Chapter 5: The Importance Of A Mate

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-Cara- It was torture having him so close, and it wasn’t the same torture I had grown up with under my father’s rule. No, this was sweeter, addictive even. I liked feeling his strong muscular body so close to mine, and the warmth from him. I had never felt really safe my entire life. My father had been an abusive a**hole, who had loved to torture me and hear me cry, and even after I had ended his life, I still always felt like I needed to look over my shoulder, but now here, in this male’s arms, I felt safe. Even with the knife he had against my throat, I felt safe, because I somehow knew he wouldn’t use it against me. “I’m your mate.” His words were so clear. Clearer than any other word that had ever been spoken to me. It hit me deep in my heart, and I had no idea what to do with this feeling. Yes, we were, but that did not mean I accepted him. I couldn’t! I hated males. All males. That should include him, so why didn’t I struggle anymore? Why did I slightly lean into his touch, even though I hated being touched by anyone. His scent was like a drug and I wanted to bury my nose in the crook of his neck, inhaling… FOCUS! I shook my head a little, returning from dreamworld. It was hard concentrating while having him so close, but I had to remain strong. I could feel the shock and restlessness in my female warriors, as they waited for me to confirm this. “So?” I asked. “So, hating me, is like hating a part of yourself. Have you never been taught the importance of having a mate?” Have I never been taught the importance… my father loved pain! My mother… I could barely remember her, but I knew she had not been with my father by choice. She had come from a powerful family, and she had been promised away to a strong alpha, but my father had attacked her pack, claiming her for himself, thinking she would give him strong heirs. Instead, she birthed a daughter… not a son, and he loved reminding me of it. My mother had been so tortured and hurt by him, that after my birth I barely saw her. She always hid away in her room, waiting for the next time he would force himself on her. She was the first female I heard speaking the words, I hate all males. My father drove her to madness, and eventually she took her life, just to escape him. Maybe I should have done the same, but instead of bowing to him, I became his worst nightmare. “Why don’t you teach me?” I mocked him, not willing to show he had any effect or power over me. My power was mine and no one was allowed to take it from me. Besides, what was a mate even? I had never experienced those fairy tales of love that you find in books. Those that spoke of the amazing undeniable bond between two people, as they found their “other half”. “It means,” I felt him come closer to my ear, his hot breath fanning my neck, sending unknown shivers down my spine, “that you and I cannot hurt the other without hurting ourselves. We are connected. Do you not feel it?” His arm tightened around my waist. His thumb slightly brushed over some exposed skin just above my hip, where my black top had been pulled away from. “Feel what?” I breathed, clearly feeling the connection, but not willing to admit it. I could hear him chuckle lowly just beside me. It was heartwarming. It was the first time I had ever felt warmth in my life. “You can deny it all you want, Cara, but it won’t change the truth of my words.” Why did he say my name like that? Cara. Pulling at each letter, as if there was no other way to say it, and it made my stomach tighten, but not in a bad way, almost as if I was anticipating something. “What truth?” “You and I are one, and hurting me would hurt you too.” “I can handle pain.” “Not this kind of pain. Trust my words. It is not something you want to try.” “I don’t trust you.” “That’s fine, but you can’t kill me. I have something very important I have to do.” “You said that.” “And I suggested you and I work together. What do you think?” “How about NO?!” “Then I’m afraid I can’t let you go.” “My warriors will stop you.” “Even with your life at risk like this?” I wanted to punch him and bite him for his arrogance. He was so sure of himself. So typical male! I wanted to hurt him, yet as I thought about it, I felt a sharp pain in my heart. Was this what he was talking about? The pain? Ha! That was barely anything. I had tried worse. “Who is this alpha you want to hurt?” I asked, playing along for now. “My father.” I turned my head slightly, just so I could see his face out of the corner of my eye. His blood-red eyes I could only describe as beautiful. There were no other words for them, but they were full of seriousness, and by the sound of his steady heart, there was no sign of lying.
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