Chapter 25 :: Beginning ll

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FLASHBACK Now that the training ended, there were only two surviving female in that group, third one died just before they reached their FINALE of it 'get these two into plastic surgery..... i want every single one of their body marks or blemish or any uneven skin tone gone!.....they are trained to kill, time to make them look pretty' He commanded his men with a smirk pointing at the girls ''no" Mayuree said almost immediately.....and gulped trying to keep her tone even 'why DOROGOY! don't you want to be beautiful again ? any girl outside the world would jump to take this opportunity......enhance your body parts maybe you'd attract some men here and outside! ones i want you to!' He suggested in sickeningly sweet mocking voice....mocking snickers could be heard in background. "i__ my job is to getting your work done,.....and I'll! but I'm fine the way I'm" She replied, she barely trusts anyone here,...there were vultures all around this place waiting for flesh, who knows what will happened behind the closed doors when her eyes are closed.....she couldn't bear any touch now. How ever she was in the past or whatever she became , it all belonged to her, she earned it, she deserved it and she didn't want to change that and she most definitely would not let this sorry excuse of a human change the fact. Besides, some surgery wouldn't make her forget what she had to go through in these past years, no amount of anything can compensate of how much she lost,..... "okay! i guess i can do that.....after all you have been a good girl all these years. Consider it a gift from me, no surgery for you. But mind you, if you fail, I'll assure that no surgery in this world would be enough to save you from me" He nodded giving her a saccharine sweet smile as if doing her a great favor and gave a signal to those men to take only Natalie away for it as she didn't deny it. His guards always kept eyes on all the children to make sure that they do not communicate with each other or make any kind of bond to another person. so right after they reached age 8, all the boys and girls used to do everything from washing or cleaning on their guards always made sure to change shifts and places of work from time to time. Which was Harold's, even if they remains enemy to each other, they'll always stay loyal to him! but one thing nobody noticed was how 4 kids in that one group became friends in their worst time..... Zahin, Kol, Natalie and Mayuree.. they would either talk in their very own sign language out of extreme necessity or would not talk at all for days even weeks but even then they understood each other in more than one way. But to remain close to each they pretended to be each other's competition infront they can't stand each other at all. Another year passed.....they have things, many bad things in past 1 year, from kidnappings to smuggling drugs and illegal weapons, machinery equipments, chemical products,.....making many deals when necessary! Everything to be on Harold's trusted list, one he'd chose to send on mission outside the country. AND guess what that opportunity came! by luck, Harold choose all 4 of them for this mission. They were to go to Pakistan and kill one of his rival leader...... but what he had no idea of is that, these 4 were planning to escape for a long time and they just needed one opportunity to get out his radar because they knew they can't do that by going headlong with him, they needed him giving a green signal to get out of this country.....beside he himself had done all the paperwork for them to get out of the country, so they had to wait for him to give them those too. but that doesn’t mean they would not do their assigned work,.....oh, they'll! at first Kol will crash their computer hard drive by planting a solid virus...that's where Harold kept all their records so they would not be able find them at least by any solid info and then the real work, 2 of them will distract the mob in pakistan and other 2 wil finish the job and then they will disappear from there to the another corner of the earth. so, first task was complete......just when their plane landed in Karachi airport, Kol got a signal in his phone that the whole drive crushed. as they reached their work place with 4 other minions......they just got to know that the Leader they were supposed to kill wasn’t really a mafia leader but an ISI's highest ranking officer Shariar Talukder......and by according to Harold, that man got some lead on him, that part was truth, so, he was a threat to him because this man was building a solid case against him. And that's why he wanted him eliminated and that sadistic bastard chose these 4 against him without revealing his truth..... they realized why! because he'd hardly consider it as loss even if one of them got killed in process with a successful mission,.....for not only he wanted his enemy gone but also he wanted them to prove themself. their pure, untainted and absolute loyalty! So, Zahin and Natalie were waiting outside looking around......covering for the other two..... meanwhile, Kol and Mayuree shared a look after checking everything......they knew how just a slight mistake could be deadly from both sides and yet they weren’t ready to let this one opportunity go. a highest ranking officer and he didn't just reach there by not doing nothing!Beside, he wasn’t alone in that room as they were told, there were other agents. "the hell Harold wanted exactly ? surely he knew the risks!" Mayuree muttered looking at them from distance 'to cut loose ends....we fail we die anyway' Kol grumbled in return. Mayuree gave him a nod and taking three large strides towards them she pointed her gun directly between her Prey's eyes and said in a very clam voice.... ''we are here to kill you" and Kol behind her pointed gun to the other direction at other agents. for a moment everything went dead silent...... and then a very simple yet rich chuckle left from his mouth! Mayuree had to give it to him.....for a man reaching almost 50 he was quite handsome with his black and white mixed thick beard and warm black eyes. And she was more surprised because there was not a single hint of fear in those eyes. just amusement! 'really ? and how are you going to do that Child! Without opening the safety lock first' As soon as that word left his mouth a gasp left Mayuree's mouth and Kol sucked a large breath..... and by then all the other agents were pointing guns at them. He was still drinking tea while regarding them very calmly specially Mayuree with very amused eyes as if he didn't just get a death threat. 'you know ? you could have just kill me from where were standing at didn’t have to come all the way in.' Mayuree's eyes went wide hearing him 'oh, yes child i saw you!' He continued 'and judging by all have come prepared....and you DO know things! so, you didn’t have to announce something so obvious so loudly infront of everyone and yet you did...... a real assassin never does that, they'd simply do their job and be on their way. But you are not an assassin, none of wanted to talk, but you didn’t who to! so, you needed to draw attention. Now you have that, So...... TALK' He stated and raised his hand to signal his agents to lower their guns.
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