Chapter 31 :: The upcoming bad!

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People usually find some way to return to home whenever and however he/she gets lost, no matter what and when Mayuree ran away from police feeling lost she reached her's...... yes! her home, Rikkard huge mansion became her home, without anyone noticing and without her even realizing.....but her legs stayed rooted right where she stood when she first arrived and for last 2 hours she just waited in front of the main gate hidden from the sight and she never entered Why! She doesn't know.....or maybe she does, for one, this would be the first place NYPD and FBI both would try to find her and second she doesn't know how she would explain all of these to Rikkard or any of her family members as she doesn’t remember a thing......not a single thing about last few hours, which was strange. So, she decided to go to her apartment on foot again......thanks to the bastard who trashed her only car and obviously she couldn’t risk taking a cab. this apartment she bought here in New York, the same year just few months after she got married because her dear husband's proposal of not sharing the same roof and yet she felt the need to be in close proximity of her husband. of course no one knew about it too because she never thought of buying her own place......being only child of an Indian mother and American father....everything belongs to her and her cousin after her parents, her mother went hysteric when she simply mentioned of moving out Parrish house. She would have had a heart attack if she ever mentioned about buying her own apartment,....because according to her mother that would mean in future there would be a chance of her moving out,.......she was always against of her leaving her sight, especially when her daughter already spent 9 years without them and even her father agreed with her mother.....she still remembers the look of her parent's face when she returned, the shock, the disbelief, the happy tears when DNA test came out positive! Just as she was about to unlock the main door of her flat she noticed something.....the lock, there was something wrong with it, it was loose and little faint scratches. Of course she would notice tiny details, years of staying under Harold's wings taught her many things, including this,.....someone tried to open it with another mean! A forced entry And succeeded! she realized it is already opened and her heart skipped beat and started thumping loudly, hair of her neck stood up......she pull out her tiny pistol which Marianna gave her before she left her on that street and holding onto it tightly in one hand she twisted the lock with other hand and entered. It was dark and very very quite,....but instead of smelling musty because It's been vacant for quite a long time, it actually smelled normal as if someone was actually using this flat......funny! She bit her lips hard, was having a very hard time stopping herself from crying loudly or having a panick attack, whatever happened 9 years ago was one thing but what was happening right then was an entirely different..... in past she somehow knew that she was alone and no one of her family was in her reach and she had to defend and protect herself so she was on guard and just when she lowered it this had to happen ? why fate had to be so cruel to her ? Now, where is her family, so close yet so far! she couldn’t even reach them or they would be in trouble too. speaking of them, did they even tried to find her after news got out of her involvement in a bombing attack ? would they blame her for this too ? What if they do!...How will she prove her innocence to them! She shook her head,.... no they wouldn't, surely they would not, they knew her. She contemplated her situation and walked around her flat until she tripped onto something, ...or someone!? and fell face first. A body! A dead body ? and she jumped away .....when she turned the light on, what she saw shocked her to the core, it was Noah Miller, one of the former FBI recruit she met in the past at FBI Academy, he had blood on his back, someone shot him, when she got a little close she noticed he was still breathing.....very very faint oh, lord, not dead though seriously injured..... but how, nobody knew about this place being her's And! That is not even the bad part.... bad part was, when she looked around, she found some materials in smallest of all the 3 rooms......there were lots of materials that can be used specifically to make bombs! her heart was pounding hard in her chest,.....So hard that it was hard to breathe. She was so ready to faint right there. Just then she heard footsteps....It was hard, fast and orderly footsteps! NYPD! They followed her here....or someone must have tipped them off! So she ran to her bed room, took the money she was saving for her rainy days, a mobile phone that can't be tracked and then dashed forward to the emergency exit through her kitchen!, she pulled off the window glass and carefully swung one leg and then another and then jumped on the nearest footing,..... And then another jump,.....then she found a rusty ladder, with one hard kick she pulled it down an she climbed down through it. And she fled again only to confirm FBI's suspicion about her involvement in that bombing and now attacking another FBI agent! fuck! she was definitely in deep s**t now! Noah has been taken to the hospital and now out of danger, she got to know. They had to perform a surgery, but she called him from a privet number after he gained consciousness and Noah told her that he went there to find her but someone was already there waiting in her flat....waiting for her and that person attacked Noah! He assured her that he would help her trying to find out everything about the terrorist. Their conversation was brief but somewhat promising. Or that's what it was to Mayuree..... after a long day of chaos! a civilized conversation! at least somebody believed that she was innocent beside Marianna. She was walking in a lone, dark ally, slightly limping and whimpering,.....she got hurt during that kick After she returned from that hell hole,.....never in her 9 years of civil life she thought she would find herself in this position where, she has a family, a husband, her very own place and still had no place to go! None! she scoffed at her misery, tears pricking in her eyes........ so, this is how he gets her! who is this if not Harold lothbrok! who else would have this twisted mind! Of course he's not dead.....he's very much alive, Zahin mistaken someone else for him, he was doing exact thing they did years ago, he faked his death and went off radar. she found a phone booth and dialed Zahin's number,... she knew if anyone can help her that is her brother, she can't trust anyone else. "Bhai'' " Is that you!" His voice, tired but alerted and concerned! ''Yes'' "Where are you,...everyone is worried sick!" ''Are they now ?'' She asked, a mocking smile formed unknowingly "Yes! Rikkard has been looking for you and so is Dad,...please come back" '' do i reach you or anyone ? FBI is on my trail, Noah miller has been found shot in my apartment. Believe me i didn't do anything, someone framed me'' Mayuree said, sobbing hard this time. "Just stay put ok.....I'm coming to get you! stay where you are!" ''They got Marianna and i think she has been suspended until I'm found'' "I....i know...stay there I'm coming" ------------ Mayuree's days couldn't get any worse...... search warrant has been issued with a wanted posters on every alleyways, every lane and corners of street ms of New york, cops were instructed to stay alert about a certain brown girl. It's been 4 days....4 f***ing days she is staying in Zahin's place. She was getting frustrated, homesick by hours,....she wanted to see her parents, her husband! and mostly she wanted to know what they were thinking about her. Conference room, At KING's Company 'Get the divorce paper ready' Rikkard ordered in a clipped tone looking at his attorney 'Are you sure Mr.King ? Think about it' His attorney Jordan Smith was a 50 years old....a very capable being at what he does, a Lawyer. But from time and again even he felt intimidated by Rikkard King,... today! this is one of those time 'I have' Rikkard replied firmly ''Son!'' His father urged him through video conference. He got a heart attack the moment the news of bombing and Mayuree's involvement in that broke didn’t give him green signal to leave the hospital so, that was the only way to communicate with his now very angry son 'Out!' He shouted,...and all the unwanted presence was gone in a minute. The attorney and his assistant. 'At least..' though Attorney Jordan turned once and tried to explain 'not a word" He cuts him and his father as well, they huffed and cut the conference call, took the laptop and left the conference room,....... work was the last thing in Rikkard's mind that day! 4 days and no sign of her! Where is she, fled ? or gone like his mother ? no, he would have been informed. No she can't be! how is she then ? is she alright ? was she sleeping at all, eating properly ? 'no! no time to be emotional and soppy,. be practical......Rikk' He thought swallowing hard He had to get out of this mess, if she is really a terrorist then.....then she has no place in his life, he should kick her out of his life before any media finds out about his involvement with her, of she being a King. It took them decades to clean their name after what Raina King did...... Thank the lord that he didn't throw the party he was planning to introduce her in elite society as Mayuree King! Yeah! he was being a selfish bastard but, he saw how his father suffered because of his mother's wrong doings. a frustrated huff left his mouth, he rubbed his face with hand before sighing, He was going crazy....history is repeating itself yet again, first it was his mother and now his wife....Is she even his wife at all ! Then who was in that pictures ? 'f**k!' He cursed out loud throwing, thrashing, destroying everything that was infront of him Why life had to be this complicated! for once can't something be normal ? Rikkard was only 14/15 when he found out that his mother was indirectly involved in 9/11 terrorist attack but not until she committed suicide saying in a letter that it was all Richard's fault that she got mixed with a wrong crowd......if only he hadn't neglected her when she needed him the most she would have been still with them alive and so their child! Richard was mostly busy with business that time....always traveling around the world and all that, and somehow he didn't notice when and how a large sum of money started going missing from company's account not one but several times..... later his manager found out about that and informed him that his wife got the money out using his name and threatened the junior employees, obviously no one questioned as they knew who Raina King was. She gave the money to someone and that someone was a member of that very terrorist group, he somehow manipulated her into giving them money. Later after the attack when she found out about that certain someone's involvement, she got scared. Richard was out of country that time and she was scared out of her wits,....she miscarried the baby due to stress and went into severe depression and later committed suicide. No one knew one! Except some old loyal servants who helped Richard raising his son. Richard used his connection to destroy all the evidence that pointed toward King's name...... though some news got out of that suicide via some servant and cops did came anyway and they searched whole house and found doctors report about about her 16 week pregnancy, her post miscarriage where they found reports about her severe depression as well, so, they believed it was suicide. Her burial was done secretly later without inviting anybody from outside. Rikkard was so angry that he spent years blaming his father for what happened in this family, to his mother....for everything but later started realizing that he wasn't entirely at fault probably. Just because he was unable to give her some time doesn't mean she had to steal money to grab his attention, he still wonders.....what was she thinking that time!? Raina King didn't need to do what she did,..she didn't need to commit suicide She didn't even consider that she had a son too. fucking selfish woman, destroyed the whole family! People outside still blames Kings for Raina King's sudden suicide, some even pointed out that they murdered her or something. But no one dared to utter a word infront of them Only if they knew........! --------------
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