Chapter 14 :: The unexpected long drive

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Narrator's POV Days passed since that night at parking he comes home earlier than before. She didn’t know why she felt this obligation towards him since he never cared but she made sure of being present that time. Maybe because she didn’t want to him to question her or maybe because that was the only time she could see him. He is a very busy man and not always home! so, she can't help it, just seeing his face one times a day is enough for her, like recharging battery..... to know that he's fine and safe! She loved it when he eat food she makes, she knows even if he never said anything he somehow liked them,..... He was little more normal towards her now, she noticed, mostly doesn't talk to her rudely like he did before! well, He barely talked before, not that he talks more now but it was enough for her! she can get used to it! He's her husband after all. right! Her husband....that thought warmed her whole being But right now something else bothering her,.....she flinched a little and bit her lips to stop herself from whimpering out loud, damn how could she forget! He could feel her eyes on him everytime even while working on his laptop in the living area.....but never said anything Girls always gave him lusty stares before! It used to irritates him, disgust him. He had enough of those trash in his life. He used to f**k them and throw them away when he's finished like dirty clothes they were. but her ? He never felt anything like that in her stares! It was pure adoration in them, those curious, brown, large almond eyes,... and a longing in them,....For him !? Even After all these years !? 'Do you need anything' He asked when he saw her fidgeting nervously "I just wanted to go buy some grocery.... I'm... We're running out of it" She replied not meeting his eyes 'It's already 9:30.....who needs grocery right now,....Go inside, I'll send someone to pick whatever is needed in the morning" He said before concentrating back on his laptop "What.... No! That'll be too late" Her voice came in squeak 'And why is that!?' He stopped typing asked gritting his teeth "I'm hungry and i want make something.....So, I'm going out to brought some grocery, right now" She stubbornly said and turned to start walking toward the main door only for Rikkard to follow her and yank her back 'Are you out of your mind woman! just order some pizza or anything from a restaurant! Someone will buy grocery tomorrow, that's it!' He yelled running after her "NO.....i really need to go! it’s an emergency! And I'm taking your Car" with that she walked towards the parking lot 'Oh! No! Don't you dare touch my car!..... Fine I'll drive you there' He huffed looking at her "'m a very good driver,.... It won't even take more than half an hour! I'll be back before you know it! Beside, you're not hungry, I'm! So don't bother" She tried to convince him but he wouldn't listen like the stubborn man he is. So, here they are in front of a grocery store..... Fuck! she cursed mentally, this wasn't her plan! In fact she had no plan for grocery shopping, she just wanted to buy some sanitary napkins, she ran out of it, that's why she wanted to come out of the mansion alone! Now What! how on earth she's going to do that now infront of him. and that skeptic bastard paid her no heed when she told him to wait in he's following her all around the store. Great just f*****g great! O god just make a big hole on earth and swallow me up! she prayed closing her eyes! 'Exactly what kind of dish you are planning to make ? Caterpillar!' He asked straightforward 'We've been roaming around this little store for half an hour and you didn't pick a single ingredient for anything at!' He added How am i supposed to pick what i need infront of you moron....she thought She didn't answer just looked away, he knew something was wrong, by the way she was fidgeting nervously and was in hurry to leave the house at this time in the night, like hell he'd leave her alone! He could clearly see she was lying, she was outside for some other reason...... As he turned his right she wasn't there.... 'where is she gone' He muttered looking around Only to found her at cashier's table paying for something..... when did she buy anything ? he didn’t notice her picking anything at all.....and now she's paying ....! He thought! He went to her and asked...... 'what did you buy' and she jumped " well!" She pulled one hand out from behind showing him shiny flat packet of chocolate and he looked at her raising eyebrows "You came all the way, roaming around the store for more than half an hour to have one chocolate!" He gritted out glaring at her "wait, what's in your other hand ?' He asked tried to look behind her "nn..nothing! Nothing at all" with that. she dashed past him to the main door toward the car, with him hot on her tail. Just when she's about to enter the car, he snatched the packet hard and ripped open the wrapper showing what it was. He looked at wide her as she narrowed her eyes at him...... he didn't say anything at all just shoved that back to her and went to the driving seat. She was seething in anger,..... how dare he! was so embarrassing! On their way home! they were stuck in bloody traffic for half an hour, just in time when signal turned green...his phone rang. 'Pull it out and answer it' "What!?" She asked as she knew he never liked anyone touching his personal things 'Take my phone out and answer it,.....I can't. Not while driving' He said more firmly again And she gulped nervously and did.... 'who was it ?' "It's um.....Jared!......He said your next week's meeting have been cancelled for some emergency" She answered 'Hmm' while driving he was thinking about that day at parking lot...... 'Mayur' that Zahin Qureshi called her! who was he !? FBI he said,......but who was he to her ? What would've happened if she didn't come that night and whacked that oxygen cylinder over that kidnapper's head !? He stole a glance at her when she was lost in thoughts looking outside..... He drove slow.......deliberately took a long road remembering she wanted to go for a long drive that night. ---------------
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