Chapter 16 :: Sealing the deal with a kiss

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some husbands that either doesn't love their wife or doesn't care much about their appearances, those are bad,..... some are besotted which is romantic.....but sometime can be rather annoying with all kind of unreasonable and possessive behaviour.... then there comes the A mercurial husband who recently suddenly started taking interest in their wife's life, which is a huge pain in Ass.... trust Mayuree on that! since that day they actually had their breakfast together, Rikkard's behaviour took a complete 180° turn. Any time he would just pop out of nowhere and suddenly give a peck in Mayuree's forehead or cheek or brush his lips against hers before leaving for work in the morning....... a goodbye kiss for the day!!! damn! How she craved for them once! Bullcrap! She still crave for then! In fact it was an untold rule around the mansion that,......anytime their masters are together in living area or dining room, maids were not to go there if not necessary by the housekeeper, though they got used to it their masters simple PDAs and still some of them would blush bright red...... Mayuree had no idea what exactly happened at today's, probably he woke up at the wrong side of the bed, because they were having breakfast just fine when Rikkard suddenly frowned at her and asked,...."where is your wedding band'' "Huh!....umm! I don't wear it" Mayuree replied getting confused, wondering about his sudden interest, he didn't mind all for years now. ''And why is that!?'' He asked leaning at his chair and crossing his arm ''Other than the fact that it's not like any normal marriage!....besides you never had any problem before" She replied raising her eyebrows, he took another bite of his food, slowly chewing it... ''Then what kind marriage is this!?'' at her answer his posture turned straight, he looked at her and asked again dropping his spoon on his plate, looking at her with crossed his arm infront of his chest challengingly. he dare to ask that!? her nostril flared,....."I don't know Mr. King!...the kind where a husband gives a contract to his wife in which it stated they would not interfere in each other's life" She replied sarcastically emphasizing on interfere ''But you did that anyway" He replied shrugging "Excuse me ?" She sputtered ''you did interfere,....on a regular basis'' He replied in a very calm voice and shrugged again "I never did" She exclaimed ''Yes you did!.......everydamnday!'' He stated with outmost confidence because he knew how true that was "Ok! fine, I won't do anything again...fine" She replied shrugging back and concentrating back on her breakfast, which pissed him off immensely..... see!..... this is what she does!! Any time she sees that she can't win an argument she'd just stop's her tactics to win,.... to make him feel guilty! Not gonna happen today! ''Get ready after breakfast.. We're going for shopping'' He said "What" ''Are you deaf'' He asked getting irritated "No! You want to go for shopping......then go! I don't need anything so, I'm not going anywhere" ''That's for me to decide.... I want to buy something for...... someone! And I need opinions'' He said "Then take her with you,....not me!" She replied gritting her teeth ''How do you know it's a HER !?'' He asked raising amused eyebrows "It's not !??" She asked looking at him challengingly "Get ready Mayuree...i won't' ask again!'' He said again getting impatient, actually, inwardly he was turned on by her mouthy attitude that he just wanted to take her right then and there......these day she started glowing or it was him seeing her in new new light! "Like i said.... I'm not in the mood! Take someone else and it’s MS.PARRISH to you" She replied rolling her eyes before concentrating on her food. ''MRS.KING finish your breakfast first then Get up and get ready or I'll pick you up from here, take you upstairs on my shoulder, strip you off your clothes and maybe.....just maybe we'll never get out of that room. Because maybe I'll....' She immediately stiffened when he leaned on her and whispered the next words in her ear. by the time he finished describing, her whole face was burning.....breakfast was long forgotten, she hurriedly got up and ran away upstairs to her room and locked the door and double checked it before taking off her clothes to get ready for shopping spree. --------------------- Mayuree's POV SHOPPING! SHOPPING!!? annoying........I'd choose anything that keeps my body covered and get out of there as fast as possible! not that I mind shopping for necessities but I never really liked shopping that much like other shopaholic girls either! I knew better than wasting money on unnecessary extra things. I knew how things run around the world! I was never one of those daddy's little princess, who grew up in luxury all her life! I knew hardships just enough! Rikkard's constant attention is irritating the hell out of me if it his new way to punish me then he's definitely succeeding. but what confused me the most is.......for some reason he has been glaring at every salesman in ever shop we visited...... what has gotten into him today!? We have been walking around this huge ass mall for more than 1 hour! and he made me buy some dresses that I'd barely wear in future, i like jackets and skinny jeans not dresses and shoes as well, Thankfully i found what i was looking for which are mainly knitted easy to wear sweater dresses and combat boots! my most favourite among everything! and he went to men's showroom gave measurements for his custom made suits! Right now we are infront of a big shiny showroom......suddenly He just pulled me close and wrap his arm around my waist as we walked inside it only to be greeted by the sparkling sight of expensive jewellery! I'm actually confused! Is this the main reason he is here! To buy jewellery, for whom! He wanted opinions! that's why I'm here! But who is this mysterious HER, he doesn't have any girlfriend! or he does!? I never knew or saw that why he gave me that contract on the first day ? but then what about those kisses.....! that one thought was enough to make me feels like someone pulled the ground beneath my feet, as if someone was constantly pricking me with something sharp, poking my heart with hot iron poker.....i can't breath! No, Mayuree, stop thinking about it,....stop thinking at all, 3 years staying away from him didn’t bother you, you lived, Beside, you have had worse. So, take a deep breath and face whatever was infront of you! ------------ Narrator's POV "Hello, Mr. King!...what a surprise! what brought you here today" A middle aged Manager greeted Rikkard with a kind smile "Miles, are you! sorry for coming in a short notice!" Rikkard stated politely shaking his hand "Oh, that's fine, Is THIS your lady King ?" Manager whispered looking at her "Yes! She is!....few days ago I've ordered something......will you check if it's ready!?" Rikkard asked He actually liked that, his lady King indeed! He smirked "Sure...anything else!" Manager asked "Show us some your best collections" "Sure! Mr. King" Manager nodded and left from there Mayuree was too busy admiring the decore of the whole showroom, obviously she didn't hear their conversation, suddenly Rikkard came from behind and pulled her by waist and led to the counter where huge trays of different jeweleries like chokers, bracelets, chains, stud/chandelier earrings were displayed and salesmans waiting infront of each tray for them....... most likely for her as instructed..... Those jewels were breathtakingly gorgeous, best of the best.....her mouth dropped open, when suddenly he whispered behind her,......''Choose'' "What kind of jewellery SHE likes ?" She gave him a side eye and asked coldly ''I don't know....I didn't ask!'' He said and shrugged, knowing exactly where the conversation is going....but it was fun teasing her caterpillar is jealous.....he likes it! 'Then call her and ask her' She was getting irritated He nodded going in distance, dialed her number and her phone started ringing,.....she pulled it out and frowned and answered..."hello ?" ''Ok! what kind of jewellery you like Mrs. King ?'' His voice boomed from the other side.....she pulled it out of her ear to check the number.... "Umm.....who is it" "It's me, your husband.....Infuriating woman, you do not know my number ?" the fact that she didn’t even have her husband's number saved in her phone was the 8th wonder of the world! "Umm....well!.....I--- um" She didn't know what to say ''choose a ring first then anything you like'' He said ''choose Caterpillar.....or do you want me to buy the whole store!'' He threatened in hushed tone which was really ridiculous but it did got a reaction out of her, she started looking,..... "but I don't wear jewellery much!...i don't need anything" She whispered softly, tried to convince him ''So whole store it is then...manager!!'' He shrugged and turned to look for the manager "No! wait!....fine this one!" She said choosing a simple gold band with a tiny single sapphire stone encrusted ring ''It's practically invisible!.....that one!'' He furrowed at her chosen ring and showed her another one which at least 15-20 carat emarald cut diamond ring with platinum band "Its HUGE" She almost screeched, her eyes was about to pop out of it's socket ''that's the point of a Diamond Ring'' "But I've a wedding band! how about I'll wear that from now on, i promise! Let's go home, okay" She said, now she got it, that's why he was irritated in the morning. her ring ? ''No! That was too lame! You'll wear THIS one! shiny, sparkly, and noticable..... perfect for a King's Wife'' He shook his head and said with a arrogant smirk "all of a sudden, now you want everyone to notice me as a King's Wife ?" She said glaring at him ''Yes! I do!.....And don't worry, we'll take that one too, you can wear that at home but when we or You'll go'll wear this one'' He stated without feeling guilty again as if her glare had zero effect him on him, which made her blood boil even more. They left for home after they finished shopping, she wondered how much they spent, probably millions at least in one day! How much money this guy has! ''A LOT! are thinking how much money I've ?.....i make this kind of money every hour!'' He said without even looking at her "That was a waste of money, seriously! it was unnecessary....those dresses, i barely wear dresses and that massive diamond ring, who wears that! It's huge and chunky and flashy and -- " She was saying when he cut her off ''And it's Harry Winston! And most women would kill for it'' He said sarcastically, looking at her as if challenging her to say otherwise but she begrudgingly looked away So many women came in his life but he never met someone like her! Anyone else would have jumped at the opportunity of having those whole amount of jewelry all for herself.....and here she is! uninterested in shopping, branded bags and clothes, branded jewelries! She took only one actual dress which is a midnight blue gown he choose and other than that all she brought is knitted sweater dresses and some different combat boots which are beautiful and sturdy but nothing else ! where was she all his life! what does she likes, what interests her the most....He sighed thinking ''And I'd like to change a few things from now on as well,..... Yes! It's true that I didn't like being married all of a sudden.....3years ago But that doesn't mean i may not grow to like it at all' He said looking at her,....even the driver was looking at them through the mirror and listening their conversation with sudden interest while driving "whatever do you mean,..Mr.King!" She narrowed her eyes at him ''Rikkard,.....It's Rikkard! you'll call me by my name as i do and what i mean is I no longer wish to deprive myself of.......marital bliss!' He said while pulling that Harry Winston ring from it's box and put that on her ring finger. "It suits you well,.......just as i thought" He complimented looking at her ring finger with a gleam in his blue eyes........sparks of electricity passed through her as his hot breath touched her skin as he kissed her knuckles, sealing the deal. "Ok ?" She whispered blinking away her surprised look Even with her slight brown skin.....he noticed how her cheek flushed when she realized what he said....... He smirked! He was noticing her every facial expression everyday,...... Annoyance was very much visible, then innocence, and then all of a sudden calm and collected, He almost pounced on her when she moistened her plump lower lip before answering him. His perfect Lady!
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