Chapter 13 :: Unfortunate yet Fortunate!

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Narrator's POV Mayuree had been trailing Rikkard for few days.......she checked every corner of the office from washrooms to emergency exits in disguise of cleaning lady,....thank the lord no one knew Mrs.King's face, after covering up from top to bottom only the parking lot left, where she is waiting with beer can in her hand, just in case if anything abnormal happens. two possibilities for today, either her husband comes out in time and will be on his way home, reaches safely in that case, she had to think of some excuse for her absence, though it's Very unlikely that he'd notice and notices that his wife isn’t at home or the slimy bastard who was waiting for the right opportunity to harm her husband will come out tonight to fulfill his job....... she dropped her caution after all, he'll come, he had to! It's a golden opportunity,.....he'll be stupid not to take it, Or smart! She smirked thinking! After all if Harold Lothbrok actually found her or all of them then he would do just anything just to get to her,....she knows that, she had the first hand experience after all. It's already half past ten,.... suddenly she felt someone moved ever so slightly in the dark,.....cold shiver ran down her spine! "brother,It's time" She signalled and waited Rikkard came and was just about to unlock the car when a figure came out of the dark in lightning speed, pulled something out of his back pokcet looked definitely like metal and stood close behind him. Whatever weapon it was, it was directly pointed to his spine and he froze on his spot,...... She noticed,.......her heart stopped too! one wrong move and he could....he would do something bad, that motherfucker wasn’t here for anything other than revenge. "get in, dare you try to do anything funny, Get in and you'll keep driving until i say otherwise" the masked figure said,...his voice was deep, rough, pronunciation as if English wasn’t his first language, of course it wasn’t,....... Russian! Harold lothbrok was a russian and most of his men, specially his trainers were russians too.... 'Mayur! don't f**k this up, wait for our signal' Zahin growled through the comms.....but she could not understand a word, she was busy reading the attackers posture. She'll damned before letting anyone harm him "Damn it!" she cursed under her breath and moved from her spot and tiptoed neared Rikkard's car to hid behind another piller Meanwhile, Rikkard didn't move an inch from his spot, just turned his eyes from one side to another of the whole parking lot with clenched jaw to see if any one else was here or coming....but found none. 'f**k' he muttered gritting his teeth, he knew if he tries anything, that man will attack, he should've insisted Jared to stay with him.....but he can't loose his sanity, he have to stay calm 'and who the f**k are you and what do you want' Rikkard asked in low, dangerously calm voice "you'll get to know in time Mr.King.....first do as i say, unlock your car and get in" And he did unlock his car with one hand with that man still behind him opening the back door and just when that man was about to get in,........"Ughhhhh.." and then Thud! Rikkard looked out of the window and came out of the car only to found that man's body on the floor and an oxygen cylinder in Mayuree's hand! which proved that she had whacked it over his head and rendered him unconscious.....and looked at her with wide eyes! she did that ? That little caterpillar did that! isn't she full of surprises these days ? his jaw dropped open,...... where was she! he didn't see her at all, she is very good at hiding, isn’t she ? Just when he was about to ask her that..... 'And why would you do that Mayur,....i wanted to follow him, I wanted to know everything about the other people he is working with.... Damn you woman' Zahin came out of another giant pillar shouting, Rikkard's eyes flashed in anger hearing his tone, not that any of them noticed his expression "Not on the expense of my husband's safety, bro!" Mayuree glared at him. 'What's going on..... who are you !?' Rikkard asked in gruff voice, looking back and forth at their conversation, watching them having conversation like they knew each other for so long somewhat made him angry for a reason unknown "I'm Zahin,..Zahin Qureshi um...FBI! he was on FBI's wanted list, we followed him all the way down here and covered all the exits, clearly he was looking for some leverage when he attacked you, he obviously couldn’t get out of here on his own" Zahin answered. Though, that was not the whole truth, it was not lie either.....but he didn’t need to know that 'We ?' Rikkard asked furrowing eyebrows, looking at both of them "FBI! my whole team is waiting outside, Damn! I've to check if he's dead or alive" Zahin squatted to check on him while Mayuree finally realized that he was suspecting her, she was looking anywhere but Rikkard's face as she could feel his eyes burning holes in her, what would she say, how would she explain this to him....... 'And what are you doing here, this time' he asked looking directly at her as if challenging her to tell a lie "umm......I came here to see you! i was feeling bored at home so i took a long walk" that's the only excuse came in her mind even if it somehow makes her feel like a lovesick puppy He raised on eyebrow and look around him.... 'In parking lot !' he asked c*****g his head "Yeah! I know you'd come here, so, i was waiting for you here, i arrived just 10 minutes ago .....I wanted to surprise you" damn it! why she always have to be nervous around him! why wouldn't she! his sharps eyes were enough to anyone quack on their boots "He's alive! just a mild concussion, he'll live!....we'll interrogate him when he regains consciousness. So, I'm gonna take leave with him, my guys are waiting outside, you guys carry on" Zahin muttered before calling his men some men in black uniform came to carry him away on a stecher, while they just stood there awkwardly......until Mayuree broke the silence "you go out for dinner ?" she asked smiling at him It was a sweet smile....not seductive, not the one with any ulterior motive he used to see in other fairer s*x, just a sweet one that demanded his attention but he just clenched his jaw and gave her a blank look as if trying to make her reveal any secret but found nothing and let out defeated sigh 'No,..i'm tired' "A long drive then !?" she suggested again with a hopeful eyes 'which part of I'M TIRED do you not understand MS.PARRISH ? Just get in the car or I'm leaving you right here' he said c*****g his head challengingly and her smile vanished making him feel guilty instantly. rude! "ok,..fine!" she grumbled while pouting Oh! How he wanted to kiss that pout away! Shut up! Rikk! He mentally scolded himself! --------------
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