Chapter 3: Just Dean

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-Dean- I thought I had met the love of my life, the first time I had laid my eyes on Skylar. I was certain when I saw her, that we were mates. There was no other explanation for the way I felt towards her. She was so light and beautiful, I was hypnotized by her, but even if I believed so, she still hadn’t been able to look me in the eyes. Now I was sitting in front of this scary as hell female, who had no trouble looking me in the eyes, while she was threatening to cut me to pieces, and I heard my wolf speak as clear as day: Mate. How could this be? Skylar was my mate. I had always believed so, but it had only been two years ago that we had both turned eighteen, and I had never heard my wolf say the word. I had believed my wolf hadn’t been ready to say it yet, but one look from this female and he had said it. He knew. She was it. “Dean,” I told her, after she had asked me a third time who I was. “Dean? Dean what?” I bit my lip. I was no one anymore. “Just Dean.” She raised an eyebrow, before she withdrew her hand, still holding around the big knife, but was more relaxed now. “Tell me, just Dean, what are you doing in my territory?” I looked around myself. Her territory? I hadn’t heard of any females in the area owning any territory. To be honest, I wasn’t sure exactly where I was, but I couldn’t be that far from my father’s territory, and I knew no females who ruled in this area. Actually, I had never heard of any female ruling alone, and this one wasn’t marked. I would be able to smell her mate on her, but there was nothing but her lovely sweet mouthwatering honey smell. “Your territory?” I asked, as I looked at the females around me. They were all dressed sort of the same, dark leather and black clothes, and clearly armed to the teeth. Many of them were scarred and carried a grim look. Their eyes held a lot of pain, and I was an expert at what pain was. Who were all of these females? “Yes, my territory. What are you doing here?” What was I doing? I had no plan whatsoever. I was without a pack, without anything. I had had no idea where I was going, after Kyle and Carter had escorted me away. I had just walked and walked because I didn’t know what else to do… I had no purpose or meaning anymore. I was just Dean, nothing more, nothing less. My name was all I got. “I didn’t know it was yours,” I told her. She raised an eyebrow again, scanning my eyes for answers. It was unbelievable having this female looking me directly in the eyes. The others in the room couldn’t do the same. Only my father, my sister and mother had the ability to look me in the eyes, and now my mate as well. Though this one did not seem to acknowledge our connection, but was that so strange? We had just met, and she didn’t seem too happy about what she saw. Not surprising. I looked nothing like I used to. I felt weak and fragile, nothing I had felt before, and if this beautiful yet scary female wanted to hurt me, she could. I wouldn’t fight back, not only because I felt drained of all my energy, but because she was my mate. I would never lay a hand on her but protect her with everything I had. It was strange, this feeling. I had only ever felt it towards Skylar, but it had never been this powerful. No, I wanted to give everything to this female. “Really? Then I guess I’ll just kill you for illegal trespassing,” she said with a smile that spoke with more than just pain but a hatred. Did my own mate hate me? But why? I couldn’t look into her deep fears, like I could with everyone else. She was completely blocked from my eyes. The only thing I saw was my own reflection. “But I have given you no reason to kill me,” I told her. She just kept her cruel smile, while she tilted her head slightly. “You’re a male. It’s reason enough.” Her answer surprised me. Seemed like this one hid a lot of pain, and the scar that ran along the side of her jaw told me just a little of the things she probably had had to endure. She brushed some of her dark brown hair away that had gotten loose from her ponytail and then crouched down before holding the knife to my throat. “I hate every male,” she said with a hateful voice. “Even your own mate?” -Cara- What did he say? Mate? I lost my smile, as I looked at Dean in front of me. Was that the explanation for the feelings I was suddenly feeling? Was that why I felt so drawn to him? I grabbed him around his throat. I could barely reach around his entire throat, as I pulled him close and growled lowly, before scenting the air around him. F*ck, his scent was so intoxicating. How had I been able to ignore all the signs? I quickly pushed him away, he barely moved, as I stood up again and started to pace back and forth. “Luna, what did he mean by that?” Zoe asked me. I turned to look at her. She looked confused, so did Scarlett and the other two females in the room. What could I tell them? They had heard him as well as I had. Was there anything else to say? I shook my head, feeling my wolf move around under my skin. For the first time in years, she and I were not in an agreement. I didn’t want anything to do with this male. I wanted him gone, yet she seemed to look at things differently. He was calling for us, and she was more than happy to answer the call. “Nothing. It means nothing!” I said, as I stopped pacing back and forth and looked at the stranger on his knees. I could just kill him and get it over with. I was not going to let myself be weakened by any male, and especially not my mate. I grabbed the knife even tighter, before I sent it directly to him. I could hear my own wolf scream in my head, trying to stop my movement, but I had gotten so far. I had come so close to my goal, I could not let myself get distracted now, but as I ran the knife through the air, a strong hand came around my wrist before his body moved to the side and overpowered me. I lost my foothold and landed on the ground on my back. A big broad and strong body hovered over me, as he got ahold of both my wrists and kept them secured to the ground. “Careful,” he said in his dark voice that felt like the sweetest caress over my skin. “You could get hurt.” How had he done that? He had been so fast! I hadn’t even seen it coming! Who was this male?
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