Chapter 32 :: The Punishment!

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10 days passed since the of New York is still recovering from the shock, heartbreak of loosing their loved ones and trauma it caused. As for Mayuree ? shoot at sight ordered by Kallan shepherd, like a rabid dog! because she is threat. Out of all people Kallan Shepherd was the last person she expected it from....she thought he knew her, but with an attack as this no one could be trusted so she kept quiet. Zahin has been taking care of everything ever since, he even visited her home in California to see how everyone is on her behalf. Those people were very kind to him when he needed support, Naina parrish was like mother to him, They were his family too...only people managed to pull him out of his darkness...... He struggled too all those past years just like no one knew about Mayuree, no one knew about him too nor what happened before the kidnapping neither after! All four of them, they learned how to hide their fear, to turned anger into strength and they learned it hard way. Currently, FBI is trying to find out all the details about the attack, but found nothing more than some of FBI agents were present near the hospital few days before the incident and all had good alibis beside, someone tipped off the FBI about 100% possibility of Mayuree's batch's involvement in this. So, that's why she was in the suspect list....Main suspect to be exact, cuz she was actually there at the time. But surely who tipped the FBI knew more,....but where exactly is this informer and who is this ? what's the point of hiding if he/she could help ? Why Because somehow she was near ? bull crap! because, she couldn’t be, she was suppose to go to Kallan's place, that's exactly where she needed to be, so she was on the way to be there......then how on earth that same time, she was at the exact place for the detonator of the bomb to work...... how ? so many questions, yet no answer! Zahin has been trying to convince her to go home for last 3 days......something was off about his conversation she could tell, she never asked though. Finally she decided that, it is time to show her face to everyone as rumours slowly died down and people stopped crowding around her father's house...... She really wanted to go to Parrish house first but somehow when she dressed up to go to the airport, she could not, instead she started walking again and ended up infront of Rikkard King's huge mansion,.....and let out a deep sigh. Surprisingly main gate was opened by the watchman and his face is bare of any expression,.....relief or shock, absolutely nothing, even if she heard a slight surprised gasp, it vanished in seconds. Abruptly he looked down, after 13 days in a sweatpants and hoodie....anybody would at least say something, why wouldn’t he, then ? What's going on ?......she walked through the main gate towards Oak double door, that was open too but everything was dark inside! The only source of lights were the one that coming from outside garden area through the large glass window. but what she had no idea of was that, Rikkard wasn’t the only one waiting for her in that dark living area on the couch....... and most definitely what exactly was waiting for her, If she thought that accusations of being a terrorist is bad she had no idea what was coming next..... Someone turned the lights on and she jumped, she turned and saw it was the housekeeper. She smiled nervously "hey mrs.johnson" She greeted and was about to go and hug her when she stopped when the housekeeper unemotionally took a step away and looked down then she turned and walked away. 'So finally you found your way back!' Rikkard c****d his head and looking at her mockingly......his eyes were cold, colder than before! ''Rikk!'' She gave him a shaky smile, but hus whole face was void of anything 'where have you been ? with whom, Noah Miller ?' He asked in cold voice, looking away from her ''No,.......I was...what are you talking about, Rikk'' 'It's Mr.King to you' He cuts her off and continued....... ' are going to get the f**k out of my house, today.....from now on, you have no place here, we don't know you, I DON'T KNOW YOU' He said in a very clam and clear voice, infront of everyone....... The whole family! the Maids.... everyone,.... every single family members was looking at her accusingly,.....she blinked repeatedly but couldn't help her tears! She doesn't know how and what exactly Rikk knew about Noah Miller but she tried to clarify ''Rikk, if you just listen..'' She couldn’t stop her voice from shaking 'I said do. not. call. me. that. You were so good at pretending, weren't you? By god! deceiving everyone for 9 long years! just when I gave you everything and you go behind my back having an affair with another man and as if that wasn't enough you are a terrorist, a wanted criminal! Who are you exactly huh !? You are not my wife.....Mayuree Parrish died in shootout 9 years ago Then who. are. you!? there was no f*****g marriage....there was no nothing' He hissed at her, throwing pictures at her face,.... she took one look at those and went livid. ''Rikkard just listen to me for once....i can explain everything'' She said going near him, putting her hand on his arm only for him to snatch it away as if her touch burned him 'I really thought at least you would be different than my god damned mother but no___Get your ass out of my f*****g property now' He said taking threatening step towards her and she flinched away. Her mother started sobbing hard as well as her sister Farhana. 'what have we ever done to you......we gave you home' her father, Alex Parrish said resentfully ", dad i swear...I'm innocent, I'm your daughter, i never lied about anything, i swear, ma please, please listen to me, i didn’t lie, i betrayed no one" She tried to explain but her words fell into deaf ears because everyone left from there......They never gave her a chance to explain what happened to her in past, they believed the news and what was laid infront of them Those year old pictures, first envelop that came was full of pictures of Noah Miller and Mayuree's from some party and second time those MMS came was even older before she came back to USA from Pakistan,..... the Hoax shootout with ISI, the plan they made to deceive Harold seems to bit her in the ass after 9 years,.... somebody collected those pictures and sent them to her husband and created this confusion......every picture, every single picture was real, a truth but it was revealed with a bad intention..... 'before you go... You'll come tomorrow at my office' He said in a clipped tone ''w-what.....why'' She stupifyingly whispered 'oh, you'll know......i don't want to see your face when i come back, take your things and leave before anyone sees you' He hissed again and with that he left the house If anyone else would have talked to her like that she would've killed that person....she would have cut his tongue off but then, this wasn’t just anybody her whole body froze, she couldn’t breath, her head was spinning.....a faint sound came from behind..... 'ma'm are you o-okay ?' 'ma'm are you o-okay ?' Again 'ma'm are you o-okay ?' this time somebody gave a slight nudge and she jumped and looked at her...... a maid! she was shifting her weight from one feet to another and had a bag in her hand......quite tentatively she handed her over the bag. 'umm...Master instructed s-so we put all your clothes here...they um are i-inside this,....miss....miss, Mrs.K...., Mis....' all voice faded away into darkness.....she couldn’t hear anything after that! she lost her consciousness Next day, King's Company...... Rikkard and Mayuree was sitting infront of each other, face to face......he was throwing glares at her and she kept eyes lowered, lost in her thought. Suddenly door clicked and his lawyer entered, both turned at him...... Rikk scoffed, looking away from her. When lawyer sat infront of her, he was quite unprepared and didn't know how to start a conversation, he looked back and forth at both of them. As he is the King's Attorney, he was present at their wedding and he never thought in his distant nightmare that this day would come especially when he thought Rikk actually loved her __ but never mind! But.....they looked so perfect together His mind argued as he handed over the papers to Rikkard, he prepared. 'here you are going to sign this' Rikkard said, his voice lacked any warmth, void of any emotions as he took the attached papers from Attorney Smith threw it infront of Mayuree's face "what is it ?'' Mayuree asked softly 'Divorce asked for this once, remember ? you got your wish, Here....sign it' He sarcastically said and then commanded Her whole world just disappeared into thin air right there, everything blank.......she blinked and blinked again! then, she took a deep breath and..... ''Rikk___Mr.King plz, just once if you___'' She pleaded,.... he knew that he forbade her to call him by his name but even that simple thing only served to fuel his anger, the whole round table shuddered under the pressure of his punch.......making both Mayuree and the attorney jump from the sudden assault.... 'the only reason i still didn’t hand you over the law enforcement yesterday because you conveniently fainted yesterday and today because i don't want to hamper my Company’s reputation, which was built with my father's blood and sweat as well as mine, don't make me force you, woman' Attorney Smith was feeling really uncomfortable there.....he cleared his throat to indicate his presence in that room "here Mrs.King, have sign h__" Rikkard cuts him off saying... 'It is Ms.Parrish or whatever her real name is......she is not worthy to be called a King, make sure she signs her real name' Attorney cleared his throat again and said with extreme difficulty....... "Ms.Parrish, you have to sign here,... he turned the page.... "here" he turned the page again "here and there at the last here...and this is the amount of money and property has been given to you by Rikkard King --um alimony" she took the papers and without reading it she signed everywhere the attorney instructed and...... ''I don't want anything from him, if It's done, i just want to leave'' She gulped and said in a very composed voice, looking down, she could still feel him looking at her....but she didn’t dare to look up,... she wouldn’t, not today! not ever! So, this is how it ends ? 3 years of an unknown/hidden marriage dissolves in a nasty secret divorce! Getting accused of something she never did, being punished for crimes she never committed,.....she remained silent only because she didn't have any thing that can prove her innocence. But what surprised her the most was how shallow his love was for her. No...! no, no! no, no no no no! who was she fooling! he never said he loved her....there was always everything physical between them......their physical attraction, their strong s****l desire for each other that made them succumb to it at one point. "umm, o-okkay, then you forfeiting the rights over your money and property ?" Attorney asked again looking at her, bringing her back into reality.... holding back a sob and showing the pen, she asked sarcastically with a shaky smile,....."Do i have to sign anywhere else for that too ?" "umm...yes! just here" He said and handed her another paper. "so, my work here is done" Lawyer muttered after handing Rikkard the papers back and left. but she was still there.......maybe she was shocked, reality finally started sinking into her very being. 'I wonder what that bastard is giving to you...that you are refusing to take my money' He said in a harsh, mocking tone ''I'll be fine, don't worry....beside, you do not believe that I'm who i claim I'm!... then who are you compensating ? And owe me nothing'' She gulped and replied not meeting his eyes 'you really think by refusing everything, you can live with him huh ? I'm gonna destroy both of you, your present, yoyr future, every f*****g thing' He threatened in low voice glaring at her If only he knew what exactly was at stake! ''You know___never mind! i'm sure you wouldn’t want to let anyone know I'm here, that's why i was bought here with full security before office hour ? so, why don't call them....they'll escort me out" She sighed and said, still looking down. 'Jareeed' He yelled a tall, buff man suddenly entered and cleared his throat awkwardly....he just looked up for a second and immediately looked down. she thought she saw something in his face......something was there! PITY!? probably......out of pity he looked away from her face, he didn’t want to embarrass her any more! he cleared his throat again.....signalling her to get the hell up and get out of here.....and she did, knowing fully well that she may never return! In past 10 days of hiding she got to know many things like, who ever planned this terrorist attack, planned this thoroughly, no loose ends......! every step was like walking on a mine field. And that person was and is watching her now so, he is perfectly capable of hurting her loved ones, she only gave him divorce without any objections because she knew she was being followed....... she should have never let her guard down, she should have noticed little signs, people around her.......that was grave mistake and this is the punishment. As for Rikkard, he just stood there looking out.......his back facing her. how was he suppose to watch her walking out of this building....his life and taking his heart away with her, falling in love with her was the last thing in his mind when he agreed to marry her or when he gave in his father's whims to have her moved in with him..... last thing...... Rikkard scoffed at his ridiculous thought....! it felt like something was gripping his inside tightly, twisting it all the way.....he felt sick! ever since she came, he gave her everything at least he tried to, guess it never was enough for her....them! fuck! He took the paper glared at her sign on it.....if only a glare could turn it into instant ashes. So he did something that could make it happened, he threw those papers into fireplace and watched it burn. He would never let her go., never! no matter who she is, she will always belong to him and him only, even if she will not stay with him, she can never leave either..... she would never know.....! This is her punishment! Yes! Richard, his father was watching everything that happened there that day via CCTV. Even when Rikkard's face was bare of any emotions, only he knew what his son was feeling there.....the anger, the pain, the frustration, the loss, it was all to familiar to him His heart clenched painfully looking at his son...... "Why us! God......." He let out a deep mournful sigh ----------------
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