Chapter 19 :: Skagit Valley

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Narrator's POV and within 1 and half hour via King's enormous jet, they reached Skagit county, Washington,.....a car was waiting for them in the tarmac, which drove them straight to their villa, which was more like a farm house much bigger in size though. The Skagit Valley lies in the northwestern corner of the state of Washington. It's defining feature is the Skagit River, which snaked through local communities that includes the seat of Skagit County, Mount Vernon, as well as Sedro-Woolley, Concrete, Lyman-Hamilton, and Burlington. The River comprises the third largest watershed on the west coast of the continental United States with a delta graced by working farms and wildlife refuges. The Skagit Flats is one of the most popular areas for birding in Washington State. The Valley's culture is rich in farming, fishing, nature, and art......Rikkard told her everything while they drove through the valley. But Rikkard wasn't making any excuse about the problem here of the tea estate she thought due to sudden change of climate farmers are really facing some problems and if it goes on for few more days they would be forced to harvest before time,.....his manager here called him several time but he was busy there in new york with business and her! speaking of her,..... It wasn't untrue that she always craved for his attention, for him to care for her and he is giving her that but,.......there would still be a time when she turns into someone completely distant, aloof, silent and wouldn't talk at all for hours, calculative gaze and blank.......He noticed how her mood will change from time and again. It's been already a week since their bathroom tryst.....simple touches and innocent kisses wasn't enough for Rikkard anymore, he wanted more,.... he wanted all! he was really regretting saying her that he won't force her at all when all he wanted was to pick her over his shoulder and take her to his room and have all his wicked way with her in his bed all day long! Everything was instructed beforehand.....maids clean one wings of the entire villa, prepared food for them and prepared their bedroom,......yes! you are correct, SINGULAR! only one! She will have a fit.....he thought smirking! She narrowed her eyes at him, after she found out about their accommodation arrangement. "you said i do not have to see your face here at all" She said clenching her jaw "Apologies, Caterpillar! you would like another room ?....i thought I've mentioned it pretty perfectly that i don't want to deprived of____" He replied with amusement visible in his face... exactly how desperate she was in ignoring him ? He thought she ran from there to inside the room and closed the door, she could hear muffled deep chuckle.....she is really going to murder him! That infuriating man, he fooled her into coming here with him all alone, here she was thinking about going away from him for some days. After freshening up she came out of washroom and was about to lie down when ''Caterpillar!'' Her husband's voice followed with a series of knock.... he just can't leave her alone, can he!? Mayuree sighed thinking ''Mayur'' He called from outside, she sighed and waited for him give up and walk away.... "Yes!" She answered getting frustrated ''why the hell these doors are locked ?'' "because i locked it" She just stated the obvious "Mayuree!!" His deep voice came in warning and......she opened the door and walked out when he went in. ''The hell is wrong with you woman!....are you avoiding me Caterpillar!'' He asked amusingly "Don't call me that" She said gritting her teeth ''Call you what'' He asked folding his arms infront "wherever you are calling me now and yes I'm avoiding you!" She replied ''We're husband and wife....just in case you don't remember!'' He stated "Says the person who didn't ever bother to come and see his wife for 3 year except some anniversaries with tacky flowers and card" She sneered "Well, right now he is willing to change that" He exclaimed "what exactly do you want Mr.King" She sighed asked putting her hand on her hip ''YOU!" He answered staring directly into her eyes..."and it's many do i have to tell you that'' He looked irritated. "bloody obvious!...considering how you are acting like 'oh so sexually frustrated' man who hadn't had a woman in years! why me though! You can have anyone,....i mean you obviously had many of them, they were definitely far better that's the reason you were clearly never interested in your lawfully wedded wife in past and you do remember what you said during our wedding night, don't you ? What changed ?" She scoffed "3 years!" He said "What!" ''Yeah!...actually very surprising for me too....Being celibate for that long! But whatever happens between us in future will be with your consent, of course!'' He assured her again which he regretted again the very next moment because she just....NODDED ''that's it!'ve nothing else to say!" He was getting really frustrated "what do you want me to say RIKKARD!" She asked raising voice ''you bloody well know exactly what!'' "that you want to consummate our marriage in the middle of the day" She stated rather loudly without any care for any maids or cooks might be hearing them "who cares for Day or Night!" He asked while he started laughing "what are you here for exactly Rikkard!" She frustratingly asked ''To invite you to come outside....near the plantation there is large oak tree and a small vacant place, i think you’d like it. I was supposed to be in there this time but i thought why not take you there as well!'' He leaned at the door and said "I just want to be in my room and rest" She said shaking her head ''Oh! C'mon now, working is already exhausting,....with you beside me it may become less boring, come with me, you'll like it,... I promise!" He took hold of her hand and dragged her out Almost 2 hours later...... it was cold chilly winter morning......a little warmth of sun is like a blessing! ''enjoying the sun, caterpillar!'' He asked looking at her as she turned to look at him but she didn't say anything just looked at him before turning again! In all these months that Rikkard spent with wife..... he actually got to realize that he indeed wanted this woman more than anything and no amount of his past resentment could change that! Maybe that's why he didn’t let her come close al those years, because he had some idea that, with her infront of his eyes, falling for her would be too easy,......because she wasn't like her! she wasn't Raina King, his selfish mother. she was Mayuree, his wife, his woman, only his. She was and alway will be...... Mrs.Mayuree Rikkard King! ---------------
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