Chapter 4: Revenge

1057 Words
-Dean- My instincts had reacted before I could stop myself. I didn’t want to fight her, but I couldn’t help defending myself either. I tried to be as gentle as I could, as she came for me with the knife. I quickly leaned to the right before grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards me and then, as gently as I could, got her on the ground, and then locked her wrists to the ground. Even though she was clearly strong, it had an advantage being born a male. She kicked around with her legs, but I held them in place with my own. The females were quick to all draw their guns and pointed them at me, but I knew they wouldn’t fire. Not with their luna under my control. “I’m not going to hurt you,” I leaned down and whispered in her ear. Even though she had a threatening touch to her scent, she suddenly turned still, as I came close. “Let. Me. Go,” she sneered, but I didn’t. This female wasn’t accepting our mating bond, not that I was surprised. With the day I had had, this was just the tip of the iceberg, but I wasn’t going to let her kill me. I was lost and all alone, yes, but I refused to let Skylar’s death go unpunished, nor let my father’s betrayal be forgotten. He hadn’t believed his own son and kicked me out without warning. He was going to pay! I promised myself that, and I couldn’t do any of that if my own mate got a chance to hurt me. “Only if you calm down and stop trying to kill me,” I growled at her. She hissed at me, trying to get away, but I was too strong. I looked around at the other females. They were hesitant, not sure what to do. They clearly wanted to shoot, but their luna was too close. “Tell them to put their guns down,” I told her. “I’m going to tell them to shoot,” she growled back at me. “Then we both die. Is that what you want?” She didn’t answer, but she looked furious. She wanted me dead, yet she was locked in place beneath me. Killing me would end her too. “Fine! Lower your guns!” The females looked at each other, still hesitant to move. “Now!” That did it, and they all lowered their guns. “Tell them to all take three steps back and turn around.” If looks could kill, I would be deep underground. I couldn’t help but smile a small smile at her angry look. She almost looked like a kid who had been denied candy. “Take three steps back and turn around,” she said between gritted teeth. They did as she commanded. “Now I’ll take this,” I said and held her wrists now with only one hand, as I took the knife from her hand. “Arh!” she screamed at me, her anger getting the best of her. “You’re going to calm down, and then we are both going to get up from here.” “You’re dead the second you let go of me.” “What made you think I was going to let you go?” She hissed again, before I, in one quick move, turned her around, and then leaned back my weight, pulling us both up. She was luckily compliant, probably because of the knife I had in my hand. I had my other arm around her waist, as we slowly got to our feet. “Now what?” she growled. “Now… Now you’re going to be quiet and listen.” She struggled against me, but the arm I had around her waist kept her in place. I couldn’t help but notice how perfect she felt against me, or the warmth from her, sending shock waves through me, and momentarily distracting me from my situation. “I cannot let you kill me… eh, what was your name again,” I half whispered in her ear. “You can call me Luna,” she taunted, making it clear she was superior to me. I shook my head. “ Your name,” I growled in her ear, putting just a little pressure on her skin. “Cara.” Cara So beautiful, strong, just right on the tongue. Focus, I told myself, but it was distracting to be this close to her, and not be able to do more, than hold something sharp against her throat. I hated I had to do this, but the feisty female was going to try and kill me if I let her go, and I couldn’t die before I had avenged Skylar. “Now Cara, listen here, I can’t let you kill me, I have something very important I have to do.” “And why should I care?” “Because I’m trying to avenge a friend of mine. A female friend.” She stopped struggling, as she listened to my words. “You said you hate all males?” She nodded a little, her soft hair swaying a little, sending a wave of her sweet honey scent into my nose, almost knocking me to the ground. “And alphas.” “Perfect, because there is an alpha, that I want to hurt too,” I said. “What?” “A very strong alpha, and I think if you and I now sat down and talked a little, we would quickly see eye to eye.” “You want us to work together?” “Why not?” “Because I hate all males? Did I not make it clear when I tried to kill you?” “But I’m not just any male, am I?” I whispered in her ear, feeling the goosebumps rising on her skin. She might not want to admit it, but I affected her. “I’m your mate.”
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