Chapter 33 :: No place is home!

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few days ago....... at the dead of the night Mayuree entered Parrish house by the small backyard gate while the all the Guards were busy taking care of the Paparazzi. She entered the living area and witnessed how her ma, baba and her cousin Farhana was sitting there looking pale and sad..... "sisi" Mayuree whispered looking at Farhana Farhana turned and gasped loudly......and dashed towards her taking her into a bear hug. Her parents looked at her with shocked expression. " did ____ah! what is look so sick, so pale. o my god, have you not been eating or sleeping at all" "what are you doing here.....get out! we have already lost too much, now what, you want us to loose us our respect, our dignity as well ?" Alex parrish's voice boomed all around. Nobody came out.....she realised maybe maids left! "baba, please at least ____ "listen, they may not know that you are married to Rikkard King but we did introduced you as our daughter.......and because of that, because of you.... do have any idea what we are going through ? company's share went down, people cancelling business with us, they do not want to work with somebody who sheltered a terrorist......FBI will be starting inquiry soon on everything i and Richard worked for all these years......everything flies open infront of whole world.......because of you" "Baba I'm not re__i didn’t do anything, please........believe me just once!" "Get out,.....I'll confess that i lost my daughter years ago and you are not my own blood, i adopted you......" She stumbled back looking shocked "why are you still here, GET OUT" Alex parrish yelled making Mayuree jump...... "B-but" "No......go before i call the cops and inform them........i don't want them drag you out from here, i won't be able to......God knew what did you think of us but we believed that you were our lost daughter......" His voice broke at the end "Naina, i think it's time we make peace with the fact that our daughter is least that could be a little something! it would keep the Police away from here and buy our lawyer some time to think of something......" He gravely said with tear stricken face, a strangled sob escaped Naina parrish's throat and Farhana's lips trembled....but Mayuree went all still! She stepped away from them, then took a step back, then another and then another....... "Mayur" Farhana whispered brokenly "Don't....I'll go...I'm going don't worry......i won't give you any more trouble, promise" Mayuree muttered looking down "just......c-can i touch...uh t-touch your feet one last time Ma..." with that she hurriedly stepped forward and kneeled down infront of Naina parrish. Naina parrish's shoulder was shook from how hard she was crying...... Mayuree looked up at her ma's lovely face but Naina looked away! "Go.....never come back" Naina said in trembling voice stream of tears left her eyes after that......Everything was blur, God knows how she managed to get out there unnoticed and when did she reach the airport in disguise and how did she got past the security, how she reached New York Zahin's house......but when he saw her face only a sigh left his mouth! Present,.... Things have changed drastically in these few days after divorce....of course she couldn't go home, there is no home left for her now! Rikkard kicked her out, her family refused to take her in because they were so ashamed of her, they refused to believe her after they saw those pictures, Alexander disowned her and FBI seized her flat and not only that they searched the whole bloody apartment as if she's on spree, about to set fire the whole world So......dead end ? But ever wonder ? when something ends at some point...from right there something begins too. And, if there's nothing to lose then it's time to gain. Recently she broke into that apartment of her' find some evidence but found nothing as FBI already searched and swipe the whole there was hardly anything left untouched but fortunately they couldn't find place where she keeps all the emergency while Zahin was outside looking around her flat,.. She took all of her money for her little activity because last time she couldn’t. But as she was just about to exit her room something caught her eyes, something she didn’t notice last time she came here. She crouched down to pick it up. A piece of wire! though it was slightly different than the wire that was used in the bomb.....this one is was braided. oh, yes! Zahin tells her everything about investigation...... especially about the details about bomb,, she knew well. But what is this doing here ? How did it come here ? when ? She significantly paled becaused it could mean only one thing.......whoever framed her succesfully made another bomb......this time a different one. and maybe even already placed it somewhere again as well ? Where! Or, maybe not,..... maybe they are waiting for her, waiting for her to_____ Holy freaking shit..... it's true than she wasn’t supposed to find it out, after all she is on run,....... whoever planned this, he or she wanted her to be the fall guy, to take the blame, to make everyone believe that she really is the terrorist.....that's why he made another one right after she ran away. She decided not to run this time or panic, she knew what exactly she needed to do but she knew too well that she could not do it all alone. She left her flat with Zahin, he was continuously asking questions about what happened to her suddenly, or why she suddenly lost in thoughts......which she only answered in sarcasm ''you mean, other than my divorce and disownment ?'' "Err, no i__never mind....Let's go" He huffed and gave up, they started walking again. Yes!...she avoided his question there. She didn’t know if her assumptions are correct or not and she knew if she tells him what she was thinking and planning there, he would flip.... she needed him to clam down first to make her plan work and she most definitely was not going to disclose her plan on road.....who knows who else is listening them and she needed help. Only Zahin and Marianna isn't enough. Even Marianna is of no use now as she was suspended and in custody. She needed all her least one that knows her well enough to know that she is not the villain here but a victim. She needed Natalie and Kol. They didn’t know she was staying at Zahin's besides Kol is the only one who can distract his father and take charge of her investigation. Noah did say that he would help but she couldn't really rely on him.......he was in the hospital after all. So, after she gathered her friends, she told everyone what was about to happened and she wanted to do, safe to say Zahin really did flip but she convinced him and......handed herself over Yes! She surrendered herself! why ? Because that was exactly the terrorists wanted,....they needed her in middle of the spot light, but they would only execute their another bombing plan if she stays out on run, so the blame to fall on her for another bombing. but they can't now.....they have to hide the bomb now, which they are....she won't take blame, she is in custody! Now her friends can meet her, backs her up.....and she knew she can't lead them while being on run, they needed someone to lead them and who is better than Marianna, and FBI would not release her if Mayuree doesn't surrender. Beside who knows if she pleads maybe they would pay heed to her and help her friends to find the other bomb and save lives. but so far, no luck........even after FBI took her in in handcuffs, they didn't pay attention to any of her words at all, why would they! She is a terrorist after all who is lying to save herself and to spread panic. Marianna didn’t come to visit her, Zahin was no where to be found, Kallan kept Natalie busy as well and Kol vanished too......later she found out from a rookie office that Lionel O’Connor allowed no one to visit her except her appointed lawyer and everyone knew she had none. But.....she gotta hand it to Kol shepherd, he has always been a genius with technology......after somehow convincing his father to take over her case, he checked every single street security surveillance footage around streets of new york very patiently to find where she actually was,.....when the bombing incident happened. Turned out the cameras have been tampered with...... fortunately he found one in a corner of a street that was slightly hidden by tree leaves....where they caught glimpse of Mayuree, who was then actually on the way to Kallan's place, which was opposite direction from the Hospital, when suddenly a van stopped, some people in ski mask came out and grabbed her.... when she started struggling and fighting, they forcefully put something on her nose that rendered her unconscious, put her into a sack and then put her in the van and drove away from there...... hours before the bombing..... In those hours they must've drugged her enough to make her forget everything and then right before the explosion they left her near enough to the she could be spotted easily at the explosion site she remained unconscious until the very last moment..... If only that officer Norman considered doing a blood test on they may have found the traces of the drug that time. And now after they saw the footage.....they believed her! Well, if anything, at least it proved that she didn't do anything and had nothing to do with bombing, she was relieved.......for now But most important and nagging question is who dug her history and send them to her husband and family ? Why targeting only her ? why jeopardizing so many lives! why leaving all the evidences against her in different places ? What did she do to anyone ? who shot noah at her apartment ? who is behind the bombing ? who gained anything from killing those sick, innocent peoples ? who is the villain here ? ---------------
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