Chapter 2: Mate

1093 Words
-Dean- The rain was pouring, and my clothes were drenched. I had my arms around me trying to keep myself warm, but my body wouldn’t stop shaking. I knew I had to find shelter somewhere soon or I would be drowned in the horrible rain. But it wasn’t completely unwelcome, at least it washed all the blood away. Blood that wasn’t entirely mine. I looked at my hands, images of her cold dead body played like a movie in my head. Skylar had been her name. Beside my cousin and Carter, she had been my only other friend. She wasn’t scared of me, like the rest were. She had always been so sweet, reaching me in those cold places, no one else could. I had loved her with all of my heart, falling for her the very first time I had seen her. We had only been kissed back then… and now… now she was gone. I had no idea what had happened, and I didn’t know how to avenge her. Skylar had always been loved by everyone. She was so amazing. Why would anyone hurt her? I stopped in my tracks, as I felt the cool rain. I buried my head in my hands for a few seconds, before leaning my head back and roaring as loud as I could. All my anger and all my grief came out in that roar, leaving me feeling empty. I fell to the ground. I could hear myself sobbing lowly. I had never in my life cried before, but here I was. In the mud and the cold rain, crying my eyes out as I mourned her. My beautiful and sweet Skylar. I still remembered her lively green eyes and long blond hair, that she always braided, so it wouldn’t get in the way. I had vowed the first time I had seen her, when the braid had been in two parts instead of one, that I would make her mine when the time came. It was too late now, and I had lost not just her, but my pack and family. I had no strength to keep my head up, as I sat on my knees. What did I do now? Suddenly, two pairs of feet came into view in front of me. I slowly followed the feet up to two pairs of strong leather-covered legs, all the way up to their strong upper bodies and then to the faces that belonged to two females, but they looked nothing like the females I had seen all my life. No, these two looked like killers. Scary as hell, and before I got a chance to say anything, one of them threw a perfect right hook, sending me directly into the ground. -Cara- “Where do we go next, Luna?” Scarlett asked, as we sat in the big living room in the house that belonged to the alpha I had just killed. “Hmm… I was thinking we should head north. It is time we go for a real challenge,” I said with a cruel smile. “You sure we are ready for that?” “Do you doubt me?” Scarlett quickly shook her head. Zoe sat right beside her, shaking her head slightly as well. “Good. Then go prepare the others and-“ The door to the big warm living room suddenly opened, and two of my warriors I had sent out to patrol the area, entered carrying someone between them. I got up from the chair I was sitting in and placed myself in the middle of the room. The two females threw the male down in front of me. He groaned, as he laid on the ground. “And this is?” They both shrugged. “We found him at the border.” “Doing what?” “Crying.” “Crying?!” They both nodded. I turned my eyes to the male in front of me. He was soaked from the rain, and I could see nothing but his black hair. “Look at me,” I growled, but he just kept his head down, as he slowly got up on his knees. “I said look at me!” The male slowly lifted his head, his features slowly showing themselves to me, little by little. He had a sharp face with a straight nose, a small mouth, he was what you would call handsome, if you weren’t determined to destroy every male out there, but it was his eyes what caught my interest. They were the color of blood, and they looked almost surprised at me, as I met his gaze. I felt the air in my lungs disappear, and for a moment it was as if time stopped, as I stared into the stranger’s eyes. Goddess, I had never seen anything like it, and even soaked by the rain, I still could scent his strong and musky scent. It felt like my legs suddenly turned weak, and I was uncertain if they would carry me. Mate. It echoed in my head, as I watched the stranger. I didn’t even listen to the word, instead I slowly pulled a knife from my boot, slowly bent down and pointed it at him. “Who are you?” I asked. He just kept looking at me. He seemed almost surprised I was looking at him, or maybe he had never met a female who wasn’t scared of him and was ready to slit his throat if he tried anything. “Answer me!” But he just kept looking me in the eyes. Why did I almost feel compelled to reach out and touch him? What was this strange feeling in my heart? It wasn’t anger or hatred, as I looked at the male in front of me. No, it was something else. It was as if he was calling out to me in a way I couldn’t understand. It both intrigued me as much as it annoyed me. “I asked you, who are you? If you make me repeat myself one more time, I will start to cut you into pieces!” This seemed to awake him from his thoughts, and the stranger spoke with a voice that seemed to caress my skin, even though he wasn’t touching me. It made my body vibrate and, for a moment, I forgot who I was. “Dean.”
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