Chapter 30 :: A runaway Agent!

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Right after meeting her parents,... After Rikkard returned home from lunch with Zahin..... when he went upstairs to his room, he didn’t saw Mayuree in there, so he went downstairs again and went straight to kitchen and found her in there at the counter, donned in his large shirt barely hiding anything because it was slipping again and again from her tiny shoulder, hair up in a messy bun, her olive skin glowing under natural light.....definitely no pants! He smirked but suddenly his eyes narrowed at her having tiny little sandwiches and drinking coffee. lost in thoughts......unknowing frown formed on his lips, he always loved watching her lost in her own thoughts, seeing her in his clothes did something to him though he would prefer her without any...... He chuckled mischievously She didn’t notice until Rikkard came from behind snaking arm around her waist making her jump as he hugged her and kissed her hair. 'Hello' He whispered into her ear "hey.." She answered with a sweet smile 'how are you today ?....did you sleep well, did you have breakfast ?' ''Y...yeah!'' She answered though her voice wavered a little 'When did you wake up ?' He asked knitting eyebrows, narrowing his eyes ''Umm...around 2 p.m.'' She replied 'Did you have lunch ?' He asked again 'Yes!' She chuckled What happened to you ?....stop fussing like a mother goose' She said again, turning around putting her arms around his neck ''s just that, you lie!' He narrowed his eyes and asked Her smile suddenly vanished and heart jumped uneasily, but she got over it when she noticed he was pointing at her food....."Oh" 'Oh, indeed' ''Nope! i didn’t'' She answered playfully stroking his hair 'No ?' He asked brushing his nose against her collarbone, his husky deep voice always managed to make her all warm and fuzzy,......she bit her lips to stop her moan ''nope.....I just woke up and had my breakfast and lunch together in one go, i didn’t feel like having heavy meal no i didn’t lie as you can see i am still eating'' She answered truthfully "Yes...a tiny sandwich and coffee! perfect lunch food" He answered her in sarcasm and he pulled her close crashing his mouth onto her's ...... and as she opened her mouth he tasted her, A throaty growl escaped him. Damn! can a woman filled with so many secret taste this good..... Divine! Tightening his arm around her, he pulled her even more close, if that was possible He didn’t tell her about his meeting with her parents... Or about lunch with her brother Zahin, hopefully none of them would tell her about it either! or, about those pictures, those newspaper cut outs...... He really wants to believe this, whatever it is between them right now,.....he wanted to believe her! In this little amount of time she became something to him he never thought was possible,.... after kissing she pushed him a little but he still didn’t let go.... "what are you thinking always ?" She asked, lovingly stroking his face with her dainty finger wish i could ask you that so freely..... Rikkard thought and didn't voice it out..... just took her hand and placed kiss on her palm 'Nothing.....nothing at all, wanna take a bath ?' "would you be joining" She mischievously asked 'you don't have to ask me twice, caterpillar' He huskily said against her ear....making her laugh Yes,...she was his lawfully wedded wife for ages but after that she became something important..... and now, when he tries to envision a life without her, it felt tasteless, if he wasn’t alive at all, as if she came all of a sudden and touched him and thawed off ice! that's why,....probably that's why he didn’t let her come near him in the past......because he was afraid or maybe he wasn’t ready for all these! or, probably his heart knew all alone that she was capable of making him feel all the emotions at once,.... and Love at most! His love, His little Queen,... His life......all his! In Present at the end, the agent got frustrated and gave up questioning and told the van guards to take her away and that's when she realized how much real trouble she was in for and started fighting and struggling against their tight hold. She started screaming and crying and pleading in protest as well.......whatever it took to make them believe that she didn’t do anything, that she is not responsible for any of these, but no one was listening, no one believed her. Instead, they started dragging her out more forcefully toward the police van and shoved her in and started barking orders to start the van. Curling up into a ball against the steel wall of the van, she was sobbing silently and she noticed a figure opened the front dood at the driver sit,..... funny enough, it was a very familiar figure or at least It's back,.....she didn’t know how but, she knew that she him or her.......actually it's the hair, neck length, so it's her possibly! and she didn’t realize who she is until the SHE figure whispered from the front...... "Mayuree, not make any noise!" Her eyes widened and a gasp left her mouth, it was none other than Marianna Shaw,...... in a dark blue police van driver's suit and cap at the front seat looking back and forth checking everything...... to be honest it was quite loose on her.....probably took from the previous actual driver! "umm...what did you do to the driver, Marianna'' "seduced him and then sedated him.....any more question ?" Mayuree scoffed, she was always jealous of Marianna's ability of being so brutally outspoken at her 40, without being ashamed....and then she remembers she's being accused off terrorism and started panicking again "Marianna....believe me i didn’t do anything... Plz believe me! Someone framed me'' Mayuree said and started sniffing again "Ssh!...stop crying, i believe you. And I'm going to get you out of here now, go into hiding ...... i don’t know who is responsible but that's not you....for sure." Marianna assured her, just like in the past,....Marianna was the only one in FBI Academy who never judged her for her questionable past. no one noticed for a time being that it wasn’t the actual driver but someone else in driver's disguise because two guards were still out of the van waiting for instructions from an officer and that, they were supposed to go with that van too...... One banged the van door and told the driver to wait, she gave them a nod. and just when they turned around to go to look for the officer...... ''brace yourself, it's gonna be a bumpy ride" She muttered before starting the engine and press the accelerator hard, started driving away in fast speed, over crossing other police cars. 'oooi' The guard screamed from behind Nobody knew how she managed to keep Lionel locked in the loo but she did and by the time Lionel came out running with almost red angry-face and started barking orders to stop the van shouting Marianna's name it was too late for them to realize that Mayuree was escaping in that van and Miranda Shaw was helping her...... Mayuree realized how much risk she took just to help her out of this situation. Marianna increased the speed to the top velocity the moment she saw several police cars were behind following them and then two helicopter hovering over them.......Mayuree's heart started beating faster like never before, she swallowed looking behind through the small barred pocket window ''M...marianna......" "Hush, let me concentrate" She gritted out right after they passed fifth block, she tried to take a sharp turn and that's when police managed to come closer to the van and suddenly she heard someone's faint scream of "no no no don't shoot......" but one of the officer already shot twice from passenger seat making Marianna loosing control over the van and it flipped over! Van's windshield was completely destroyed, shattered in tiny pieces.....dense smoke started coming out of it as well so police had to park their cars at safe distance. but by the time they ran up to the van, they found only Marianna Shaw, the assistant of Director Kallan Shepherd covered in blood all over left her hand as she was injured.......few scratches from the glass shards and one of police's bullet grazed her left shoulder blade, she laid there unconscious and..... and Mayuree parrish was nowhere to be found........! ------------------
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