s hand. “Call mommy if you have a problem or if you want to come home.” Roxanna said softly. “As for business matters, send me a business proposal, and I might consider it.” “Agreed, see you later Miss Lockhart.” Keiran arrived at Mayweather estate later that evening with Amelia in tow. She was happily walking behind with her favorite stuffy and a drink she was sipping through a straw. Her little waves of dark hair bounced with each step. She followed behind her Keiran as he made his way to his mother’s music room. Rosalyn was picking at the keys of her piano, when they came in. “Son, how goes the search?” “Well… I found her and there’s some um… additional news.” “What kind, and who is she?” Rosalyn was observant, and didn’t fail to notice the child standing behind her son. “She had a baby, Amelia meet your grandmother.” An ugly sound came out of the piano as Rosalyn accidentally struck the keys with her hand. “That definitely muddles things…” Rosalyn finally choked out.
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