
The Billionaire’s Reluctant Bride

single mother
office/work place

Roxanne Lockhart is the wealthy daughter of a million dollar businessman, but when she has a passionate night with Ross corporation C.E.O Keiran, her life changes on a dime. A new baby, a rare blood disorder and disinherited all on the same day, what’s a new mom to do?

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Chapter One
Ross Estate October 31st Keiran Ross had been standing on the balcony of his family’s estate overlooking the gardens. He had been in a foul mood since his mother had insisted on hosting this desperate display. He figured it was another attempt to persuade him to take an interest in some woman from a wealthy family, make a good match, and make them proud as the leader of the Ross Corporation, give his parents grandchildren, but he had no interest in striking the ego of some bore of a woman with eyes only for his family assets. It was enough to make him sick. “Hiding away from the party too?” The sweet voice roused Keiran from his daze and his hazel eyes focused on the lower features of a sweet feminine face. Her features were hidden by the sapphire encrusted masquerade mask she wore. Adorned with dark feathers featuring an azure hue in the dim light. Her skin was clear and delicate, pouty glossy lips moved as she spoke, he was nearly entranced with every word she spoke. He wasn’t proud of it, but his eyes travelled onward to take in her full figure. She was on the shorter side, well built with delicate curves caressed by the silken azure gown she was wearing. It fit her well deep necked, with a slit from her thigh down to her heel. Her dainty feet were strapped into a pair of dark blue strappy pumps. “I hate parties, you?” Keiran stuttered suddenly, his deep voice and masculine figure didn’t do much to hide his awkwardness. Most would say he was a cold, brooding sort but he felt out of sorts in this beauty’s presence. “I was forced to attend, my father and stepmother have some idea about wanting to speak personally with the hostess, having beautiful or successful children are mere bargaining chips for the elite.” Keiren chuckled. “Which one are you then?” His tone amused. “Personal opinion? Neither. Perhaps this mask is hiding a hideous disfigurement, and maybe I’m the failure of the family.” The woman said lightheartedly. “Do you have a name ugly girl?” Her laughter was a soothing sound. Her lips curled mischievously, and he couldn’t help but wonder how they would feel against his own. “They call me Roxie.” He was about to tell her his when he saw a group of women looking for him. He sighed and reached out and grabbed Roxie’s wrist. “Come with me.” He demanded as he pulled her out of the balcony and across the foyer hiding them in a nearby coat closet. It was big enough for now. “Care to tell me what we’re running from?” The soft voice said as her hands ran along the fancy oversized coats on display along the racks. “Vultures. You know the sort right?” She grinned and those perfect lips of hers curved into a bemused smile. A soft gasp followed when he covered her small mouth with his. Roxanna let out a surprised gasp when the masculine stranger had kissed her so suddenly. Her thoughts were flooded with confusion and finally an unfamiliar desire. She slipped her arms around the muscular shoulders of him as he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. She parted her lips and let him invade her mouth. Her body heated up with the burn of desire. She could feel something hard grinding into her. Roxanna couldn’t help but melt into his embrace. She barely had time to catch her breath when he hoisted her up and propped her against the back wall, her dress slid up around her waist, she wrapped herself around him, clutching for safety. “Do you want me to stop?” His breath was husky. She shook her head, her light auburn waves bounced in reaction. His fingers found her warm heat, he fumbled with the zipper of his slacks and very unceremoniously entered her. Red hot pain flashed behind her eyes, but soon enough that subsided and the only thing she could feel was pleasure raising higher. She mewed and groaned as waves of desire hit her again and again and soon, she was completely consumed by him. 10 Months Later “One more push, Miss Lockhart! You’re almost there!” Roxie gripped the hospital sheets until her knuckles turned white. She pushed through the pain one more time and screamed until her voice went hoarse. She could faintly hear the sound of an infant crying she released a breath she didn’t know she was still holding and reached her arms out for her baby. The blue eyed bundle put in her arms, was a sweet baby girl. “She’s beautiful.” Roxie mumbled as she stared down at those big blue eyes and couldn’t help but see that mystery man within the stare that her newly born daughter was giving her. Roxanna felt so weak, and tired, but delighted as well. She had a baby, a healthy little girl who she knew she’d have to protect. The hospital door suddenly swung open and in stepped the wicked stepmother. Lorraine had done nothing but threaten and bargain with Roxanne into giving up that child or the father for that matter, but Roxie had remained deathly silent. Roxanna had discovered the identity of the father a month prior when her mother spoke about setting up a match between her stepsister and the heir of the Ross family. It isn’t important, if they knew, it’d only complicate things and Lorraine would become unbearable, and Roxanna didn’t have the energy for such things now. Lorraine looked like she was about to pop a blood vessel. She was hot, seething with ill intentions, it didn’t take a genius to see it. Her blonde hair had been swept up into an elegant updo. Combined with a fancy blouse, skirt and beige jacket combo, most would assume she was the perfect example of a classy lady…. Though there was true evil hiding behind all that makeup and plastic surgery. “What are you going to name the little Mongrel? Honestly. After everything your father and I sacrificed? A fatherless bastard child to an ungrateful little w***e! You have ruined your chances at marriage for that little cur!” Roxie softly comforted the infant ignoring the shrill voice of her stepmother and let out a soft sigh. “I’m very tired, can you make her leave?” The doctor was surprised and looked to the nurse and wiped his weary eyes with his newly ungloved hand. Doctor Collins was a middle aged man, his dark hair had already turned grey in some spots, but had a distinguished look about him and had brown eyes that seemed wise beyond his years. “Mrs. Lockhart? Roxanna has just now given birth and is still a patient, if you don’t leave I’ll have to call security.” “Kick me out? You better decide Roxanna! That little cur or your family? I’ll have you thrown out of the house. You choose that baby and you’re out of the family! This scandal alone has ruined your father’s good name!” “Doctor Collins? Make that loud woman go away…” Roxie sighed wearily. The doctor nodded, and soon Lorraine’s ranting faded down the hallway and silence once again filled the room. Roxie stared down at the pretty little bundle and sighed happily. “Hm.. you still need a name huh? How about Amelia? Pretty name for a pretty girl.” Four Years Later… “Miss Lockhart? Your daughters condition has greatly improved. The fever didn’t spark an episode, so the danger has subsided. There’s another matter though. If the father is a match with the rare proteins in the red blood cells.. we could possibly cure the blood infection afflicting Amelia and causing her frail state. Otherwise, I’m afraid any fever could warrant a trip to the hospital. For now try to keep her away from people that are sick and what causes sickness. Try to keep her healthy for now…. Though I do believe a suitable donor is the best bet have you tried contacting her father?” “He doesn’t know she exists.” Roxanna quickly cut doctor Collins off with an exasperated sigh. “I’d try to reach out. I’ll have Amelia’s discharge papers sent up shortly. Try to be more cautious from now on.” Roxanna sighed and made her way back into the hospital room. “Mommy! I’m not sick now! See?” Amelia’s chubby little fingers kept pointing to the monitor that displayed her temperature. Amelia looked like that man in some ways, but in others like her. A beautiful child all the same. She had her mother’s soft waves with raven black hair like her father and eyes that definitely matched Roxanna. The looks she gave though, vaguely reminded Roxanna of a man who had become a distant memory. Three day’s after Roxanna was discharged from the hospital, her father kicked her out and disowned her, when she refused to give the child up for adoption. She had seen this coming a mile away, and invested the money her mother had left her in her will to start up a rival company in pharmaceutical manufacturing. In earnest, she thought the venture could be beneficial for Amelia’s condition. If she got access to the best medicines on the market, she had foolishly believed something would help, however, it came down to a rare genetic trait that Amelia unfortunately shared with her father. The business had been very successful financially, but there was little medication could do for her child, which made being a CEO of a new billion dollar corporation a bit hollow. She had no use for wealth if it didn’t help, there was only one thing that would help Amelia now, and that was Keiran Ross. Unfortunately he had been handling business overseas, and had recently become engaged to her older stepsister, Eva. The woman was every bit as sinister and vile as her arrogant mother Lorraine. “Mommy? Hello? Are you okay? Oh no! Are you sick now?” Roxanna simply shook her head and kissed her daughter’s cheek. “No baby. Wanna go to work with mommy today?” “Of course!” “That’s my girl. Mommy has lots of work to do so behave, and I’ll have Garett buy you some treats.” Roxanne promised as she scooped up her daughter and hoisted her onto her hip. Amelia quickly latched her arms around her neck and Roxanna exited the room, heading for the entrance, where the driver was waiting.

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