Chapter 24 :: Beginning I

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Flashbacks There were many boys and girls of slightly different age.......above 25! and almost 80% of each group had boys, most of them always busy doing their given duties......patrolling, sparing, assembling gun, shooting practice, or teaching the minors... childrens! lots of them. it was like school of chaos. where instead of lessons about value of life they were taught how to end it,....they were taught nothing was rainbow and unicorn instead of how beautiful life could to be feared instead of fearing......among other things only one group, one particular group was of was of all 20 children from 5-10 years old boys and girls, they were kept in captivity for 3 years in under construction building which was then belonged to Harold Lothbrok. Previous actual owner was killed by him. and those who were assigned to take care of that group will come from time and again to deliver them food, clothes or any necessities. Some of them were assigned to teach them basic lessons on various subjects.....and those particular teachers were under 24 hours surveillance by Harold's chosen group, just in case if any of them grew soft on childrens. every child over 7 were taken from that they were beginning to understand things....they were ready for next step. training! as under 7s' were to stay to one place and just learn, was like a warm up sessions! lots of rules imposed on them and they were to follow every single word.......or suffer the consequences! those teachers were instructed to starve all of them if anything seemed like out of order. 3 years after! first there was 20 children......after 3years now It's 13. Ever since Mayuree learned counting, days were not the only thing she counted 3 of those 7 dead children were shot when they tried to run and crossed the perimeter.......while 4 others died from vigorous training back to back! Harold hadn’t shown any mercy. He didn’t see their faces, didn’t even held any funeral for them either, instead, they were kept in morgue for two days and then fed to the wild dogs while they were forced to watch. watch and learn! what happens when someone tries to cross Harold Lothbrok........what happens when they fails. after 1 year mayuree was 9 there were 11 children left,.....2 more died. now there are 3 girls and 8 boys, all of them were in mostly 2/3 years of age difference and she was probably youngest. This time Harold instructed to his best comrades to take all of them away 'возьми их всех, тренируй их усерднее, чем раньше, заставь их догнать других. морить их голодом, если необходимо, потому что я хочу, чтобы они были в идеальной форме' He said [ take all of them, train them harder than before, make them catch up with others. starve them if necessary because i want them in perfect shape ] He commanded in his thick russian accent it was specially instructed for Mayuree and Natalie as they were only two young and inexperienced left in that group. As those bulky men tried to take hold of her, she immediately started fighting back.....screaming, biting, kicking. 'я хочу, чтобы все они были усовершенствованы, к тому времени, когда им исполнится 14.....и если эти ни на что не годные суки не будут делать то, что им говорят, отдайте их собакам......ЖИВЫМИ! по крайней мере, они получат удовольствие от охоты на них.' [ i want all of them to be perfected, by the time they reaches 14.....and if these good for nothing bitches doesn’t do whatever they are told, give them to the dogs......ALIVE! at least, they'll have fun hunting them ] 'или, у меня есть еще лучшая идея. кто-нибудь из вас имеет контакт в порноиндустрии, сообщите им! Я уверен, что они хотели бы попробовать свежую еду.' [ or, I've even better idea. any of you have contact in porn industry, inform them! i'm sure they'd love to try some fresh meal.] He added in calm yet threatening voice giving a look to everyone as the threat was for everyone ! though Mayuree didn’t understand that time what actually Harold was talking about.......she did notice how Zahin stiffened, Natalie paled. Look on Harold's face told her it wasn’t something she should be looking forward to. And when Kol gave her a look of 'Don't f**k it up' she shrunk back in fear. 'ты слышишь меня ?' [ do you hear me ? ] Harold's voice boomed and with that every other voice answered in chorus..... 'Да, начальник' [ yes! boss ] although It's been years they were in training but that was nothing compared to what they were doing after Harold's strict instructions. They trained hard, all day, every day until they were all bloody, bruised, battered,.....and could barely lift even a finger. Training at mornings and schooling at evenings.....they barely got 4/5 hours of sleep. His people always guarded the resident's building in shifts.Security cameras were all over the places to keep eyes on children and those who were responsible for them. and true to his the time they reached 14 or above, they were perfectly trained in various things like shooting, assembling guns, judo, karate, martial arts, sword fights, fighting with knives, hand to hand combat, driving, swimming, climbing, making or defusing bombs, basically they were trained like assassins with many advanced skills. He was once hold Major rank in russian military.......a tall, knitted muscular figure, with aura and eyes like as dark as pit of tar, an ugly, fleshy scar on the side of his pale face with caveman like dreadlocks for hair. -----------------
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