Chapter 17 :: First touch!

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Narrator's POV It's been 4 days Rikkard indicated indirectly what exactly he wanted!.... for her to move in in his room,..... this was what she was afraid of,..... and why wouldn’t she be! she always suffered from self doubt..... Haphephobia,....that's what she had for years,..... she hated human touch! A single touch even with the tip of a stranger's finger would make her see red, that intense overwhelming fear she wasn’t able get over, it's been over a decade now Somebody touching her except of her family member even then she would always maintain safe distance, though only six people actually knew about it, Kallan, Marianna, Zahin, Kol, Natalie and her cousin Farhana.......not even her parents! She maintained a good facade infront of them. and then her fear of not getting accepted..... there was nothing worse than than taking your clothes off and seeing your body in mirror and having this gut wrenching realization that nobody can ever find you desirable....... All those years in that hell, those nasty marks, scars she got, her experience when she was just 8, with Benny......left her scarred for life. though most of marks faded in these past years with treatments but what if he noticed the fading marks, what if she does something untowards and he started asking questions, what happens then ? what will she say to him...... how will she face him and more than anything what if he felt disgusted after he finds out...... She would not be able to bear that, she will die for sure if that happens It was already 1:30 p.m. She came home early today exhaustion from her training and works Kallan gave is now finally started settling in and she was sweaty and tired as hell...... She went straight to her room, took off her clothes hurriedly and went straight under shower! A satisfied groan left her mouth....... It actually felt so good!..... slight warm water trickling down on her olive skin, taking away all the dirt and tiredness and soothing her aching muscles and cleaning everything. Rikkard came home too, just half an hour later........ well, it was a sudden decision, his meeting ended early and he didn't feel like eating in office alone so he came home to have lunch with his wife! Speaking of her...... where is she exactly!? He furrowed as he was pacing around looking for her. ''Mrs. Johnson,.....Have you seen my wife ?'' Rikkard asked as housekeeper came out of kitchen "Your wife!" Mrs. Jhonson was actually surprised that he was really looking for her and even addressed her as his wife,...he never did that in last 3 years of his marriage let alone in these passing months, except she doesn’t stay in their vicinity when they are together so, she doesn’t exactly know how he addresses her.... ''yes! my wife Mayuree,...Mrs.Johnson! have you seen her ?'' He repeated rolling his eyes,... So, she heard it correctly! "Yes! Upstairs in her room" She pointed to her room He grunted while going up to the direction of his room which confused her. ''She isn't there'' He yelled as he came out of his room with furrowed eyebrows "that's because you went to your room Rikkard....i said her room! Did you not remember she sleeps in a different room" Mrs. Johnson said crunching her eyebrows ''Well! Yeah! Right'' He said clenching his jaw..... That woman! He specifically told her that day that he.......she has been ignoring him ever since then now more than ever! ''How long Caterpillar! for how long you are going to run!...I'll catch you!'' He muttered He went infront of her room and knocked twice but no answer came! Then he turned the knob, fortunately it was unlocked so he went inside and heard sound of shower running and then it turned off after few minute,.....he was waiting for her! for her to come out....Naked!?? How desperate you are Rikkard!?? He scoffed thinking. But then he was always an impatient one when he wants something. And with few more minutes passed when she didn't come out, he huffed and went infront of the bath room and turned the knob.........As he opened the door he saw she was rubbing her wet hair. he sucked a deep breath! her wet lips, already naked body underneath that robe,.....she looks delectable,...... his mouth watered, yummy! he could practically see half of her cleavage as she didn't tie her robe properly. Her simple actions making him loose his mind, he was already resisting himself from jumping on her and he's getting hard in his pant just by watching her. Now, this view would give him endless sleepless nights for sure! not if he does something about it! Why ever not! She's your wife, after all....He justified himself mentally ''you already took shower without me ? Caterpillar!'' Rikkard teased, he was behind her leaning at the door and she jumped as she didn't notice him at all "you scared me" She said glaring at him ''It's not my fault that You're jumpy'' He just shrugged as if he didn't do anything wrong "i'm not jumpy, you are sneaky!.....Please knock next time! what if I'm in shower" She said, she was trying to act normally while squirming inside ''Then I'll get to see some really good view'' He teased, boldly checking her out now "Pervert" She muttered turning around as her cheeks turned red, in a flash he was standing inch away, behind her ''Did you say something, Caterpillar!'' He asked, his tone was somewhat teasing yet sounded like a hidden warning, she stiffened when she felt the delicious warmth that was sipping out of him "! nothing!" She stammered as her heart was pounding faster.....her breathing coming short! Fear! No Mayur, take a deep breath, relax yourself, he wouldn’t harm you! He turned her around and trapped her between his arms when she tried to get out but he didn’t move, fingers underneath her chin ...... she saw his eyes burning with anger ''all you do is 'ignore me'.....why ? I've already told you to move in my room, but you didn't, why ? Is this how you would treat your husband!?' He c****d his head and asked in a harsh tone, glaring at her She gulped nervously and tried to push him away but it was like pushing a wall....her breath caught in her lungs when suddenly she realized how close he was. Their lips were almost touching. "L..let go off me!" all she wanted to do is yell but her voice came out in whispers.......he was breathing raggedly as if trying to control himself, his jaw clenched,....and next thing she knew that he was kissing her hard! while she remained immobile and shocked! She's not used to this kind of touch.....not after that incident! "Ri..Rikkard plz don't___" She tried to move her head away and stop him by moving her face but he only he only continued, kissing her cheeks, then his tongue descending down to her jaw attacking her neck, kissing and sucking and biting, She hissed, she was sure there will be a big hickey there, she whimpered......and then again he cupped her face to stop her from moving her head away and kissed her, that kiss was full frustration and anger. His furious look, desperate behaviour just made her shiver with fear once again,.....her eyes watered as she couldn't control her emotions anymore,and she started crying. His punishing kiss suddenly stopped when he felt her tear,......much to her surprise he actually wiped it away and looked at her with concern and.....guilt !? then again he turned her around again......this time they were both facing the mirror....... He was right behind her in the reflection. ''Look at us Caterpillar!....Get use to it! Because this is how it'll be from now on!'' He said as they both looked at each other through mirror, her lips were all red and swollen from their kiss, he never saw something so fresh, so raw! And he started caressing her cheek while staring at her as she leaned in his touch.....he started nibbling her earlobe and that made arch her back to him,... ''wrong move, Caterpillar' He teasingly whispered before sucking her sweet spot, rubbing himself on her back.....and then again his hand was all over her body! much warmer than the warm water or her oversized woolly bath robe! it was as if she could feel it directly on her skin......and exposing one side of her shoulder, he took her into kiss again while playing with her n****e that her exposed from her bathrobe. She gasped in surprise and he just took the opportunity to slip his hot tongue inside her mouth groaning. That kiss was so deep and so soulful that made her grip his hair tightly from stop moving away, he groaned in delight......she didn't even realize when his other hand slipped down between her leg until out of instinct she tried to close it but his finger was already there inside rubbing her ''you are soaking wet, Caterpillar'' He growled against her mouth and he took her mouth into rough, demanding kiss this time while pushing one finger inside her making her jump and moan, then added another one, moving them in and out slowly, circling around, teasing her making her desperate.......a single tear left from her closed eyes, she moaned in pleasure in his mouth as she never felt anything like this before! He looked through the mirror while kissing her,...... how erotic they looked in that she looked like a doll in his mercy.....all his! "Mmh.....Ah!" She moaned again he knew she was close so he just inserted his tongue in her mouth again while pumping his fingers in and out,......faster this time until she felt dizzy, her leg felt like jelly and knee buckled, she breathed in his mouth as she got her release..... Both of them breathing heavily at the end and she was all red from his attack, while he looked like he was barely in control, like he's going to devour her right there.....but he knew better than that! She wasn't ready! but she needed this! they needed this...... ''Freshen up! Caterpillar'' He sighed looking away, brushing his hair up hurriedly,..... "Where are you going ?" She whispered in shaking voice, not meeting his eyes ''I think i'm gonna take a really cold shower'' He replied looking down to his pant.....her face turned red once again ''I'm not going to force you to do anything else, just......just move into my room'' He said giving her a peck on forehead and lingering kiss on her already swollen lips then he left! ------------
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