Chapter 18 :: Going Somewhere !?

1199 Words
Mayuree's POV so, i know it's been years of me being married and months now that i have moved in with Rikkard but i never felt so curious about my billionaire husband's mansion before. Days after, I was looking around the mansion, was big, like huge! which is obvious with it's own badminton and basketball court, a large home theatre, big gym with it's fancy equipments and all! He had even his own herbs and vegetable garden in the backyard and those flowers! I remember them! so, my guess about them was true, they were actually from his garden....... wooow! As i turned left, i heard sounds coming out..... so i followed it,..... o!my!god! my throat felt dry suddenly,..... he's home today ? But i saw him going out in office attire. when did he came back ? Daaammmnn! he is so....... huge, i mean i know that he is at least 6'3"....i literally have pull my chin up every time to meet his eyes or he have to lower his head everytime he wants to say anything.....but even then for sure I've never seen him like this before half naked ,...... broad shoulder, patches of hair on chest and naval area, slightly narrow hip, half naked and all sweaty! A full display of bulk of muscles,......flexing, stretching and shrinking in rhythm..... oh what a sight it is! my jaw just dropped on the floor. ''take a picture Caterpillar, that would last much longer'' He suddenly said with a smirk..... shit! Busteeeedd! I looked away........"i__i wasn’t looking at you, umm__j-just roaming around" my sentence came out in stutter ''now! don't look away! It’s all yours'' His voice came out in purr......deep and seductive. It took every ounce of her self control to stop her face from catching fire,..... no! do.not.hyperventilate, Mayuree. Don't.You.Dare. "I already told you i wasn’t" I said in composed voice looking at his eyes 'but you were!' He grinned "was not" I argued back..... I was just about to turn and run when he pulled me hard against him, my back to his front, his breath fanning my neck......''you do know sooner or later you have to come to me, don't you'' He whispered, nibbling my earlobe and sucking the sweet spot of my neck hard, making me close my eyes and squeeze my thighs tightly..... and suddenly he stopped,....''enjoy sight seeing'' with that he's gone! "cocky bustard" That word left my mouth before i could stop as i glared his retreating figure ''i heard that'' He yelled back laughing ------------------ Narrator's POV Situation between them actually changed into something so good! just like Mayuree wanted but that was in the past! now, they would've breakfast together in the morning and if they misses lunch together because of Rikkard's work, he would make sure to come home early from work and they would have dinner together, most of the time like every normal married couple..... Sometime he works from home so he would pop out of nowhere and kiss her senseless and touch her in all the places and would leave her all hot and bothered and soaked! That tease! housekeeper Mrs.Jhonson made sure no one disturbs them for petty matters when they are together, most of the time servants would just do their work with their head low and leave quickly. As for Mayuree things are now getting really.......difficult once upon a time, Rikkard would never spare her glance, gave her no attention at all and now !? she feels irritated, he is always breathing down on her neck, sometimes metaphorically or sometimes literally yes! she wanted this before.....she wants it now! she craves for it everyday and that's what scared her the most, she is getting used to it, used to him! Who knows how long this___THEM will last She was one who left FBI a day before marriage and now she wanted to join the FBI again,......she even started working for Kallan. Marianna is talking to her superior about Mayuree joining few days she might even get the badge back too. an official FBI agent She can't back out now! damn him for making her feel like that girl again like 3 years ago.....she really needs stay to away from least for few days just to clear her head! He was talking to someone in phone on the balcony when Mayuree went upstairs into her room.....when he finished, he followed her there too.....he opened the door of her room only to see her packing a small duffel bag ''And are we going somewhere!?'' He asked getting confused "umm...well it's been so long i was thinking about going to California....At Mom's!" She replied while packing and didn't dare to look at him ''But there is no one at your Mom's house......everyone is in India for the wedding, remember ?'' "oh, that's okay, maids are still there, I don't mind! i just needed sometime alone! Mom left me a key just in case i need anything,...Don't worry I'll be fine, I'll be back in few days" She shrugged said to him as if she was convincing a child he didn't say anything at all just looking at her and suddenly left from there to his room......after 10 minutes he came out with his own travelling luggage making her all confused and before she could ask why,....he took her mouth in searing kiss that left her stunned. ''Do you really think i would allow you to travel anywhere alone.....that too some remote place!'' He whispered huskily "Mr.King! I----" He cuts her off "Rikkard, it is Rikkard or Rikk, i told you to call me by my name.....did i not!?" "yes, yes! RIKKARD! i just needed some time alone you know ? away from this busy city! and beside that's my house, not SOME REMOTE PLACE as you just described.....i'll be perfectly alright there! No need to worry at all" Pulling away from him, she took a deep breath and said in a very calm voice, ''nope! are coming with me" He said making her go rigid "what! where !?" Her voice came out in a squeak ''Skagit valley, Washington......I've been thinking about asking you! There is a tea estate that belongs to us. Acres and acres of greenery you'll love it there, is vast, with a villa and most efficient stuff who takes care of everything around it, you can live there for few days. You want to be alone! fine you don't have to see me at all!'' He shrugged and continued......."you can stay in any room, and can even take walk at night time there if you like! which you do so often.....I've seen you taking walk outside at night" He said all those things in one breath She looked at him with open mouth like she's about to faint......"I don't think that would be necessary, don't let your work suffer because of---" ''I've been called there for some problem....I'm needed there'' He added quickly "I.." She tried again He leaned on her and whispered...''stop thinking about any excuse Caterpillar....we're going there together'' and here she actually thought running away anywhere without him noticing would be easy! say what Now! -------------
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