Chapter 12 :: Eat, Sleep, Practice and Repeat!

1007 Words
Mayuree's POV It's been 3 months 3 frigging months passed since i was asked moved in with Rikkard and my husband dearest true to his words made it his mission to prove how incompatible we are, he is never home not even on week days..... Most of the time he spend his days in office, even then he would come home either after i am sleeping and will leave before i wake up or wouldn’t come at all. Out of curiosity when i asked the house of how does he manage to that she told me Rikkard has a spare room attached right behind his chamber in his office and when workload becomes too much he often stays at office and food is to sent from home since he hates junk food.....though i felt last part she added that workload part was to console me. Honestly, I don't understand him, we don't even share a same room, then why It's necessary, now what, he doesn't wants to shares the same space or breath the same air either ? My heart clenches painfully every time i remember it...... every f*****g time! most of the time, I am either out spending time with Marianna and Zahin as Kallan found us a place to practice and do some of his work, yes he gave me some small cases to solve, so, I'm now unofficially working for him,... Or, watching tv and spending times with the housekeeper and the chef trying to know about Rikkard's likes and dislikes. Housekeeper was a middle aged lady, very warm and welcoming, always smiling, a mother goose to everyone, even the maids were good, though most of the time they avoids talking at all due to work. To me it meant a lot as i am not one of those who is eager to make small talks or friends. They never judged least not on my face and i never caught anyone talking nasty even behind my back either.... maybe the outside world doesn't know but they knew i was his wife for years.....they knew even after officially moving in with him, i still slept in a separate room. Maybe they knew how their master is! In these past 3 months, if i got know anything about my husband Rikkard King, it's that he is not someone who wouldn’t hesitate shutting anyone out if he doesn’t feel like having their company even his own father, he isn’t someone who let people come close to him easily. And then the whole crew of his servants.....why do i feel like that they knew more than they let on. so many things.....but no one said anything! maybe because It wasn't' theirs to say ? They respects their employer, his privacy, i get it. At first Rikkard wouldn't even touch the food i would prepare for him... but slowly he is getting use to it. so does that mean he is getting use to me to ? no, Mayuree don't read too much into it! yesterday he actually ate the food made by me! which was surprising. In california, I'd often cook when I'm home, last night i made pure Bengali food,....not the Indian bangla, nope, Pure Bangladeshi food! everything spicy,...though i used less spice in my cooking this time because i got to know Rikkard isn’t used to eating spicy food, least not like us Asians. So, menu was Plain Rice, Sauteed gourd, Yellow lentil soup, Potato and bitter gourd sauteed with prawns, Fried pomfrets, Potatoes, carrots and bean sauteed together, my personally favourite Liver curry and a simple salad. Though housekeeper told me he doesn't like bitter gourd surprisingly he finished almost everything maids served him,...... Obvious i didn't go infront of him, who knows when he becomes angry! He wasn’t the only one who tasted my cooking.......everyone ate that day! Narrator's POV One unfortunate day at lunch,... She was the one serving him food while he was eating with one hand and busy working on phone with other, when suddenly he stopped her,..... 'stop! That's enough' "but you ate so little and you work all day long! a little more, please! i made paisam too" She said softly and just about to serve one more spoon of rice when he got angry.... 'can't you understand a simple sentence..... I do not want anymore' And yelled jerking his plate away she felt herself embarrassed......maids were nervously stealing glances at each other but no one uttered a word, even housekeeper looked at her in pity! "I'm sorry" She muttered looking down He walked away upstairs after washing his hands and a hard thump of the door confirmed that he closed the door of his room! Rikkard was getting put it mildly! He has been keeping a close eye on her for past 4 months and still found out absolutely nothing. except what was right infront of him,.... She is beautiful, kind, warm, she knows what he likes or dislikes and , she is a damn good cook, she would often cook his favorite food, he knew that It's her......even though no one told him that or that she never came infront of him during time meal, she stayed inside the kitchen and let the maid serve him most of the time, he never complimented her, she would wait for him to come home for lunch or dinner. mostly dinner,......and would eat only after he finishes. and she is very much patience! hats off to that. He knew he was testing her...... for 3 f*****g years but he can't help it.....being skeptical, overthinking became his nature before she even was born! -------- as for Mayuree,....she was somewhere practicing her skill and doing desk job, working on some files for Kallan. Marianna Shaw assured her that she'll have her FBI badge in few days, that she's trying her best and so is Kallan Things maybe would have stayed just the same as always if not an attempt of kidnapping happened on Rikkard at his office's parking lot.
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